Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cytogenetics and Cancer Research

Cytogenetics and Cancer Research

Link to Cancer Research | Cytogenetics Cancer Research

Are You Doing All these Exercises Correctly?


So many people think “pfft, pushups are straightforward”. I know the right way to do a pushup.” Most folks are pretty convinced that they already know how to do things like squats, thrusts, lunges, running, etc. The truth is that there are plenty of very common exercises that people don’t do correctly. If you aren’t doing your workout correctly, you won’t lose any pounds and won’t see the results you’d like to see. It is very easy to get inflammed when you think that you are doing everything right and nothing happens, particularly when you find out that you’ve been doing things wrong all along. Here are a few typical exercise blunders people make and how you can avoid them. These are especially helpful if you do you work out routines at home. You realise that doing squats can be excellent for helping you firm your lower back, your backside, and your legs. But are you doing them properly? Most people think that the knees do all of the work in a squat. If you lead in your knees, however, it is possible to grind your joints together and not make the muscles in your hamstrings and glutes—the very same [...]

Are You Doing All these Exercises Correctly? is a post from: Cytogenetics and Cancer Research

Everyone Should Have Their Eyes Tested Regularly. Early Diagnosis Of A Problem Could Make A Huge Difference To Your Life


Generally, most people are fairly good at seeking medical help when they require it. Most of us will react by scheduling an appointment when we get a reminder indicating that we are due a check-up – possibly at the dentist, or for a review of regular medication, or for a check-up for a continuing medical condition. But it seems that less people are bothered about having regular eye tests, and in quite a few cases don’t consider that they require one. It is a fact of life that, no matter how good your general health is, over the decades your eyesight will become less effective. It is as much a symptom of getting older as grey hair, the appearance of wrinkles and the areas of the body that start to sag a bit. So being the vain creatures that we are, we can opt to dye our hair, apply anti-wrinkle creams, opt for botox or get a plastic surgeon to nip or tuck the bits of us that no longer defy gravity. But we don’t rush to get our eyes tested if things we look at suddenly aren’t quite as crisp as we would like them to be. Instead we [...]

Everyone Should Have Their Eyes Tested Regularly. Early Diagnosis Of A Problem Could Make A Huge Difference To Your Life is a post from: Cytogenetics and Cancer Research

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