Thursday, May 13, 2010

Open Letter by Dr Rima Laibow

To: Patriots, Libertarians, Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, Tea Party Members, Coffee Party Members, Republicans, Democrats, Health Freedom Advocates and All Other Lovers of Freedom:
The Natural Solutions Foundation, the largest health freedom organization in the world, wants to invite you, and everyone within your circle of influence, to join us in promulgating and promoting an urgently needed Amendment to the Constitution of These United States to ensure and protect, now and for the duration of the Republic, the right of each individual to make his/her own health choices unencumbered or circumscribed by corporate or state interference.
We are facing a suppression of our sovereignty over our own bodies. We are subject to mandated vaccinations when vaccination has never been rigorously tested or shown
to prevent to to cure a single disease, but is well documented to induce massive multi system damage.
We are facing mandatory drugging with untested, unproven and demonstrably toxic psychiatric and cancer chemotherapy drugs for ourselves and our children despite the lack of safety, science or constitutionality of such assaults.
We are facing invasive governmental agencies who, instead of regulating dangerous industries, derive the income from them and oppress the economically challenging options which we, the People, seek for our own health maintenance and recover, turning safe, effective therapies into illegal substances and devices.
We are facing oppressive and punitive government assaults and abuses of power in which safe and effective devices are seized, and their purveyors jailed, healing modalities and products are arbitrarily deemed "untested drugs and devices" when use for personal health strategies that do not pour profits into the pockets of the multinational drug and industrial food interests.
We are facing degraded food whose toxic and dangerous nature, both chemically and genetically, is kept hidden from us as an industrial secret so that we, as consumers,
cannot make health conscious choices about our food and that of our children.
We are facing a regulatory system so abusive that natural substances, although unpatentable, can be withdrawn from the market if a drug company expresses interest in
future exploitation of that nutrient as a possible drug.
We are encountering extra-legal and absurdly arbitrary and capricious re-definitions of nutrients as unlicensed, and therefore illegal, drugs if so much as a single scientific study has ever looked at the substance for any purpose or if no scientific study has ever looked at the substance for any purpose.
We are looking at the "HARMonization" of US regulatory standards and guidelines with international bodies in direct violation of US law and regulatory practice.
We are experiencing the selective enforcement of gag rules on truthful scientific speech to limit access to health benefits consumers might reasonably expect from natural substances and helpful devices.
The Natural Solutions Foundation knows that our time is short before we are facing the total criminalization and elimination of all meaningful autonomy over our own bodies and those of our children since the process of domination of our health choices by the State is accelerating rapidly. We believe that we have a last opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and dominion over our bodies by a Constitutional Amendment which reads:

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