Fraud always operates under the color of law. Look for fraud anywhere. You will find it in government, in politics, in religion, in money and finance and absolutely in organized medicine. Being alert for fraud is not paranoia but survival.
Fraud and deceit has carried teeming millions to an early grave. Just think of the millions of young boys and men who have died in phony wars camouflaged with propaganda.
And just think of the millions who have suffered a living hell and then were sent to an early grave at the hands of “orthodox medicine.”
Yes, orthodox or organized medicine has the prettiest face of all and is almost untouchable. In fact, organized medicine, which should be called “organized promotion of sickness and death,” persecutes and prosecutes truth in healing with all the police power of government.
Orthodox medicine is modern medicine that promotes “treatment” but denies healing.
Money is in treating but never in curing. So-called “medical research” is hunting but never finding. This is the cloak of modern medicine.
We succumb to this deception and fraud because we are too trusting and too lazy to question establishment medicine. The price is high.
In this instance, we have on our mind the millions of men, dead and alive, who have been victims of what Dr. David Williams calls “The Billion-Dollar Scam.” Dr. Williams, in his June 2009 Alternatives health newsletter, called vivid attention to the prostate cancer scam which is actually an industry under the color of conventional and orthodox medicine, sanctioned by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the force of law.
Yes, the force of law. Just try an alternative cure and see what happens to you.
Whereas Nazism was a crude and aggressive physical force draped in symbols (Swastika and SS) and iron discipline, modern fascism poses as a “constitutional democracy” that is a totalitarian state as much as Germany’s National Socialism. The difference is that modern so-called democracy pretends to be guided by the rule of law. International gangsterism is concealed beneath a benevolent aura of totalitarianism.
Things that are equal to each other are equal to the same thing. Evil is evil, no matter the pretense. Does it matter by what name we call the death of human liberty?
Dr. Williams calls prostate treatment “The Billion-Dollar Scam.” It is indeed.
The pattern of American conventional medicine is to use “diagnostic tests” to loop the unsuspecting public into the esoteric “medical treatment.” The average doctor is drunk on the propaganda of the pharmaceutical system and he follows the “test” protocol dutifully and blindly.
In men’s prostate health the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test is the gold standard and the public has committed the “PSA test” to memory. It has “evolved” that a high PSA test equals prostate cancer.
The high PSA leads most men straight to biopsies and straight to the operating table and straight to incontinence and impotence. It has happened millions of times and will happen millions more. It is an industry of fraud feeding on public ignorance.
I had a prostate examination once. The doctor said that I was fine. In a day or two, he called me himself to tell me that I needed a biopsy. I asked “Why, did you find something?”
He answered, “No, but you need a biopsy and I will connect you with my secretary for an appointment.” I hung up the phone. I am still living some 20 years later without the biopsy and without prostate cancer.
Well, the biopsy or the prostate operation can cause a dormant cancer to spread through the rest of the body. This will almost guarantee that you will expire as another cancer statistic. And it will guarantee thousands of dollars for your doctor and the medical establishment. You will have volunteered your body for the cancer industry.
Dr. Williams says that a high PSA reading does not indicate cancer. Instead it indicates that something is going on to inflame the prostate. That something could indeed be cancer, but it is much more likely that a high reading is due to a recent infection or a completely benign enlargement of the prostate gland.
The literature claims that many or most men age 50 and older have dormant prostate cancer and that most never become active.
Be as active as possible. At least walk as much as possible. But in my view nutrition is basic to prostate health. Zinc, selenium and lycopene (found in cooked tomatoes) are very important minerals. A handful of pumpkin seeds daily is basic. I read about pumpkin seed for the prostate 30 years ago in Prevention magazine. I rely on products from to protect myself
Also fatty acids——are reliable for prostate support.
Some of this prostate information was published in the June 2009 issue of Alternativesnewsletter by Dr. David Williams. You can purchase a subscription for $69.99 per year by contacting Mountain Home Publishing at 7811 Montrose Road, Potomac, MD 20854.
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