Friday, May 7, 2010

Deadly Aspartame

I don't know of anything in the world that is as deadly as aspartame you put in your mouth, and it is genetically engineered.  It's an addictive, excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug and adjuvant, that damages the mitochondria and interacts with drugs and vaccines.
Genetic engineering of food is an abomination.  HFCS is too.  But as Dr. Deagle says, "aspartame is more dangerous than depleted uranium because of its ubiquitous use in food".  It ravages every organ in the body, and destroys the central nervous system, the brain, the optic nerve and the immune system.  It damages the cardiac conduction system and causes sudden death and the formaldehyde embalms living tissue  and damages DNA. When you destroy DNA you can destroy humanity.
On genetical engineering of aspartame, Dr. Deagle said:
[WNHO-Aspartame-Information] Aspartame's really Deadly Cousin, HFCS, a GMO
"Most people when asked how Aspartame is made do not have the first step of understanding. While an E.R. doctor and primary care physician in Augusta, GA in 1987 and 1988, I was told a number of interesting facts about the adjacent Aspartame factory. Bacteria with genes inserted generate a sludge which is centrifuged to remove the aspartame and many hundreds of contaminant organic and amino acids are present. We were told not to report illness or worker's compensation issues for fear of being fired by the hospital, now the Augusta Regional Medical Center. Many of their employees presented with psychiatric, neuropathy conditions, chronic fatigue and organic cases of loss of cognitive function. This powder from the dried sludge was then transported for packaging in factories elsewhere in the US, before sale as Equal and now the myriad of names of this neurotoxin." Bill Deagle, M.D., "
There are new people on this list in my absence so here are the resources that verify it, medical texts, and the story of how Rumsfeld got it on the market after the FDA tried to have G. D. Searle indicted for fraud and revoked the petition for approval.  There is also detox information for those who are victims.
Having just returned from a trip to many countries I can tell you "aspartame is poison" is on the lips of people wherever you go, even in countries you wouldn't think.  No wonder they changed the name to AminoSweet, but they are not going to get away from it.
All my best,

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