Sunday, February 6, 2011

Asbestos - A Most Deadly Material

By John Roney

If you have been exposed to asbestos it can certainly be some trouble, and you should quickly learn of some ways of how to treat exposure to asbestos, as it can be deadly. One of the challenging facts about asbestos exposure is that the symptoms may not manifest themselves for some amount of time, which may even be years from the date of original exposure.

The health concerns of asbestos include also asbestosis, which is the precursor to mesothelioma. These two conditions are created by the presence of asbestos fibers in the human lungs. These are tiny, microscopic particles that break off from a piece of asbestos and can them be inhaled into the lungs. Once they have been taking into the lungs, there is no real way of getting them out. And like any foreign substance put into the human system and left there for long periods of time, there is likely to be fallout and health consequences.

Mesothelioma is most likely going to be the result of prolonged asbestos exposure. The fibers from asbestos are mostly invisible and so the damage is being done without awareness in most cases. Since the fibers will only remain in the lungs, the condition may start forming in as little as a few months. However, since it is sometimes a slowly-developing disease and condition, the effects might take as long as a few years to surface and for symptoms to start appearing.

If you feel like you have been exposed to asbestos, you must do whatever you can do try and get to the doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will know what to do and will most likely begin by performing a chest x-ray which will scan for the asbestos fibers. These fibers in the lungs can be seen, as can inflammation be seen in an x-ray of the chest cavity. Do not delay in going to the doctor. All the time you can put on your side is a good thing.

If you feel like the asbestos exposure may have been the result of a company you worked for, or a company that had done something negligent with their safety practices, then you should also look to an asbestos attorney for more information as well. They can be a great resource for you for locating good treatment doctors as well since they have extended networks of contacts related to mesothelioma. If there has been a company that has put you at risk, there may be many means of extracting a settlement from them, which your mesothelioma attorney can talk with you about. Do not wait and do not delay. Talk with a doctor and mesothelioma attorney without any further delay.

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