Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mesothelioma Peritoneal Treatment

Peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare form of asbestos cancer that is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat, and which in most cases, leads to death. 

People diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma usually first see their doctor with a symptom for abdominal swelling. There are another possibility caused of abdominal swelling besides peritoneal mesothelioma, such as cirrhosis of the liver. It can take some time and a battery of medical tests to correctly identify peritoneal mesothelioma

Once the peritoneal mesothelioma is correctly diagnosed, it is difficult to predict how aggressive it will be in an individual patient, because this variant of mesothelioma has shown a wide spectrum of behavior. A patient may have recurring and severe bouts of lower abdominal pain, or not. The cancer could also metastasize from the peritoneum to lymph nodes. 

A peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosis is difficult at best. After confirming a history of asbestos exposure the doctor will run numerous tests to confirm or deny the suspicion of peritoneal mesothelioma. The first of these tests usually involve imaging of the suspected site. Traditional x-rays can be used to check the abdominal cavity for suspicious growths but MRIs and CT scans will offer a more detailed view.

Localized treatments treat only the original cancer site by either surgery or radiotherapy. When peritoneal mesothelioma is detected early on,  a peritonectomy surgery would help. However, the symptoms are usually detected only in the most advanced stages because of the gradual development of symptoms. Complete removal of the caner through surgery is doubtful even in the earliest stages of the disease. The first 30 days following surgery are crucial. Unfortunately, the post surgery death rate for this operation is very high. Many patients do not make it through the procedure. With this in mind, many medical centers do not choose surgery as a viable treatment option plan at this time.

When the cancer is still localized at its point of origin, doctor may will undergo regional chemotherapy . This option treatment is employed in both early and late stages of the disease using anti-cancer drugs. The drugs are injected directly into the abdomen. Patients undergo weekly or biweekly treatments depending upon the specific drugs used.

A second type of treatment known as systemic treatments are used when the cancer has metastasized. Systematic treatments are implemented in either earlier stages or late stages of peritoneal mesothelioma.

Since peritoneal mesothelioma often remains dormant for years, the cancer is usually detected in its end stages. At this point patients are too ill to handle intensive chemotherapy. Doctors choose non-aggressive palliative care treatments at this time. Treatment goals are concentrated on remedying pain, discomfort and weight loss rather than attacking the disease head on. One type of pain common in the late states of this disease is caused by fluid buildup inside the abdomen. Doctors will attempt to reduce the pain and discomfort by draining the excess fluid through a procedure called abdominal paracentesis.


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