What gift says “I love you” better than a poke in the arm and the possibility of seizures and neurological damage? That must be the thinking behind the Walgreens marketing team as the store introduces a flu shot gift card.
That’s right, just in time for the coming fall flu scare, Walgreens is selling $29.99 gift cards so you can give your favorite loved one the gift of a flu shot — the same shot that causes convulsions and wonderful, heartfelt diseases like Guillain-Barré Syndrome and protects you from… nothing.
Last year the World Health Organization teamed up with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and governments around the world to cook up a global health pandemic and called it swine flu. The populace was ginned up over the possibility of hundreds of thousands of deaths and worldwide catastrophe like you’d find in a Stephen King novel.
And all the while those advising the WHO and CDC were laughing all the way to the bank as their paymasters — Big Pharma — raked in billions of government-sponsored largess and rewarded them handsomely.
Meanwhile, those who bought into the scaremongering convulsed and suffered.
Don’t buy into the hype. Flu vaccines contain harmful agents and DNA fragments and “protect” you from last year’s flu, as they’re made before the next season’s flu outbreak strikes. They are strictly a Big Pharma boondoggle aimed at taking your money — either directly from your pocket or through your government — and making you sick.
If you want to protect yourself from colds and flu, the best thing you can do is take Vitamin D supplements, according to NaturalNews.com.
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