Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom™
August 11, 2010
Congratulations to Us!

Roger Mason's Uber Cartel vs. Peasants of the Dawn
A music video setting Dr. Rima's "March of the Uber Cartel" to music.
Congratulations, Rodger! Your prize of $1000 worth of products at the Organics 4 You Virtual Mall,
Together We Are Achieving Results From Our Push Back:
1. WHO Declares End to Phony Level 6 H1N1
Influenza "Pandemic"
On August 10, 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee and the WHO Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, declared an end to the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic.
Chan absurdly declared "This declaration was based on strong indications that influenza, worldwide, is transitioning toward seasonal patterns of transmission. WHO ended its declared state of Level 6 Pandemic Emergency." once again exposing the total absurdity of this "Pandemic".
Wholesale rejection of the proffered swine flu shot (and regular flu shots as well) resulted in the lightest flu season since modern flu shots were introduced in the 1950's and gained wide spread acceptance.
HOWEVER, although the danger was never from the genetically engineered H1N1 Swine Flu itself, the vaccines are potentially very serious health threats. Thus, the US Government's perverse and illogical policy of including the H1N1 virus in ALL approved 2010 seasonal flu vaccines is both absurd and dangerous.
Here is what the Department of Health and Human Services announcement says: "There are no changes for the United States in terms of CDC's recommendations for the upcoming influenza season and the United States is already proceeding with the understanding that the 2009 H1N1 virus is now part of seasonal influenza virus circulation." Thus, although the pandemic fizzled and the vaccines are both dangerous and unnecessary, killing "more people than expected" in Canada and causing "more seizures than expected" in Australia, the US Government plans to poison as many people as possible with a marketing strategy for chronic disease, saying,
"The first and most important step in protecting against the flu is to get a flu vaccine each season.
The U.S. 2010-2011 influenza vaccine will protect against an H3N2 virus, an influenza B virus, and the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus that caused the first global pandemic in more than 40 years and resulted in substantial illness, hospitalizations and deaths. In the United States, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recently recommended that everyone 6 months of age and older be vaccinated against influenza each season. Pregnant women, young children, and anyone with underlying health conditions like asthma, diabetes and neuromuscular diseases are at especially high risk for influenza-related complications and, therefore, should be vaccinated as soon as vaccine becomes available."The Natural Solutions Foundation's "Stop the Shot" lawsuit against the FDA to prevent the deployment of influenza vaccines which have never been shown to be either safe or effective continues. Please click here,, to make your donation to support this vital health freedom action and here,, to tell decision makers that you are free, and will continue to be free, to refuse vaccines if you so choose for yourself and your family.
2. CDC: No Mandatory Flu Shots for HealthCare Workers
CDC did an abrupt about face and announced that it would not endorse mandatory influenza vaccination for healthcare workers."The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on June 22, 2010 that it would not endorse mandatory influenza vaccination for healthcare workers.
"The CDC now recommends (surgical) face masks instead of the N-95 respirators for healthcare workers during all contact with influenza patients. This represents a welcome change in CDC policy and follows the same recommendation previously made by the Association of Professionals in Infection Control, the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America."
This is a stunning reversal of previous intent by the CDC and is a direct result of our vigorous and continued push back, giving the totalitarian (and scientifically unfounded) public "health" concept of mandatory vaccination to provide "Herd Immunity" a serious setback.
3. CA. Almond Growers Win Right to APPEAL Federal Mandatory Contamination Regulation
California almond growers have been devastated by a US Department of Agriculture regulation that their raw almonds, organic or not, must be fumigated with steam heat or with a toxic chemical before they could be sold. Raw US-grown almonds have been unavailable for three years because of this anti-food, anti-sense, anti-health freedom regulation. Almond growers were not even permitted to take the court ruling which destroyed their industry to an appeals court because of a court ruling stripping them of that right.
Now, however, after a federal appeals court overturned that lower court decision, the Almond growers have the right to seek an appeal of this regulation.
The reason for the fumigation requirement illustrates another point: it is industrial farming, not small, organic, local farming, that poses threat after threat to our food supply, yet draconian measures harm those small, safe farmers and their livelihoods and further weaken our food supply, our health and our status as free men and women living in a free society.
According to the Cornucopia Society, "The USDA and the Almond Board of California imposed the treatment scheme to minimize the risk of salmonella contamination outbreaks like those that had occurred with almonds in 2001 and 2004. USDA investigators were never able to determine how salmonella bacteria somehow contaminated the raw almonds that caused the food illnesses but they were able to trace back one of the outbreaks, in part, to the country's largest "factory farm," growing almonds and pistachios on over 9000 acres.
Family-scale growers have argued that the onerous and expensive mandated treatment regime is only needed by the giant industrial producers, who have less control over the quality of their nuts, and has hurt their market because of consumer resistance."
Family-scale growers have argued that the onerous and expensive mandated treatment regime is only needed by the giant industrial producers, who have less control over the quality of their nuts, and has hurt their market because of consumer resistance."
4. Food Fascism Bill, S. 510, NOT Voted Upon Prior to Congressional Recess, Now Less Likely to Pass - We Still Need to Keep The Pressure On
November, 2009, looked like the end of the road for health freedom and healthy food. Giant industrial segments of the Uber-Cartel had set their sights on eliminating, once and for all, local, clean, unadulterated and organic food growing while bringing Codex into full effect in the US. After passing HR 1279, the House version of this horrific bill, the Senate took up the matter of this bill.
And it seemed that there was simply too much power for us, who are, as the past president of BP called us, "the little people" to push back this onslaught of dedicated might, money and power. But that is exactly what we "little people" have done.
First, we made it so politically uncomfortable for members of the Senate that they could not openly take up the Uber-Cartel's cause. And then we kept on pushing them back with our emails - 150,000 of them in one weekend after which Senator Harkin said that the Bill would not be voted upon because the Senate has received "a few" emails over that weekend. And we kept on pushing, helped along by our friend, the long time Washington lobbyist and insider. From him we learned that the end of the Senate session before August recess was the most dangerous time for us. If they could get away with it, the Senate would pass S. 510 by "unanimous consent" as if the bill were totally uncontroversial. He also told us that if we could pressure the bill off the voting schedule, it was unlikely that we would have another battle to pass this bill in the fall when Congress reconvenes.
We, collectively, took his advice and the bill never came to a vote. In the autumn, we have to make sure that the same kind of pressure yields the same results: NO food fascism!
The dreadful, expensive, dangerous and highly intrusive National Animal Identification System (NAIS) was scrapped AFTER Congress approved it. Chipping every animal in the US with an electronic marker - chips, that is, that are known to cause cancer, was dropped - but not for good. Now the NAIS specter is stalking us once again.
Here is what the US Government says it wants:
"The USDA's new proposal was developed by a "Regulatory Working Group" (RWG) made up of five state vets and five tribal representatives. The proposal includes four performance standards, which set how quickly States and Tribes must be able to perform four activities:
1. The State where the animal is located must notify the State or Tribe where the animal of interest was originally identified: 95% within 1 business day2. The State or Tribe where the animal of interest was officially identified must identify the "traceability unit" in which the animal was identified: 75% within 5 business days, with a later phase requiring 95% within 2 business days
3. The State where the animal is located must notify the State or Tribe from which the animal was last shipped: 95% within 7 business days, with a later phase requiring 95% within 3 business days
4. The State from which the animal was last shipped must identify the "traceability unit" from which the animal was shipped: 75% within 5 business days, with a later phase requiring 95% within 2 business days."
Think about the burden this reporting will place on small farmers and your food. Now ask yourself how very different chipping a cow or a dog or a human being will be once the globalist Uber Cartel get's the first chipping accomplished and has overcome public resistance, who's next? Why, of course YOU are!
Once again, it is our pushback that will keep this intrusion out of our lives and the bodies of our animals. Click this link to learn more and find out what you can do to tell the USDA in no uncertain terms that you do not want to have your animals - or yourselves - chipped.
5. Big Pharma Corruption Finally Under US Government Scrutiny
US Probes Corruption in Big Pharma
US Probes Corruption in Big Pharma
This development could not have taken place without you and your push back. Will this probe be quashed or diverted? Possibly. But its very existence tells us that the tide of Big Pharma running the world its way may be changing! This signals to us, the Health Freedom forces, that our continued pressure and resistence is essential. Here's the story reported by Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington. DC.
The US Department of Justice is scrutinising payments by leading pharmaceuticals companies for hospitality, consultants, licensing agreements and charitable donations in markets around the world as part of a wide-ranging corruption probe.
GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Eli Lilly, among others, have disclosed being contacted by the DoJ and Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with the investigation. Merck, the US drugs group, announced last week that it had also been contacted and was cooperating with investigators.
An industry attorney familiar with the probe said that the DoJ was looking at whether pharma companies had ignored a "systematic risk" inherent in the global drugs business and ignored obligations under local and US anti-bribery law.
The highly regulated nature of the business, combined with the fact that healthcare officials in many non-US markets were government funded, made the industry a natural target for such a probe, the person added.
The investigation is at a relatively early stage but is considered a priority for the DoJ. While hospitality - including meals and all expense-paid travel for conferences - has long been considered a potential risk for pharma groups, the DoJ's probe is looking at all aspects of companies' dealings in non-US markets, people familiar with the matter say. That includes the recruitment of physicians for clinical trials. In some markets, the same physicians may serve on regulatory boards that approve or deny drugs.
The DoJ declined to comment. But last November, Lanny Breuer, head of the DoJ's criminal division, announced that investigators would be focusing on international corruption in the pharmaceuticals industry for "years".
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