Sunday, August 22, 2010

Obama Approval Rating Revisits Rock Bottom Despite Positive Media Spin

Rasmussen poll suggests Democrats face trouncing in midterms unless they can engineer a political stunt to rescue Obama’s credibility
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Despite positive corporate media spin amidst a cacophony of criticism from both sides of the political spectrum, Barack Obama’s approval rating matched its record low today according to Rasmussen Reports.
Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll numbers indicate that Obama’s approval index rating has now revisited a low of -22, the weakest level recorded for this President.
This low has been matched despite generally positive media spin in favor of Obama over the last week, even in the face of vociferous criticism even from his own liberal supporters.
“The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that media coverage of President Obama has been 55% positive over the past week. Coverage of the president has become significantly more positive over the past week,” states the report.
The fact that Obama’s approval rating has revisited its all time low in spite of positive media coverage is undoubtedly a consequence of his wife Michelle’s luxurious Spanish holiday, the lavishness of which has been shoved down Americans’ throats even as they labor under a worsening jobs picture and the onset of a double-dip recession and even a depression according to some analysts.
In addition, Obama has come under fire from people on the left over a multitude of issues, including his expansion of the Bush-era wars and his failure to close Guantanamo Bay or end warrantless secret spying on American citizens.
White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’ public meltdown in calling leftists “crazy” and saying they ought to be “drug tested” for criticizing Obama has further ruptured Obama’s support on the left and led to people like Michael Moore and Keith Olbermann vehemently chastising Gibbs’s conduct.
With Obama’s support in free fall, the threat of an engineered political stunt, a staged terror attack, or even a war with Iran has never been greater, and the only way Democrats can hope to avoid a complete trouncing during the midterms and rescue Obama’s credibility is to exploit one of these three potential scenarios.

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