Dear fellow American
He's at it again.I’ve told you to beware of an Obama sneak attack, and here it comes.
In the face a tough election year, Barack Obama and the anti-gunners are willing to do ANYTHING to infringe upon your right to keep and bear arms.
Right now, Barack Obama has teamed up with liberal special interest groups to use the un-elected bureaucrats in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban all traditional forms of ammunition.
That’s right, Obama and his cronies are trying to ban ALL your ammo.
By using the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976, they want to ban all hunting, target and self-defense ammo that contains lead, no matter how little.
Make no mistake -- this is gun control at its worst.
Since your actions have stopped their plans to pass ammo and gun bans so far in congress, they're using the old end-run.
Obama and his anti-gun cronies in the EPA know that by banning all but the most expensive ammo, they’ve effectively banned your guns in all but name.
And they’ve certainly destroyed the red-blooded American past time of just plain shooting.
To make matters worse, the anti-gunners are hoping to sneak this attack on our Second Amendment Rights through as a bureaucratic rule change.
They know that when they introduce gun control as legislation that gun owners like you and I have tremendous grassroots power.
The anti-gun lobby knows that is you keep the heat on congress most members of Congress will be afraid of angering gun owners so close to an election.
So they’re simply bypassing the democratic, legislative process all together by counting on bureaucrats in the EPA to do their anti-gun dirty work.
Think this doesn’t apply to you? Think again.
The goal of this rule change is simple: drive the price of ammo through the roof for all but law enforcement and the military.
Virtually all hunting, target and self-defense ammo has some lead components.
They’re trying to disarm us one bullet at a time.
But here’s where our opportunity comes: The EPA has opened up a public comment period on this proposed attack on our right to keep and bear arms.
And I want you to join with me in making them rue the day they opened up this can of worms.
I want federal staff members –- who are required by law to seek “public input” into this regulatory change –- to receive an avalanche of “public input” on this issue.
But comments to the Obam-crats at the EPA are not likely to make much difference. After all, they are not up for re-elections.
That's why I am going to take a copy of every single petition and deliver it to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid with a simple message...
If the EPA ban ammunition, gun owners will hold Pelosi, Reid and their Democrat majorities 100% responsible for doing nothing to stop it.
Seriously. I want this to go down in the history books right next to dumping tea in Boston harbor as a moment of public protest over unjust and outrageous government overstepping of authority.
Please take a moment to make your voice heard by the bureaucrats at the EPA... and be a part of this epic battle to save our firearms rights.
Click here to sign the National Association for Gun Rights “Stop Barack’s Bullet Ban” petition against this outrageous sneak attack on our rights.
My staff and I at the National Association for Gun Rights will compile your petitions for public comment and forward them to the EPA as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
Once you’ve signed the petition, please consider making a contribution to help the National Association for Gun Rights. $25, $10 or even $5 can help us build our war chest to fight this outrageous battle.
Gun owners like you and me must make our voices heard. The anti-gun special interest groups are trying to ban all hunting, target and self-defense ammo that contains even trace elements of lead.
I know it’s hard to believe, but the anti-gunners in D.C. think they’ve found the perfect way to violate your rights and avoid the tough legislative battles they would need to pass this as a bill.
They’re bypassing the legislative process so that they can achieve their two most important goals: banning guns and protecting their puppet politicians’ reelections.
I’ll be honest: backroom deals and midnight bureaucratic rule changes like this are hard to fight.
Unelected bureaucrats aren’t susceptible to the same kind of grassroots pressure that elected members of Congress are.
But if Pelosi and Reid figure out gun owners will turn on their Democrat majorities in mass, you can bet they will light up the White House phones with demands the EPA back down.
Or they could even do the right thing -- don't bet on it -- and pass emergency legislation to strip the EPA of all power to regulate guns and ammo.
That’s why it’s so important that you click here to sign our petition, RIGHT NOW.
The only way we can stop this ban on all traditional ammo is by making our voices heard LOUD AND CLEAR.
By clicking here, you’ll be making your voice heard not only to the EPA, but also to the Congressional leadership, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
My staff will complete and deliver these petitions to maximize their affect.
Unfortunately, we don’t have much time. Federal agencies like the EPA don’t really want to hear from you and me. They’re required by law to accept comments, but they won’t take them a day longer than they’re required.
That’s why it is so important that you click here and sign the National Association for Gun Rights “Stop Barack’s Bullet Ban” petition to the EPA, Senator Harry Reid and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
Once you’ve signed the petition, please chip in $5 or $10 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight the EPA.
Your immediate action is vital to our success. We cannot allow un-elected bureaucrats in the EPA to ban all hunting, target and self-defense ammo which contains even trace elements of lead.
For liberty,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
They’re trying to use a bureaucratic end-run to bypass the legislative process and ban ammo without a single member of Congress casting a single vote.
Click here to sign the National Association for Gun Rights “Stop Barack’s Bullet Ban” petition to the EPA, Senator Harry Reid and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
Once you’ve signed the petition, please chip in $5 or $10 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight the EPA.
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