Friday, October 15, 2010

What is in the Flu Vaccine that Can Cause Infertility?

GlaxoSmithKline's Fluarix swine flu vaccine, among others, contains Polysorbate 80, also known as Tween 80.

A study done in Slovakia on female rats found that when newborn rats were injected with the substance within a week of birth, they developed damage to the vagina and uterine lining, hormonal changes, ovarian deformities and infertility.

The package insert for Fluarix mentions that the manufacturer cannot guarantee your fertility will be unharmed. Further, if your fertility is compromised, recently passed laws protecting vaccine makers will prevent you from holding GlaxoSmithKline responsible.
From the Organic Health article:
"Would you feel comfortable being injected with a vaccine that contains a substance that has been strongly linked to infertility?
Well, if you take the Fluarix swine flu vaccine manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline or any of the other swine flu vaccines that contain Polysorbate 80, that is exactly what you will be doing. If you are considering getting the swine flu vaccine, or any other vaccine for that matter, perhaps you should educate yourself about EXACTLY what is in these vaccines before you allow them to be injected into your body."
In related news, Australian health officials were aware of severe and unusual side effects with the flu vaccine three weeks before they made the data public, and now experts are demanding for a better national surveillance plan.

It took over three months to clearly identify CSL's Fluvax vaccine as the likely culprit of an outbreak of convulsions (called febrile seizures) among recently vaccinated infants.

Ultimately, at least 100 reports of febrile seizures were received, but the slow response and delays in official responses from state and federal governments were just not acceptable, the experts say and the public not only wants some answers, but a change in the way vaccine adverse events are reported.


  The Sydney Morning Herald September 22, 2010

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