Monday, June 28, 2010

Grass Roots Gag Order

Fellow Patriots,

There is a movement underway right now to clamp down on our free-speech rights in way we previously couldn't imagine.

I'm not kidding, this piece of legislation will have you spitting your drink... so sit back, swallow any fluids, and brace yourself for this rest of this email.

The Disclose Act is its actual name, but we're going to refer to it as what it really is, the Grassroots Gag Order.

Dave Poff wrote a great column explaining what the Grassroots Gag Order is and why you should care. I highly recommend you read it and share the link with as many people as you can.

Let me start with the following paragraph.

This is outrageous. But it is instructive as well. We can no longer engage in discussions about candidates and their campaigns and their policy positions during the period 90 days prior to their primary/caucus/conventions and running all the way through the November election. In the case of President and Vice President it’s 120 days. Not only are we not allowed to speak…we’re not allowed to speak during the WHOLE of the campaign and election cycle when people are actually paying attention enough to consider whether they’ll even bother going to the polls! Democrats have the most to gain here…it is the Democrat party “we, the People” mean to teach a lesson to in 2010, and they’re trying to fend off the revolt that’s already being amassed against them before it’s too late.

Then, we move on to the real kicker. Large, well funded organizations with 500,000 members or more are in some magical way exempt from the law.

This bill will allow big organizations to continue donating big dollars to Politicians, so long as their membership is over 500,000 strong, they have at least one member residing in every state, and they meet certain tax-exempt criteria. It also prevents large dollars from being donated by individuals and small groups and… in my opinion worst of all…it extends to 90 days prior to an election all the limitations to free speech we were guaranteed in the Constitution would never be abridged…

In other words... MoveOn.Org, Media Matters, Organizing for America and all of their ilk are free to do as they please. But you and I... the grassroots activists, are sealed and backed into a corner.
The Grassroots Gag Order has passed the lower house and may be headed to the Senate next week. Our problem is that not many people know about it, and we MUST get the word out!

I hope you'll spread this message far and wide, and be ready for any other action alerts we send out about this bill!

For Liberty,

-Eric Odom

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