Thursday, June 17, 2010

Continue the Offensive Litigation and Legal Actions Against Compromised, Corrupt and Dangerous Federal Agencies (like FDA, EPA, CDC, etc.)

And now two self-proclaimed friends of supplements, Senators Harkin and Hatch have introduced a new bill increasing FDA funding! That's right!  Their idea?  Give the FDA MORE power to abuse.

This after a record 23% increase in FDA funding last year! We kid you not. This next-in-line bad bill is called the Dietary Supplement Full Implementation and Enforcement Act of 2010 and even "natural products" business groups are supporting it! See: -- we suspect there is some strategy in play here where our friends think that they can stave off harsher regulation by offering their own bill - assuming that they are still our friends, that is. We respectfully disagree. Unbridled Power is never decreased by authorizing more tax funds!

Just in case the FDA strikes you as a bunch of good guys, recall that we are suing them in
1. The Stop the Shot Case to prevent the deployment of ALL influenza vaccines
2. The Ear Candling Case to prevent giving the FDA a precedent to simply kill any and all natural health strategies and the Natural Solutions Foundation is considering becoming involved in several more.   To support our court actions to restore and safeguard our health and freedom, please make a donation at  And thanks, in advance!
3. Inform the Public and Create the Pressure to Make Push Back Our Most Effective Tool to Protect and Defend Health Freedom Defeat S. 510, the Fake Food Safety Bill NOW! We've pushed this bill to "the back burner" through our advocacy.  You know how close the front burner on your stove is to the back burner, though.  As soon as we let up on the pressure, the Senate WILL do Monsanto's bidding and pass this very bad bill to industrialize the entire US food supply.

Protect your right to know the truth about the relationship between food, supplements, the most heavily regulated foods in the world, and health from unconstitutional and illegal FDA censorship to protect the bills before Congress which protect our health freedom of speech and to demand a Health Freedom Constitutional Amendment.  Click here,
Protect your right to access the natural health options that you choose.  Push the FDA back from its camel's-nose-under-the-flap-of-the-tent attack on ear candles here, Read Congressman Ron Paul's letter to the FDA demanding to know why this innocuous traditional product is being attacked by the FDA here,

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