Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Alternative Cancer Treatments - Oncologists Don't Know The Power Of Nutrition and Detoxing

(NaturalNews) Science can be used to obfuscate reality, especially in medicine. Several disclosures from whistle blowers and investigators have uncovered scandalous false medical journal reports. Most oncologists don't want to know the power of nutrition and detoxification. The extremely low rate of recovery from cancer using expensive toxic methods and creating more suffering continues. Why? Authoritative medical science says it's the only way.

A Few Examples of Real Cancer Cures

A retired teacher decides to burn both ends of her life's candle and winds up with cancer. Her oncologist was insisting on surgery. She went to a friend who told her of the Gerson Institute and a retreat in Australia that applies pretty much the same approach as Gerson. She was cured beyond expectation. Hear this incredible woman tell her story with link (1) in the sources below.

A man diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer is told that sudden pH surges destroy cancer. He orders cesium, but it didn't arrive in time for his next medical examination. Instead, he tried pH surging with bicarbonate of soda and molasses. In weeks, he was cancer free. http://www.naturalnews.com/027481_p...

A concerned father sneaks THC hemp oil into his toddler son's feeding tube to reverse his ebbing health during cancer treatments. The little boy's health surged and he became cancer free. The doctors never knew what the father did to reverse the boy's failing health. [Short video link (2) below]

A middle aged New Zealand man with leukemia goes into a coma from flu/pneumonia complications. The hospital staff threatens to pull his life support until family members insist they try mega-dose IV vitamin C. He walks out of the hospital days later. A year later his checkup showed that he was now leukemia free. http://www.naturalnews.com/030599_v...

Real Stats

These highlights are but a few examples of real cases that were cured without chemo or radiation. There are thousands. Curing cancer naturally with patients who have not undergone chemo or radiation has an over 80% cure rate. Those who come to alternative methods half-dead from chemo and radiation average just around a 50% cure rate.

But even this 50% is higher than the three to five percent cure rate proudly offered by mainstream medicine. Mainstream medicine considers five years cancer free as cured.

Authority Lies and Ridicules

Real people, who use alternative treatments to successfully cure their cancer, are disregarded because they can't scientifically prove that the alternative therapy cured their cancer. But it's the science of authoritative obfuscation that the medical mafia uses to confuse others. [Source (3) below]

Medical authorities claim alternative healers can't provide documentation. Charlotte Gerson says otherwise. Case documents were stolen by a medical mafia mole from her father Max Gerons's office before he died. She and her staff have offered documents since then, but mainstream medicine refuses to accept them. http://www.naturalnews.com/027004_c...

Canadian nurse Rene Caisse was allowed to use a Native American herbal remedy that she named Essiac Tea in her clinic as long as her patients were diagnosed by MDs before and after treatments. Her high cure rate was acknowledged by third party examining physicians. When nurse Caisse died, almost all of her documents were seized and burned. http://www.naturalnews.com/026928_c...

Laetrile, derived from legally available apricot seeds' amygdaline, is illegal despite its efficacy and safety. This is all because the Sloane-Kettering Institute said it didn't work even though their research was positive. Sloane-Kettering's spokesman, Dr. Ralph Moss, was so disgusted by the lies that he resigned and leaked the actual research papers to G. Edward Griffin, who then wrote World Without Cancer. http://www.naturalnews.com/027088_c...

Sources for this article include:

(1) http://healthmaven.blogspot.com/201...

(2) http://healthmaven.blogspot.com/201...

(3) When the Blood Boils, article by Jon Rappoport (a must read) http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2...

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