(NaturalNews) The Chapel Hill - Carrboro City School (CHCCS) district in North Carolina has launched a shocking new vaccination contest that offers prize incentives to students who get vaccinated. According to the CHCCS district website, for each vaccine a student receives, he or she will also receive an entry into a drawing to win an Apple iPod or a laptop computer -- and students that get the entire recommended vaccine schedule, which includes the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine for both boys and girls, will be allowed extra entries into the contest and more chances to win than other students.
According to the CHCCS website, the three vaccines being promoted are the Meningococcal vaccine, the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) combination vaccine, and the HPV vaccine. Between April 1, 2011, and May 31, 2011, students are encouraged to get one or all of these vaccines, and present proof to their school nurse before June 1. Those that do will receive individual entries for each vaccine, and four entries total if they get all three.
The stunt is taking place under the leadership of superintendent Neil Pedersen, and is being promoted by both school nurses and the Orange County Health Department. The CHCCS information page explains that the contest was made possible by a donation from a family whose daughter allegedly died from meningococcal disease, but it does not explain why the Tdap and HPV vaccines are also included in the vaccine drive.
The Tdap vaccine, of course, is a highly dangerous vaccine that has been implicated in causing permanent brain damage and other serious injuries. Just a few months ago, a Texas man explained to My FOX Houston that the Tdap vaccine caused his otherwise healthy and bright young daughter to basically turn into a vegetable, suffering hundreds of seizures daily as a result (http://www.naturalnews.com/031469_v...).
And the HPV vaccine is widely known to cause neurological damage, seizures, heart problems, autoimmune diseases, vision and hearing loss, chronic fatigue, paralysis, and death (http://truthaboutgardasil.org/). NaturalNews has an extensive archive of reports about the HPV vaccine that you can explore here:
That the CHCCS school district has chosen to push a series of high-risk vaccines on young students using alluring prize incentives is both irresponsible and unethical. In fact, it is borderline child abuse, as the HPV vaccine in particular has absolutely no proven benefits, and only an extremely high risk of serious injury and death.
To help speak out against this vaccine drive, please check out this informative Action Alert which provides details on who to contact, as well as some helpful talking points:
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