(NaturalNews) Surprise! Statin, commonly referred to as the wonder drug, has come under scrutiny again for not living up to its claims. This drug has been shown to be ineffective at best and is tied to numerous serious side effects. Statins are frequently prescribed to treat a plethora of illnesses including heart attacks, prevention of heart disease, strokes, broken bones, and some have even been suggested that they are effective at preventing Alzheimer's (http://www.naturalnews.com/022726.html). Over the past three or four years, new evidence has come to light and medical researchers alike have begun to refute the buzz the benefits of statins. Yet, these findings have not deterred doctors from writing manifold prescriptions.
One of the problems is that the very same drug companies that tout the benefits of statins are often in control of the research trials. Apart from this obvious conflict of interest is the fact that results are somewhat skewed - trial participants don't necessarily represent the sex, age, and health demographics of individuals that are often prescribed the drug (http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view...). What this means is that a large number of individuals taking statins possibly derive no true medical benefit.
Newer claims that statins are effective in treating Alzheimer's and dementia have been refuted. A variety of studies discredit those claims, including one conducted by the American Academy of Neurology, which found that there was no connection between the ingestions of statins and the prevention or treatment of these diseases (http://www.naturalnews.com/022726.html).
What's even worse than spending money on a drug that you don't need and doesn't work? When the same drug actually causes you harm. Statins have been tied to a wide range of dangerous side effects including heart failure, reduction in sex hormones, depression, and interference with normal liver functioning, to name a few (http://www.naturalnews.com/001254.html). Even more disturbing is the recent discovery that ingestion of statins can impair proper brain functioning (http://www.naturalnews.com/022726.html). Apparently the same ability to reduce bad cholesterol, which makes these drugs so popular a choice among doctors, also reduces the good cholesterol that your brain needs for proper functioning. The lack of cholesterol in the brain, affects the release of neurotransmitters which in turn deal with your brain's ability to think and retain memory.
Sadly in this day and age, we are often tossed prescriptions without the proper education and awareness of the drug we are taking. As with a number of wonder drugs touted by the medical and pharmaceutical industries, there are effective natural alternatives to this not so "wonderful" drug.
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