Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Origins of Medical Industry Corruption

Advanced Scientific Health:
Most people believe that genetics or bad luck gave them diseases for which the only treatments are drugs and surgeries. As a result, organized medicine will sell an estimated three-trillion-dollars worth of drugs and surgeries in 2010.
Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year MORE, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and surgically-treated diseases.
The modern day mainstream medical industry has a dubious history, deeply rooted by a drive for profit through the subversion and suppression of non-profitable and non-patentable therapies and treatments.
To this day mainstream allopathic doctors and practitioners are heavily indoctrinated into a system that protects ever increasing industry profits while fiercely defending orthodox therapies. The network of allopathic medical institutions and education strictly

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