A Rasmussen telephone survey conducted earlier this month found that 67 percent of respondents believe cities do not have the right to prevent citizens from owning handguns. Only 24 percent hold the opposite view.
The poll also discovered that support for stricter gun control laws has declined to its lowest level in several years. Currently, only 35 percent of American adults say stricter gun control is necessary, while more than half (51 percent) disagree.
Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Alan Gottlieb, said that “we are witnessing a new revolution in which America is rejecting the demagoguery of gun banners like Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.”
“Court rulings and the Constitution are on our side,” he added.
Gottlieb also affirmed that his organization will continue to fight for firearm freedoms until these liberties are fully secured.
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