Saturday, June 20, 2009

Toxic Metals: The Reason You Still Feel Sick

Many doctors have noticed that even when people follow healthy dietary guidelines, they can still have serious health problems. They may digest their food poorly, experience digestive distress, or be generally sickly. Metal toxins cannot be rinsed from our systems with ample water intake or sweat therapy - metal toxins settle into our cellular structure, displacing healthy metal elements our bodies need, and compromising our overall health.

Toxic levels of the following are major contributors to accelerated aging, free radical damage and unexplained aches and pains.

• Mercury

• Aluminum

• Cadmium

• Arsenic

• Lead

• Nickel, and other metal poisons flood the environment and invade your body.

These toxic metals can cause or contribute to a long list of diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain and neurological disorders. While the medical establishment recognizes the acute toxicity that comes from high levels of metals in your body, far more people suffer the adverse effects of low-level, chronic exposure.

Toxins & Heavy Metals... As you know, a strong immune system and a healthy body are vital to survival. What you may have overlooked however is that, almost all of us are toxic to some extent with pollution, heavy metals (mercury, lead etc.), chemicals, pesticides, herbicides etc. and we pick these up on an ongoing daily basis. These toxins plug the cell receptor sites preventing us from utilizing minerals and nutrients - no matter how much your taking. So, in other words your supplements are being wasted, not only that your health is at great risk. The World Health Organization (Florence, Italy 1975) stated that, Heavy Metal contamination contributes to as much as 80% of all diseases and blocks therapeutic measures.

At home prevention technique... We know have some wonderful tools available which allows or empowers us in the area of "at home" prevention techniques. How do you know what level of toxicity you or your children are? Simple, now there is a wonderful tool that is easy to use and gives you accurate results. It's called the Heavy Metal Screen Test. Here is what Dr. J. Lemann, Toxicologist and Medical Expert of the Institute for Toxicology and Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, Hirschberg, Germany said, "We thoroughly investigated the test system with regard to its sensitivity and its specificity and found consistent evidence that it is possible to detect individual toxicologically relevant metals in urine or water specimens in the range of a few ppm, at times even fractions of one ppm. This makes it possible to obtain on the spot clinically important preliminary data".

The body simply can not function properly if you are carrying around these toxins- you can't utilize minerals, which are essential to good health. Do you or any of your family members get sick often; have any diseases or prolonged or recurrent illnesses? This is telling you your immune system is weakened, obviously toxic and vulnerable to attack. Even if you think you have detoxified and are consistently taking measures to flush the toxins which we pick up on a daily basis. If you have not tested yourself or the children you have no idea how well you are doing or if what you are using is working at all. This test allows you to adjust dosages as well! You'll know exactly when you can drop down to a maintenance dose - saving you money! Demand a result you can physically see.

The Heavy Metal Cleanse Kit helps you to take control of your own health. If you remove the toxins and heavy metals plugging your cell receptor sites your body is much less taxed and is more apt to heal itself and then better utilize nutrients. And the test is included to track results!

Handy for traveling, keep one at your office and in your vehicle allowing quick and easy access. They also make great gifts to family, friends and children for birthdays and holidays. We all pick up toxins and poisons on a regular basis. We currently live in a toxic, chemical laden world and are constantly subjected.

Don't forget about your beloved pets - they will benefit just as much as you by removing toxins!

The Heavy Metal Cleanse Kit is approximately a 30 day supply for 1 adult. If you find that you need to continue the cleanse longer (follow test results) individual bottles are also available.

This is the link that will take you directly to the cleanse

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