These government agencies, criminal or incompetent politicians and government employees keep proven cancer cures by creating laws that will create illness ( like vaccination ) or prevent healing. Codex Alimentarius is just one example.
The government is stating: that only a drug can cure, treat or prevent any disease. And that in itself is in my opinion treason because no drug can cure, treat or prevent any disease. Therefore they let or make people unnecessarily die -- by law. And the proof of scientific facts is out there.
The medical profession wants to make money and lots of it! Therefore it is not enough anymore just to treat with their worthless and dangerous approaches the sick people. Now they are recruiting constantly new customers by the lie of early detection saves lives and other fraudulent statements. They are making more money on worthless diagnostic techniques like Mammography that actually cause cancer and have not scientifically proved value. The only outcome is that if they find something (that they tell you is bad -- often the diagnosis is just wrong) earlier they can just " treat " you earlier and therefore longer but it will not expend your life spam or save your life. It will absolutely destroy your quality of life for the time you may have left no matter what and it usually will kill you earlier. Because in my experience people today do not die anymore of cancer they die of the side effects of the "treatment".
If the government or at least major parts of it would not be in it -- there would not be laws that allow GMO food -- gene manipulated food that causes cancer and other diseases. There would not be laws that forbid educating the public about the healing powers and possibilities of herbs, supplements and healthy food. There would not even be a discussion about outlawing organic farming. And most of all there would not be mandatory or government condoned or endorsed vaccination because experience and science shows that there has never been a safe and affective vaccine.
First of all there is no such thing as a disease! The body functions perfectly in balance or it doesn't. If it is out of balance -- a malfunction happens and we call these symptoms. The medical profession has just arbitrarily given a specific set of symptoms names that they call diseases, conditions or disorders. They just made the names and the illness up. The medical profession wants to look like as they would know what is wrong with their patient's body and mind and that they know how to fix it. That is the reason why they give these sets of symptoms different names and even invent names for treatments or drugs that are impressive sounding but usually worthless because they are treating isolated symptoms instead of the entire human with body, spirit, emotions and mind.
There is basically only one kind of cancer. Cancer is cancer; there are not different forms of cancer. But they name it after the body part it appears to sound like they know what is going on and what to do. Even though the symptoms can be different, that still does not change the fact that all cancer is virtually the same.
They have no answer to cancer and no cure and what they call treatment is nothing else then slaughters, mutilation, poisoning and killing the human system, body and spirit. The only cancer cure is to find and eliminate the cause of the imbalance in the human body that is the root cause of cancer or any other disease for that matter and eliminate it with nature or good given natural herbs, supplements or techniques like stress reduction. If the body is back in balance the cancer disappears on its own the same way it came. No treatment needed just support for the healing process and the support of health. The only requirement is to give the body the nutrition its needs to create and keep a healthy body and mind and not to continue the negative behavior that lead to the cancer in the first place.
But realistically there is no such thing as a disease there are only symptoms that are a call to action for us to make us aware of the fact that we are doing something wrong and we need to change it or our body will deteriorate and expire.
Remember: "There is no healing force outside the human body. The body creates the health challenge and only the body can reverse that!"
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