Monday, December 13, 2010

Do You Know The Signs Of Menopause?

If you're a woman you're going to go through menopause at some point in your life.  Learning to recognize the signs of menopause can help you become more aware of what may be going on with your mind and body.  If, after reading the following list you feel you could be going through the change of life, you might want to make an appointment with your health care provider to discuss natural and alternative treatments for perimenopause and menopause.

  1. Hot flashes, flushes, night sweats and/or cold flashes
  2. Irregular heart beat
  3. Irritability, mood swings, depression
  4. Waking up frequently at night
  5. Irregular periods
  6. Low sex drive
  7. Vaginal dryness
  8. Chronic fatigue
  9. Anxiety
  10. Mental fogginess, difficulty concentrating
  11. Forgetfulness
  12. Bladder leakage, especially when sneezing or laughing
  13. Joint and muscle aches
  14. Breast tenderness
  15. Headaches
  16. Indigestion, gas
  17. Weight gain, especially on the stomach
  18. Hair loss or thinning, head, pubic, or whole body
  19. Increase in facial hair
  20. Dizziness, feeling light-headed or off balance
  21. Tingling in hands and/or feet
As you can see, there are many signs of menopause, and many more that weren't listed.  Arm yourself with knowledge and visit to learn more about menopause and what you can do about it.  You can find information on combating weight gain, hormone therapy information, managing your symptoms and more.

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