Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How To Live Longer - Complementary Alternative Medicine

A new study recently compared patient-physician relationships and relief of symptoms between complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and conventional primary care (COM). The study was part of a Swiss evaluation of complementary and alternative medicine.
Researchers looked at more than 6,000 patients. The study included patients of 77 non-certified CAM physicians and of 71 conventional physicians.

The patients completed a questionnaire which asked questions about symptom relief, patient satisfaction, and quality of patient-physician interaction.

According to Biomed Central:
"CAM physicians treated significantly more patients with chronic conditions than COM physicians.

CAM Patients had significant higher healing expectations than COM patients.

General patient satisfaction was significantly higher in CAM patients, although patient-reported symptom relief was significantly poorer, The quality of patient-physician communication was rated significantly better in CAM patients."

The study concluded that more effective communication patterns by complementary and alternative medicine could play an important role in allowing patients to maintain more positive outcome expectations.


  Biomed Central November 4, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Six Healthy-Sounding Foods That Really Aren't

Many foods have been heavily promoted as being healthy. But not all of them are. Here are some foods which are far less “good for you” than most people believe.

Energy bars
Energy bars usually contain protein and fiber, but they may also be loaded with calories. That’s fine if you occasionally make one a meal, but most people eat them as snacks.

Granola sounds healthy. But it’s often high in fat, sugar and calories. Don’t be fooled by a seemingly low calorie count; the portion sizes on the label are usually tiny.

Salad Toppings
The pecans and Gorgonzola cheese on Panera Bread’s Fuji Apple Chicken Salad propel it into double-cheeseburger territory. Before ordering a salad, check its nutrition information.

Added sugars can make some smoothies the equivalent of drinking fruit pie filling. The smallest serving of Jamba Juice’s Orange Dream Machine has 340 calories and an astonishing 69 grams of sugars.

Sushi Rolls
Sushi rolls vary, and the fried bits and mayonnaise in some can really jack up the calories.

The “fruit” in yogurt is really jam (that is to say, mostly sugar).


  Shine from Yahoo May 22, 2008

Saturday, November 27, 2010

5 Common Types Of Anxiety

Most people have experienced the clammy hands and the waves of nerves in their stomachs just before public speaking or the restless anxious feelings just before taking an exam.

These anxieties that emerge throughout our days are considered normal, however anxiety disorders lead to feelings of uneasiness, distress and irrational fears. When these anxieties aren’t properly addressed they could result in lost productivity and could also negatively affect a person’s quality of life.

Facts on Anxiety

  • Over 19 million Americans are afflicted with some type of anxiety disorder.
  • In 1990, the costs to cover anxiety disorders in America reached $46.6 billion.
  • The costs for anxiety disorders makes up about one-third of the nation’s total mental health bill, which currently stands at $148 billion.
There is widely held misconception among the public that people with anxiety disorders have the capability to gain control of their symptoms through sheer willpower. The causes of anxiety disorders range from biological to environmental factors such as post-traumatic stress.

Five Common Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Constant, intense worry about daily tasks and schedules
  • Over 4 million Americans have been diagnosed with this disorder
  • Most people with this disorder have the tendency to look at situations from a worst-case scenario perspective, which eventually disrupts their sleep patterns and ability to concentrate
  • Physical symptoms include fatigue, trembling, muscle tension, headache and nausea

Panic Disorder

  • Common traits of this disorder include panic attacks, instant feelings of terror that occur often and unexpectedly, chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, abdominal pain, loss of touch with reality, tingling extremities and a fear of dying
  • Attacks usually last a couple of minutes, however in some cases can last up to one hour
  • More women than men suffer from this type of anxiety
  • Commonly surfaces in early adulthood before the age of 24
Social Phobia
  • Overwhelming fear of social events and situations
  • Causes people to avoid social events and places limitations on people’s lives
  • Causes people to feel that others are constantly judging and evaluating their actions and behaviors
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • The repetition of rituals and thoughts that people feel unable to control
  • Some of the symptoms include constant hand washing and counting things

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Ongoing symptoms that are a result from traumatic experiences such as war, rape, child abuse and natural disasters
  • Other typical emotional symptoms include depression, anger and irritability

Research has shown that the two most successful treatments of anxiety disorders are psychotherapy and behavioral therapy.

Behavioral therapy is defined as targeting the issue through breathing exercises and small increments of exposure to what is causing the person anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy on the other hand, is designed to help the person deal more effectively with situations that fill them with anxiety.

Silver City Daily Press June 10, 2004

Why Do One In Ten Kids In The US Have ADHD?

A U.S. government survey claims that 1 in 10 U.S. children now has ADHD. This is a sizable increase from a few years earlier. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) makes it hard for children to pay attention and control impulsive behavior.

About two-thirds of the children diagnosed with ADHD are on some form of prescription medication.
According to AP medical writer Mike Stobbe:
"In the latest survey, 9.5 percent said a doctor or health care provider had told them their child had ADHD ... ADHD diagnosis is in many ways a matter of opinion.

There's no blood test or brain-imaging exam for the condition. Sometimes reading disabilities or other problems in the classroom cause a teacher or others to mistakenly think a child has ADHD."
Researchers suggested growing awareness and better screening may be responsible for the rising numbers, but there are a number of food additives that experts think may worsen ADHD as well. They include:
  • Blue #1 and #2 food coloring
  • Green #3
  • Orange B
  • Red #3 and #40
  • Yellow #5 and #6
  • Sodium benzoate, a preservative
According to Health.com:
"Will eliminating dye-containing foods from a child's diet help ADHD? Experts say there's not enough evidence ... Most studies of a possible link analyzed blends of additives, not single ingredients, making it difficult to find a culprit."


  Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) November 12, 2010 / 59(44);1439-1443

Friday, November 26, 2010

20 Anti-Aging Herbs and Spices to Add to Your Diet

The typical American diet that is high in simple carbohydrates--white flour, white salt, and processed food--is aging us. We are getting all the bulk without the nutrients, plus adding to our propensity for developing real food cravings. So whether you are a vegetarian or an omnivore, you can start to reverse aging by simply choosing to eat the right foods to keep you full of vim, vigor, and vitality, especially over the holidays. The easiest way to make sure you are getting more nutrients into every meal.

Every time you flavor your meals with herbs or spices you are literally "upgrading" your food without adding a single calorie. You are taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary by adding color, flavor, vitamins, and often medicinal properties.

Here's why:
* Spices and herbs maximize nutrient density. Herbs and spices contain antioxidants, minerals and multivitamins. At the cocktail party, choose the Thai chicken satay stick over the tried and true fried chicken strip.

* Spices and herbs create a more thermogenic diet.
Because spices are nutrient dense, they are thermogenic, which means they naturally increase your metabolism.

* Some spices and herbs increase your overall feeling of fullness and satiety, so you'll eat less. One study conducted at Maanstricht University in the Netherlands showed that when one consumes an appetizer with half a teaspoon of red pepper flakes before each meal, it decreased their calorie intake by 10-16 percent.

* Spices and herbs have real medicinal properties. Study after study shows the benefits of distinct herbs and spices. For example, one 2003 trial of 60 people with type 2 diabetes reported that consuming as little as two teaspoons of cinnamon daily for six weeks reduced blood-glucose levels significantly. It also improved blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, perhaps because insulin plays a key role in regulating fats in your body.

Choose flavor over blandness every time, and try to incorporate these specific herbs and spices into your diet if you have the following health concerns:
  • rosemary and basil for their anti-inflammatory power
  • cumin and sage for their dementia-fighting power
  • cayenne and cinnamon for their obesity-fighting power
  • coriander and cinnamon for their sugar regulating powers
  • lemon grass, nutmeg, bay leaves and saffron for their calming effects on your mood
  • turmeric for its cancer fighting power
  • oregano for its fungus-beating power
  • garlic, mustard seed and chicory for their heart-pumping power
  • basil and thyme for their skin-saving power
  • turmeric, basil, cinnamon, thyme, saffron, and ginger for their immune-boosting power
  • coriander, rosemary, cayenne, allspice and black pepper for their depression-busting power


  The Huffington Post December 20, 2008

What TSA Doesn't Want You To Know About Their Full Body Scans

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), a leading privacy group, has asked a federal appeals court to suspend the U.S. government's program of introducing full-body imaging machines at airports.

According to the group, the imaging machines constitute a suspicionless search of all airport travelers in an extremely invasive way -- so invasive that it violates the reasonable standard contained in the Fourth Amendment.
Wired reports:
"The constitutional challenge aside, EPIC also charges that the Department of Homeland Security, in rolling out the devices, violated a host of bureaucratic policies requiring public review, including the Administrative Procedures Act. What's more, the group claims the machines, among other things, violate the federal Video Voyeurism Prevent Act, which protects against capturing improper images that violate one's privacy."
Further, scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) sent a letter to the White House Office of Science and Technology in April warning of potential health risks -- including skin cancer -- from the scanners, which distribute a dose of radiation to the skin and underlying tissue.


  AAPS November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fight These 4 Causes Of Aging!

You can slow down your aging process and help stave off heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. U.S. News & World Report offers some tips on how to do it:

  1. Free radicals. Free radicals are chemically unstable molecules that attack your cells and damage your DNA. You can limit your exposure to them by avoiding cigarettes, trans fats, charred meats, and other sources.

    Organic fruits and vegetables will also limit your exposure to pesticides and herbicides, which contain the harmful molecules.

  2. Inflammation. Inflammation is a major player in many diseases of aging, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. One way to avoid it is to follow a Mediterranean-style diet.
    Other great anti-inflammatory foods include turmeric, dark chocolate, and the anti-aging chemical resveratrol. Exercise is another great way to lower inflammation.

  3. Glycation. Glycation is what happens when sugar mixes with proteins and fats to form molecules that promote aging. Advanced glycation end products, or AGEs, are thought to accelerate your aging process by churning out free radicals and promoting inflammation. One way to avoid ingesting AGEs is to turn down the heat when you cook. The browning effect of high-heat cooking causes these molecules to form. Limiting your intake of sugar-filled foods in general will also help. 
  4. Stress. Stress initiates the release of a variety of hormones that make your pulse race and cause your blood pressure to rise. The hormone cortisol, released to lessen these effects, also creates problems when it remains chronically elevated. Try practicing relaxation techniques to help manage stress, and get enough sleep every night.


  The Guardian August 1, 2010

Can You Really Extend Your Life Span with this Antioxidant?

In 2003, research showed that resveratrol, a powerful polyphenol and anti-fungal chemical, was able to increase the lifespan of yeast cells. The results ignited flames of hope for an anti-aging pill. According to the findings, resveratrol could activate a gene called sirtuin1, which is also activated during calorie restriction in various species.

Since then studies in nematode worms, fruit flies, fish, and mice have linked resveratrol to longer lives. Other studies with only resveratrol have reported anti-cancer effects, anti-inflammatory effects, cardiovascular benefits, anti-diabetes potential, energy endurance enhancement, and protection against Alzheimer’s.

Resveratrol is found in grapes and red wine, and has particularly been associated with the so-called 'French Paradox' -- the low incidence of heart disease and obesity among the French, despite their relatively high-calorie diet and levels of wine consumption.


  NutraIngredients September 10, 2009

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Is Bottled Water Really Pure?

Bottled water companies make millions off people who believe their products are purer than tap water. However, most consumers do not realize that these products are in fact less regulated than tap water.

A report from the General Accountability Office pointing this out was just one piece of ammunition unleashed at the bottled water industry at a hearing of the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

Jane Houlihan of the Environmental Working Group, an advocacy organization that submitted a second report to the committee, said in a statement: "Many people assume bottled water is healthier and safer to drink than ordinary tap water. But some companies have lured consumers away from the tap with claims of health and purity that aren't backed by public data."

Over the past several years, bottled water has been recalled due to contamination by arsenic, bromate, cleaning compounds, mold, and bacteria.


  New York Times July 8, 2009

    Bottled water may be one of the most effective swindles out there. Marketing, of course, has played a major role. For example, in 2006, Pepsi (owner of Aquafina) spent $20 million suggesting that Americans should “drink more water.”

    It worked. The following year Americans drank nearly 7 percent more bottled water than they did in 2006, according to Beverage Marketing Corporation.

    Last year, U.S. bottled water consumption reached nearly 9 billion gallons, raking in revenues of more than $11 billion. Not bad for a product people can get almost for free from their own kitchen tap.

    The belief driving sales of bottled water is that it must be cleaner, and therefore healthier. But that’s where we’ve all been fooled.

The Amazing Bottled Water Scam

    There are many problems with bottled water, but the most obvious is the fact that you’re paying a premium for something that is in many cases indistinguishable from regular tap water. In fact, about 40 percent of bottled water IS regular tap water, which may or may not have received any additional treatment.

    Most municipal tap water must actually adhere to stricter purity standards than the bottled water industry.

    Case in point: In one test performed by the Environmental Working Group, 38 low-level contaminants were found in bottled water, with each of the 10 tested brands containing an average of eight chemicals.

    Disinfection byproducts (DBPs), caffeine, Tylenol, nitrate, industrial chemicals, arsenic, and bacteria were all detected.

    Fluoride (a highly toxic bone poison that should be avoided at all costs) is usually present in both tap water and filtered bottled water. And the toxic metal antimony (a silvery white metal of medium hardness) has also been found in many commercially bottled water brands.

    Part of the problem is that while the EPA requires large public water supplies to test for contaminants as often as several times a day, the FDA requires private bottlers to test for contaminants only once a week, once a year, or once every four years, depending on the contaminant.

    In addition, the General Accountability Office (GAO) report states that “the FDA does not have the specific statutory authority to require bottlers to use certified laboratories for water quality tests or to report test results, even if violations of the standards are found.”

Toxic Water, in a Bottle

    Probably the worst of the toxins found in both tap and some bottled water are the disinfection byproducts (DBPs), such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). DBPs are formed when chlorine reacts with natural organic matter like decaying vegetation in the source water during water treatment.

    Adding chlorine to the water kills or inactivates harmful microorganisms that cause diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, and giardiasis. Its use has virtually eradicated these diseases.

    However, this water treatment technique clearly has serious drawbacks. Scientists are now starting to discover just how toxic these disinfection byproducts really are.

    DBPs are about 10,000 more toxic than chlorine and trihalomethanes (THMs) are classified as Cancer Group B carcinogens, meaning they’ve been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals.

    They’ve also been linked to reproductive problems in both animals and humans, and human studies suggest that lifetime consumption of chlorine-treated water can more than double the risk of bladder and rectal cancers in certain individuals.

        * One such study found that smoking men who drank chlorinated tap water for more than 40 years faced double the risk of bladder cancer compared with smoking men who drank non-chlorinated water.
        * A second study found that rates for rectal cancers for both sexes escalated dramatically with duration of consumption of chlorinated water. Individuals on low-fiber diets who also drank chlorinated water for over 40 years more than doubled their risk for rectal cancer, compared with lifetime drinkers of non-chlorinated water.

    To put it another way: Disinfectant byproducts are so toxic that simply swimming in a chlorinated pool presents “an unacceptable cancer risk,” according to one recent study. THMs formed in chlorinated swimming pools have also been linked to spontaneous abortion, stillbirths and congenital malformations, even at lower levels.

    So why on earth would you pay up to 1,900 times more for the same amount of health risk as you encounter drinking tap water?

    And when you take into account the health hazards imparted by the chemicals leaching out of the plastic bottle itself, then bottled water really doesn’t make sense anymore.

Plastic, Plastic Everywhere. Clean Water, Not So Much

    When you consider the massive amounts of non-biodegradable plastic required for all these billions of gallons of bottled water being consumed each year, it’s no wonder we have a plastic “stew” twice the size of Texas swirling through the Pacific Ocean.

    Another fact to chew on is this: A bottle that holds 1 liter of water requires 5 liters of water in its manufacturing process.

    So not only is the consumption of bottled water polluting our fragile world, it’s also profoundly wasteful of our natural resources.

Medical Uniforms At Blue Sky Scrubs

Blue Sky Scrubs has an extensive line of  medical uniforms in a rainbow of colors and sizes.  Best of all, you can shop online right from home rather than driving to a uniform store, rifling through their inventory, then having to simply get whatever's available.  Maybe you wanted a teal scrub, or an orange one, or perhaps you're looking for a particular design.  This website has so many to choose from, you're sure to find something you like.

It's the best nursing uniform store I've seen online.  The website is easy to navigate, the information is straightforward and clear, and they offer free shipping on some order.  If you know someone who's in the medical or dental field, why not get them a gift certificate for some new scrubs?  It would be a practical and thoughtful gift that will definitely be used again and again.

Check out their line of medical coats, surgical caps, and the many, many variety of scrubs they carry.  They even sell  vet scrubs not to mention some nice jewelry to complete your professional look.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

10 Organic Foods That Are Worth the Money

1. Apples

The FDA states that more pesticides are found on apples than are found on any other fruit or vegetable -- a grand total of 36. One test found seven chemicals on a single apple. Sounds like a good reason to switch to pesticide-free organic produce to me. Of course, if you do eat apples or any other fruit, use them sparingly and never consume them in the form of fruit juice, which is basically just a glass full of fructose.

2. Baby Food

An infant's immune system is less developed than an adult's, and more vulnerable. Nonorganic baby foods tend to use fruits and vegetables that have been treated with chemicals.

3. Dairy Products (Butter, Milk, Cheese, etc.)

Dairy cows eat grains that are heavily treated with chemicals, which show up in the milk. Non-organic milk can also contain bovine growth hormone and antibiotics. However, RAW milk is nearly always better than organic milk if it is purchased from a conscious farmer. In that case, it may not be certified organic, but it will essentially be organic anyway, and drinking your milk raw is KEY. The linked article should have written loads about this difference, but failed entirely to do so.

4. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes often are contaminated by five of the longest-lasting chemicals. Dieldrin, a very toxic and carcinogenic insecticide, still gets taken up through the cantaloupe's roots even though it was banned in 1974.

5. Cucumbers

Cucumbers were ranked the 12th most contaminated food and the second in cancer risk due to their pesticide content.

6. Grapes

Grapes get treated with numerous chemicals, especially Chilean grapes, which can be sprayed with as many as 17 of them. Grapes are also, whether organic or not, especially high in fructose -- you might want to consider eating the grape skins and leaving the grape itself alone.

7. Green Beans

There are over 60 pesticides that are registered for use on green beans in the U.S.

8. Spinach

The chemicals used to treat spinach may cause cancer or interfere with hormone production.

9. Strawberries

Strawberries are among the most contaminated of all produce. Once again, be wary of overdoing it with fructose when you eat fruit.

10. Winter Squash

Winter squash, like cantaloupe, can absorb dieldrin from the soil.


  Real Simple November 2010

Basis of Many Medical Studies Fatally Flawed

A new study analyzed numerous research trials to determine the content of the supposedly "inactive" placebos used for research, but discovered that placebo disclosure is rare.

Researchers examined 176 medical journal studies and found that the vast majority didn't mention the contents of the placebos at all.

The study authors argued that placebo ingredients may be important. Certain placebos could skew results in favor of the active drug.
According to the Los Angeles Times:
"The researchers referenced a trial for a drug used to treat anorexia linked with cancer in which a lactose placebo was used. Since lactose intolerance is common among cancer patients, the fact that some suffered stomach problems from the placebo may have made the actual drug look more beneficial."


  Annals of Internal Medicine October 19, 2010; 153: 532-535

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Low-Carb Diet Beats Low-Fat Diet

A low-carb diet and a Mediterranean-style diet both helped people lose more weight than a traditional low-fat diet in one of the longest and largest studies to compare the various weight-loss techniques.

The low-carb diet also improved cholesterol more than the other two, even though some critics had predicted the opposite result.

The two-year study was done in a controlled environment -- an isolated nuclear research facility in Israel, where participants received their lunch at a cafeteria (and did not have easy access to fast-food outlets). Each of the 322 participants was assigned to one of three meal plans:

1. The low-fat diet, which restricted calories and cholesterol and focused on low-fat grains, vegetables and fruits as options.
2. The Mediterranean diet, which emphasized poultry, fish, olive oil and nuts.
3. The low-carb diet, which set limits for carbohydrates and urged dieters to choose vegetarian sources of fat and protein.

Although all three approaches achieved weight loss and improved cholesterol, the Mediterranean diet, and especially the low-carb diet, had the most beneficial effects.


  The New England Journal of Medicine July 17, 2008, Volume 359:229-241 (Free Full-Text Article)

The 6 Top Thugs of the Medical World… As Ranked by "Top 100 Corporate Criminals" List

On August 19, Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller issued a call for whistleblowers to step forward and help the state and federal government crack down on health care and pharmaceutical industries that defraud the government of billions of dollars.

Announcing that the Indiana Medicaid program would recover $9.52 million from a record $2.3 billion federal lawsuit won against Pfizer, Zoeller said that fraud on Medicare and Medicaid each year is estimated to be a multi-billion-dollar problem.

He isn't wrong: According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalists, the vast corruption that pharmaceutical companies are guilty of is fraught with fraud, cover-ups of fatal side effects, and huge kickbacks paid to doctors.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The real truth is that it is much, much worse.


  Bureau of Investigative Journalism August 11, 2010


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

American heroes stand up to the TSA


3 Lies Big Food Wants You to Believe

Lie #1: Industrial Food is Cheap
The retail prices may be low, but they fail to include impacts on human health, the environment, and other shared public assets.
You will ultimately foot a much bigger bill, paying your part of hundreds of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, medical expenses, insurance premiums, declining property values, and mounting cleanup costs.
Lie #2: Industrial Food is Efficient
Industrial food animal producers rely on heavily subsidized agriculture, large infusions of capital, and lax enforcement of regulations. High productivity and domination of market share should not be confused with efficiency. When you measure total cost per unit of production, or even net profit per animal, you find that confinement operations come with hidden costs.
Lie #3: Industrial Food is Healthy
Industrial animal food production heightens the risk of the spread of food-borne illnesses.  And it is no coincidence that rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity are at an all-time high. What's more, respiratory diseases and outbreaks of illnesses are increasingly common among CAFO and slaughterhouse workers -- and spill over into neighboring communities.
According to AlterNet:
"Food production that is safe for the environment, humane to animals, and sound for workers and communities gives us the best chance for a food system that is safe and healthy for eaters and producers alike."


Whey Protein May Lower High Blood Pressure In Less Than A Minute!

A study just published in the International Dairy Journal suggests whey protein beverages are effective at reducing blood pressure in people at risk for hypertension.
According to researchers:
“We found that whey protein beverages lowered BP only in individuals with previously high BP, but not in those with normal blood pressure …
These findings suggest that whey protein beverages had a normalizing effect on elevated BP and did not cause hypotension. This is important since hypotension can be a health concern in certain population groups,  such as young women and the elderly.”
The beneficial effects of whey protein may be related to its influence on nitric oxide production, which plays a role in blood pressure regulation.


  International Dairy Journal November 2010, Volume 20, Pages 753-760

Whey Protein is Beneficial for Your Heart and Blood Pressure

This latest study revealed that whey protein has a normalizing effect on blood pressure levels, reducing levels significantly in those at risk of hypertension. This may be due to whey’s impact on nitric oxide production, as nitric oxide helps your vessels maintain their elasticity and its suppression leads to increases in blood pressure.
This benefit extends not only to those with, or at risk of, high blood pressure; it’s important to maintain healthy blood pressure levels too.
One recent study found, for instance, that supplementation with the whey-derived peptide NOP-47 had a positive impact on vascular function in healthy people. Blood flow in the arm improved by 2.7 percent per minute following whey protein supplementation, but did not change for those in the control group who took a placebo.
So in choosing a protein powder as a meal replacement, protein source or exercise recovery drink, you’ll support healthy blood pressure levels just by choosing whey.

What Else Can Whey do for You?

There are numerous reasons to choose whey over other protein powders, even beyond its influence on your blood pressure. For instance, whey protein may:
  • Help your pancreas-produced insulin work more effectively, which helps maintain your blood sugar level after a meal
  • Promote healthy insulin secretion
  • Help to promote your optimal intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals needed for your overall wellness
  • Support your immune system, as it contains immunoglobulins
  • Help you preserve lean body tissue (particularly during exercise) as it delivers bioavailable amino acids and cysteine
Whey proteins are complex in and of themselves and each can provide you with even more distinct benefits, such as:
  • Beta-Lactoglobulin -- may help your body better react to foods
  • Alpha-Lactalbumin -- supports your immune system and may improve morning alertness
  • Glycomacropeptide -- provides support against occasional digestive discomfort and stress
  • Lactoferrin -- helps regulate your intestinal iron absorption and promotes healthy cell growth
  • Immunoglobulins -- promotes your immune system and helps support your body's natural detoxification processes
  • Bovine Serum Albumin -- provides a source of essential amino acids
  • Lactoperoxidase --provides protective benefits for your system
  • Natural Growth Factors in Whey -- aids your system in cell rejuvenation, muscle recovery after exercise, and energy function
Whey protein can also help optimize your production of glutathione, which is considered by many to be your body’s most powerful antioxidant.
Glutathione has the unique ability of maximizing the activity of all other antioxidants, including vitamins C and E, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid, and the fresh veggies and fruits you eat. It also removes toxins from your cells and protects you from the damaging effects of radiation, chemicals, and environmental pollutants.
The optimal food source for maximizing your glutathione production is high-quality grass-fed whey protein.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Secret Diet for Great Physical Health (Even in Old Age)

Hispanics in the U.S., live on average over two years longer than whites, and over seven years longer than blacks.

A recent government report contains the strongest evidence yet of what some call the "Hispanic paradox" -- remarkable longevity in a population with many poor and undereducated members. One theory holds that

Hispanics who immigrate to the U.S. tend to be among the healthiest from their countries.
According to the Chicago Tribune:
"A Hispanic born in 2006 could expect to live about 80 years and seven months, the government estimates. Life expectancy for a white is about 78, and for a black, just shy of 73 years."


  Chicago Tribune October 13, 2010

Want to Live Longer? Eat Natural Foods!

The concept of "native diets" being superior to the processed diets of the modern, Western world goes back nearly 100 years.
Dr. Weston A. Price was a dentist and dental researcher around 1900 who went on an investigation that spanned the globe to determine why native populations, who ate traditional foods, exhibited perfect physical health well into old age.

What he discovered, and wrote about in depth in his classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, was that as populations adopted industrially processed foods, veering away from natural fare, their health started to decline.
Modern food processing  actually began in the early part of 1800, when vacuum bottling was invented, followed by tinning and canning technology in 1810. Back then, lead-containing cans wrought health problems on those who consumed it.
In 1862, pasteurization was discovered, and with it came the destruction of one of Earth's most nutritious food groups – raw dairy. The major shift toward a diet consisting of more processed food occurred in the 1920's, right around the time Dr. Price published his book.
Price's research took him to remote tribal communities -- Swiss, Eskimos, Polynesians, Africans, New Zealanders, and more -- and what he discovered made him one of the foremost authorities on the role of foods in their natural form, and the development of degenerative illnesses as a result of processed foods. (For more information about Price and details of his research, please see this link.)
Clearly, the Western diet has deteriorated significantly since then. More denaturing and harmful food processing methods have followed, and we're seeing the ramifications of this unnatural food culture in our skyrocketing disease statistics.

The Healthy Ingredients of Native Diets

What makes Dr. Price's work so incredible is that even though it was written in 1930, it is still equally valid today. That is one of the signs of a health truth: it lasts for many years. If it was true in 1930 it should still hold true when 2020 rolls around.
Dr. Price noticed some similarities between the native diets that allowed the people to thrive.
Among them:
  • The foods were natural, unprocessed, and organic (and contained no sugar except for the occasional bit of honey or maple syrup).
  • The people ate foods that grew in their native environment. In other words, they ate locally grown, seasonal foods.
  • Many of the cultures ate unpasteurized dairy products, and all of them ate fermented foods.
  • The people ate a significant portion of their food raw.
  • All of the cultures ate animal products, including animal fat and, often, full-fat butter and organ meats.
When he analyzed his findings, he found that the native diets contained ten times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins, and at least four times the amount of calcium, other minerals, and water-soluble vitamins as that of Western diets at that time.
Their diets were also rich in enzymes because they ate fermented and raw foods (enzymes help you to digest cooked foods), and their intake of omega-3 fats was at least ten times higher than in today's diet.

How to Survive in a Diseased Health Paradigm

Even though we live lives that are far different from those of our ancestors, you can still benefit from their traditional diets by using them as dependable roadmaps to good health.
By implementing the native dietary patterns listed above, you too can improve or maintain optimal health. However, modern life has also removed us from many other natural, health-promoting lifestyle patterns that need to be addressed.
Here is a summary of the most important and most effective dietary and lifestyle measures I know of:
  • Determine your nutritional type, and eat accordingly. This will tell you which foods are ideal for your unique biochemistry. This will also help you optimize your insulin and leptin levels, which are paramount for good health. Additionally, eating the right foods for your chemical makeup will help you maintain a healthy weight
  • Eat at least one-third of your food raw
  • Avoid processed foods and all artificial flavorings, colorings, and artificial sweeteners. Instead, seek out locally grown foods that are in-season
  • Enjoy fermented foods like kefir and cultured veggies
  • Make sure you eat enough healthy fats, including those from animal sources like omega-3 fat, and reduce your intake of omega-6 from vegetable oils
  • Drink plenty of pure, clean water
  • Manage your stress levels
  • Exercise regularly. For optimal health benefits and longevity, make sure you incorporate high-intensity, sprint-type exercises, such as Peak 8
  • Optimize your vitamin D levels, ideally through appropriate exposure to sunshine. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a vast array of diseases, and has been shown to increase your risk of death from any cause by 150 percent!
  • Limit your exposure to toxins
  • Get plenty of good sleep
Following these guidelines is a powerful way to avoid premature aging and disease of all kinds, so that you can far exceed the U.S. national average life expectancy, regardless of your financial- and educational status, or your racial heritage.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Red Wine Reduces Lung Cancer Risks

Although some studies suggest drinking red wine may help protect against lung cancer, other studies claim excess amounts of wine may cause cancer. Further, those researchers against red wine consumption believe there is no solid evidence proving red wine helps fight cancer.
There is strong evidence that supports drinking large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis might actually increase the risk of cancers such as:
  • Mouth
  • Larynx
  • Pharynx
  • Esophagus
  • Breast
In a study involving 132 people with lung cancer and 187 hospital patients without the disease, researchers attempted to discover if there was a link between red wine and the reduction of lung cancer.

Researchers found that each group drank similar amounts of wine each day (three and a half glasses). The results revealed that just over a third of the lung cancer patients drank red wine compared to over half of the other patients. Researchers also concluded that while beer, spirits and rose wine did not affect the development of cancer, there did appear to be a connection between white wine and increased lung cancer risks.

Thus, the beneficial effects of red wine may boil down to tannins (a cell-protecting antioxidant) and resveratrol (which has been shown to smother the development and growth of tumors).

Based on their findings, researchers felt that it was more important to investigate the beneficial components of wine rather than promoting the consumption of it.

BBC News October 27, 2004

Is This Why You Can't Lose Weight?

Scientists have discovered why overweight people find it so hard to lose weight; the difference in the number of fat cells between lean and obese people is established during childhood. Although overweight people replenish their fat cells at the same rate as thin ones, they have around twice as many fat cells total.

This means that the number of fat cells in a person remains the same, even after a successful diet.

Until now, it was not clear that adults could make new fat cells. Many believed that fat mass was increased solely by incorporating more fats into already existing fat cells. In fact, people constantly produce new fat cells.

Fat cells are replaced at the same rate that they die, about 10 percent every year. Obesity is determined by a combination of the number of fat cells and their size; they can grow or shrink as fat from food is deposited in them.


  The Telegraph May 4, 2008


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can Praying Help Your Heart?

The rhythmic chanting used when saying the rosary prayer or performing a yoga mantra seems to have a calming effect on the heart.

The rosary might be viewed as a health practice as well as a religious practice.

To investigate, the researchers measured the breathing rates of 23 adults while they either prayed the rosary in the original Latin or recited a yoga mantra. The rosary is a repetition 50 times of the Ave Maria, or the Hail Mary prayer, with the whole 50 repeated three times.
For comparison, the researchers also measured the study participants' respiration during free talking, and during spontaneous and controlled slow breathing exercises.

When the participants breathed spontaneously, their respiratory rate was about 14 breaths per minute, which slowed down to almost 8 breaths per minute when they engaged in regular conversation. During recitation of the Ave Maria or the yoga mantra, however, their respiratory rate was about 6 breaths per minute.
A slow respiration rate of 6 breaths per minute has generally favorable effects on cardiovascular and respiratory function.

Furthermore, breathing rate was irregularly reduced during free talking, but was significantly more regular during recitation of the Ave Maria and the yoga mantra, similar to during the 6 minutes of controlled respiration. This indicates "that these methods could stabilize the respiratory rate as effectively as precisely timed control.
What's more, recitation of both the Ave Maria and the yoga mantra similarly synchronized all the heart rhythms.

The similar effects produced by the two seemingly different cultural practices may not be merely coincidental. In fact the two practices may have similar origins.

It is known that the rosary is related to the Christian religion, but it was actually introduced by the crusaders who learnt a similar technique from the Arabs who in turn learned it from the Indian and Tibetan masters of yoga.

So it may be that recitation of Mantras, which originally was conceived as a health practice, and the Rosary, which is essentially a religious practice in Europe, could have the same background.
British Medical Journal December 22/29th 2001;323:1446-1449

Drink Tea And Lose Weight

Already lauded as a powerful antioxidant, green tea extract may also help dieters shed fat. The extract may also be a safe improvement on traditional diet drugs because its benefits are not accompanied by an increase in heart rate.

As part of their study, the investigators measured the 24-hour energy expenditure of 10 healthy men receiving three doses of caffeine (50 mg), green tea extract (containing 50 mg caffeine and 90 mg epigallocatechin), or a "dummy" placebo per day. The study authors report that, compared with placebo, treatment with green tea was associated with a "significant increase" (+4%) in daily energy expenditure.

This effect was not linked to the relatively small amounts of caffeine found in tea, since subjects receiving amounts of caffeine similar to those found in green tea displayed no change in daily energy output. The investigators note, however, that green tea extract contains a high amount of catechin polyphenols. These compounds may work with other chemicals to increase levels of fat oxidation and thermogenesis, where the body burns fuel such as fat to create heat.

Stimulation of thermogenesis and fat oxidation by the green tea extract" did not raise subjects" heart rates, the researchers note. This may render green tea superior to stimulant diet drugs, which can have adverse cardiac effects, especially in obese individuals with hypertension and other cardiovascular complications.

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition December 1999;70:1040-1045.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Can Probiotics Help You Lose Weight?

Daily supplements with the probiotic Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 may help weight loss in people with obese tendencies, according to new research.

After twelve weeks of consuming a fermented milk product containing the Lactobacillus strain, study subjects averaged a 4.6 percent reduction in abdominal fat and a 3.3 percent reduction in subcutaneous fat.
NutraIngredients reports:
"Furthermore, body weight dropped by 1.4 percent and waist size decreased by 1.8 percent ... The study extends previous findings ... which showed LG2055 may reduce fat levels (adiposity) and fat cells in animals".


  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition June 2010; 64(6):636-43

What does the bacteria in your gut have to do with your waistline? A lot more than you might think!
Multiple studies have shown that obese people have different intestinal bacteria than slim people, and regardless of weight most people do not have the optimal balance of good and bad bacteria in their intestines. This imbalance can wreak havoc on your health in many ways, and yes, it may even contribute to overweight and/or difficulty in shedding excess weight.
In the latest study, obese people were able to reduce their abdominal fat by nearly 5 percent, and their subcutaneous fat by over 3 percent, just be drinking a probiotic-rich fermented milk beverage for 12 weeks.
Given that the control group experienced no significant fat reductions at all during the study period, this is one more gold star for probiotics.

Why is Your Gut Bacteria so Important?

Your body contains about 100 trillion bacteria -- more than 10 TIMES the number of cells you have in your entire body. Ideally, the ratio between the bacteria in your gut is 85 percent "good" and 15 percent "bad."
Ensuring that you're getting a regular supply of good bacteria in your digestive system is so important because an estimated 80 percent of your immune system is located there. So supporting your digestive health is essential to also supporting your immune system, which is your number one defense system against ALL disease.
A healthy ratio of good to bad gut bacteria is also essential for:
  • Proper development and function of your immune system
  • Protection against over-growth of other microorganisms that could cause disease
  • Digestion of food and absorption of nutrients
The probiotics in your gut also play a role in helping numerous bodily functions, such as:
  • Digesting and absorbing certain carbohydrates
  • Producing vitamins, absorbing minerals and eliminating toxins
  • Keeping bad bacteria under control
  • Preventing allergies
If you have an excess of unhealthy bacteria in your gut, it can manifest in many ways, such as gas and bloating, fatigue, sugar cravings, nausea, headaches, constipation or diarrhea. You may also find that, despite a healthy diet and exercise, you have difficulty shedding weight.

What Interferes With Healthy Gut Bacteria?

Your gut bacteria do not live in a bubble; instead, they are an active and integrated part of your body, and as such are vulnerable to your lifestyle. If you eat a lot of processed foods, for instance, your gut bacteria are going to be compromised because processed foods in general will destroy healthy microflora and feed bad bacteria and yeast.
Your gut bacteria is also very sensitive to:
  • Antibiotics
  • Chlorinated water
  • Antibacterial soap
  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Pollution
Because of these latter items, to which virtually all of us are exposed at least occasionally, it's generally a good idea to "reseed" the good bacteria in your gut by taking a high-quality probiotic supplement or eating fermented foods.

Tips for Optimizing Your Gut Bacteria

In the past, people used fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut to support their digestive health, as these foods are rich in naturally beneficial bacteria.
This is still the best route to optimal digestive health, as long as you eat the traditionally made, unpasteurized versions.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Weight Loss Diet Reviews

Here's a look at some of the most common diets people are using.

The Atkins Diet

The Atkins diet is based on high protein, low-carbohydrate fare. It allows all of the meat and vegetables you want with no restrictions on fats. Fruits are kept to a minimum. Bread, pasta, and other grain products are restricted. Many people have had weight loss success on the Atkins' Diet because it offers many delicious food options. However, it can be high in fat, possible harmful over long periods of time and low in fiber and calcium.

The Carbohydrate Addict's Diet

This is another reduced carbohydrate diet that allows meats, dairy, vegetables, fruits, and grain products, but restricts all other carbohydrates. It tends to be quite high in fat and saturated fat.

The Choose to Lose Diet

This is a low fat diet that allows you to eat from all of the major food groups. You are only restricted by a "fat budget" that you choose how to spend. Carbohydrates are allowed, as well as lean meat, poultry, seafood, fruits, vegetables, bread and pasta. The Choose to Lose Diet allows an ample amount of fruits and vegetables and it is low in saturated fat and it provides a fairly healthy eating plan for fast weight loss.

The DASH Diet

The DASH diet allows for a high carbohydrate intake, with moderate amounts of fat and protein. It was originally designed as a low-pressure diet. The DASH diet follows the principles of the Food Pyramid, but it suggests more servings of fruits and vegetables (up to nine daily,) and more dairy servings (two to three daily servings of low fat or nonfat dairy.) The DASH diet may require too much food for most people to see weight loss results.

The Eat More Weigh Less Diet

This diet is an extremely low-fat diet that focuses on vegetarian fare. It allows fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, egg whites, and some nonfat dairy products. This is a very restricted diet that limits even healthy foods like lean organic meats, poultry, and low-fat dairy products. This diet is great for vegetarians, but it is low in calcium, and it may be too difficult for most people to follow long enough to see weight loss results.

The Eat Right For Your Blood Type Diet

This diet plan bases you food choices on your blood type. For example, those with Type O blood follow an eating plan that includes lots of meat. Some of the "blood type" diets in this plan are too restricted in calories and they may be poor in nutritional balance. Little proof is offered on basis of the diet, that blood type should affect dietary choices.

The Pritkin Principle Diet

This diet focuses on restricting calories and eating more "watery" foods that fill you up quicker. (It follows the same principle that suggests you should drink a full glass of water before each meal to make your stomach feel full faster. It allows fruits, vegetables, pasta, oatmeal, soups, salads, and low-fat dairy, but limits protein sources to lean meats, poultry and seafood. This is a low-fat diet that offers plenty of fruits and vegetables, but it can be low in calcium.

The Protein Power Diet

This is a very high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. It allows for lots of meats and fats but limits that consumption of fruits and vegetables. This is a very restrictive diet that limits healthy foods like whole grains and beans. It is very high in fat, especially saturated fat and it is very low in calcium.

Power Busters

This is a low-carbohydrate diet that is high in fat and protein. Fruits and grain products are forbidden, but high-fat meats and dairy products are allowed. Like many other low-carb diets, the Power Busters diet is high in fat, high in saturated fat, and low in calcium.

The Slimirex Diet

I highly recommend the Slimirex diet. I've found use of weight loss product Slimirex combined with moderate exercise at least three times per week and a moderate diet to be an effective method of losting the weight you want.


The Volumetrics diet is a restricted calorie diet that allows fruits, vegetables, pasta, oatmeal, soups, salads, lean meats, poultry, seafood and dairy. High fat food and "dry" foods like crackers, pretzels, and popcorn are restricted. It is low in saturated fat and provides an ample amount of fruits and vegetables..

Weight Watchers

This diet does not restrict followers to a set meal plan. Dieters are able to plan their own diet every day following a point system that allows the dieter to spend a certain "allowance" in each category. This diet allows moderate fat and protein intake and high carbohydrate consumption. Generally, vegetables and whole grain products have the lowest point value and high fat foods "cost" the most amount of points.

The Zone Diet

This diet is moderately high in protein and low in carbohydrates. It allows low fat foods like chicken and fish and plenty of fruits and vegetables. But whole grains are restricted. This is a healthy eating plan, although it is low in calcium.

Out of all these diets, I personally recommend taking Slimirex and following the "Bio-Rhythm Diet Plan" outlined in the "Weight Loss Secrets Revealed" E-book at http://www.weightlossobesity.com website.

Dr. Edward F. Group III, D.C., Ph.D. is an internationally recognized weight loss and natural health expert and the President of Houston-based Global Healing Center. Dr. Group's latest product is the weight loss product Slimirex. For more information on weight loss, visit The Weight Losss & Obesity Resource Center at http://www.weightlossobesity.com

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Does Eating More Frequent Meals Really Rev Up Your Metabolism?

You’ve probably heard that eating smaller meals, several times a day will stimulate your metabolism, and keep it revved to burn more calories throughout your day.
The New York Times points out that although some studies have found modest health benefits to eating smaller meals, the research usually involved extremes.

Many weight-loss books and fad diets claim six meals a day is a more realistic approach.
But will it really make a difference?

The New York Times states:
“As long as total caloric and nutrient intake stays the same, then metabolism, at the end of the day, should stay the same as well. One study that carefully demonstrated this, published in 2009 in The British Journal of Nutrition, involved groups of overweight men and women who were randomly assigned to very strict low-calorie diets and followed for eight weeks. Each subject consumed the same number of calories per day, but one group took in three meals a day and the other six.
Both groups lost significant and equivalent amounts of weight. There was no difference between them in fat loss, appetite control or measurements of hormones that signal hunger and satiety. Other studies have had similar results.”
Exercise, on the other hand, seems to effectively increase metabolism according to studies.


  The British Journal of Nutrition November 30, 2009; 1-4. [Epub ahead of print]

How to Really Super-Charge Your Metabolism

Just like the article above states at the end, the best confirmed way to really boost your metabolism is exercise.
When you exercise you clearly burn more calories, but you can super-charge your calorie burning mechanism even more by building muscle!
Why is this?
Because muscle demands energy to just “sit” on your body. Fat does not.
For every pound of muscle that you gain, your body burns 50-70 calories more per day. That means, if you gain 10 lbs. of muscle, your body will burn an additional 500-700 calories per day, and with proper diet, that equates to more or less guaranteed weight loss.
Everyone’s metabolism is different, but you can speed it up or slow it down within a reasonably short amount of time by making the following common-sense changes to your diet and lifestyle:
  • Eat according to your nutritional type to ensure your body is getting the right fuel it needs
  • Avoid sugar and grains as they are the leading cause of insulin- and leptin-resistance, which affects your hunger levels, your weight, and your risk of any number of diseases
  • Listen to your hunger, and eat a healthy meal or snack when hunger calls
  • Implement a well-rounded exercise regimen that includes strength training to build muscle, as well as interval training, which has been demonstrated to significantly increase fat loss.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Calories Burned Calculator

Who doesn't want to get the most bang for their buck?  Well, the same is true when it comes to working out.  You want to burn the most calories per exercise, but how do you know which exercises actually burn the most calories?  Now it's easy!  Calories Burned  lists over 700 different exercises, each with a video demonstration, detailed instructions, and how many calories you'll burn by doing that particular exercise.

Need to lose a few pounds after the holidays?  Simply type in your weight, how much time you have to exercise, which muscles group(s) you want to work out, and if you want any cardio included.  Hit 'enter' then a list of the best exercises will come up.

Let's say I want to work on my abs but I only have 5 minutes a day to do so.  A list of 49 different exercises come up, but I want to burn the most calories.  Looking over the list I see that there are 5 different ab exercises that burn 60 calories in 5 minutes, plus work out my abs.  Wow!

The site also has weight loss tips, recipes, a forum, information on diet and nutrition, and a phone app.  

Stop wasting time on exercise routines that only offer half a workout.  Now you can be certain you're burning the most calories while getting in shape, no matter how little time you have to exercise.  I'm bookmarking the Calories Burned Calculator!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Two Arthritis Powerhouses Even Stronger Together

New research shows that omega-3 fats and glucosamine work together to provide additional benefits for people with osteoarthritis.

Scientists gave 1500 mg of glucosamine sulfate to the study participants, but some also received 200 mg of omega-3 fats. Both groups had about the same number of participants who reported a 20 percent or less reduction in pain.

But according to Dr. Christiane Northrup:
“However, when researchers asked those who experienced an 80 percent reduction in pain, those in [the glucosamine plus omega-3 group] reported reduced morning stiffness and pain in the hips and knees by between 48.5 and 55.6 percent, compared to 41.7 to 55.3 percent for those in [the glucosamine only group].”


  Advances in Therapy September 2009; 26(9):858-71

Sugar is Back on Food Labels -- This Time as a Selling Point

Sugar, long reviled by dentists and dietitians, is now being dressed up as a natural, healthful ingredient. Some of the biggest players in the American food business have started replacing high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) with old-fashioned sugar, and using this as a selling point.

ConAgra uses only sugar or honey in its new Healthy Choice All Natural frozen entrees, and Kraft Foods recently removed HFCS from its salad dressings.

The change comes after three decades during which HFCS had been gaining on sugar in the American diet. Consumption of the two finally drew even in 2003, according to the Department of Agriculture. However, per capita, American adults ate about 44 pounds of sugar in 2007, compared with about 40 pounds of HFCS.

With sugar sales up, the Sugar Association last year ended its Sweet by Nature campaign, which pointed out that sugar is found in fruits and vegetables.

Though research is still under way, many nutrition and obesity experts say sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are equally bad in excess.


  New York Times March 20, 2009