Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Natural Remedy May Cut Cancer Risk by 70 Percent

You've probably heard the news that 65-year-old screen star Michael Douglas has Stage IV throat cancer. He announced the news on the Late Show with David Letterman last week. The news comes just weeks before he appears in the hotly-anticipated sequel to Wall Street.
While the public is watching his new film, Douglas will be undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. This diagnosis is a poignant reminder that cancer can strike any of us, at any time.
That's because cancer is still the world's number one killer. Over 1,500 people die of cancer every day in the U.S... and one in three people are living with it.
The conventional response to cancer is exactly what Douglas is currently looking at... chemo, radiation, and surgery. But these standard therapies don't seem to do much good against cancer.
Thirty-three years have passed since Nixon promised us a cure for cancer. Yet more people die of it each year than the year before. And the best clinical research shows that while people are diagnosed with cancer earlier, they are living with it no longer than they were back in 1977.
If conventional treatments can't help us combat cancer, what can?
The answer may be found in your own back yard. It's a simple, all-natural solution... And it may be able to cut your risk of cancer by 70 percent.
Doctors Offer Three Lethal Options
Since Nixon made his promise, we've spent $30 billion on finding a cure for cancer. And all we've come up with are the three options that Douglas is looking at... chemo, radiation, and surgery.
The big problem is that these options aren't very effective.
For example, surgery doesn't really address the problem. Instead, cancer often spreads aftersurgery. That's because surgery causes the cancerous cells to break away from the tumor and infect other organs... thus spreading the cancer. Once cancer spreads, surgery is practically useless. All it can do is relieve some of the pain caused by a cancerous mass pressing against organs.
"Cancer is a systemic disease," says cancer expert Dr. Allan Spreen. "Cutting it [out] is rarely the answer."
Chemo also fails to fix the problem. Worse, it does plenty of damage along the way. It uses chemicals to kill the growth of all your body's cells. And all your cells are systematically poisoned.
But anyone submitting to chemo can expect:
·    Hair loss
·    Violent nausea
·    Impotence
·    Extreme pain
·    Immune-system destruction, and
·    Death
The basic hope behind chemo is that it kills the cancer... before it kills the patient.
The final option uses radiation to burn out cancer cells.
"The rationale is the same as with surgery," says Dr. Spreen. "To remove the tumor by burning it away. But as with chemo, it is non-cancer cells that are often destroyed."
The key problem with radiation is that while it reduces the tumors' size, it makes them more malignant.
"The more malignant the tumor, the more resistant it is to treatment," says Dr. Spreen. "What's worse, there's little evidence that radiation improves the chances of survival."
Read: The Only Answer to Cancer 4th Edition by Dr Leonard Coldwell order from or

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