Sunday, March 21, 2010

Global Warming - Fact or Fiction?

Researchers admit to global warming lies 

I've told you over and over that global warming is nothing more than politically motivated hot air. And now, one by one, climate-change scientists are falling like those glaciers they want us to worry so much about. 

Take Professor Phil Jones, one of the world's leading Chicken Littles. Last autumn, e-mails surfaced in which he essentially admitted to fudging data on global warming and deliberately avoiding Freedom of Information requests from skeptics. 

Jones isn't alone in his deception. Hardly a week goes by that another climate-change scientists isn't caught lying, cheating, backtracking, pulling data or making unsubstantiated claims. 

Remember the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? They're the group that won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize along with Al Gore for their panic-inducing report on the imminent climate Armageddon. 

Do they ever take those prizes back? Because it turns out that report has some problems as big as the Himalayan glaciers they warned could disappear by 2035. 

A key figure behind the report recently admitted that they had no real data to back that up. They made the claim anyway, as the Mail puts it, "purely to put political pressure on world leaders." 

In yet another climate-change backtrack, scientist have been forced to withdraw a study that claimed global warming would cause sea levels to rise by more than 32 inches by the end of the century. 

Turns out they had to fess up to not one but TWO major errors in their study, which was published in Nature Geoscience, one of the leading journals in the field.

The gig is up, fellas. With each new report, it becomes abundantly clear that climate-change fanatics are more interested in pushing their agenda than they are in saving the world.

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