The public has been warned for years of the dangers of fluoride in our drinking water. Governments, at all levels, have forced it mostly by fluoridation of the public water supplies. American dentists have embraced the fluoride fraud professionally. Many years ago I called fluoridation of the drinking water chemical warfare on the American people. And now, with little
notoriety, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) findings on fluoride has prompted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a statement calling for a moratorium on the use of fluoride in the nation’s drinking water. But municipalities, by the thousands, are still dumping the poison in the water supplies.
A few years ago research revealed that synthetic estrogen therapy was causing cancer in women, yet it is still being practiced years later. Open heart surgery has been condemned by the American Heart Association as useless, yet it still goes on. Immunizations have been a national disaster. Some of you may remember that in the 1980s, the polio vaccine was contaminated with SV40 virus (said to have been taken from green monkeys). Millions of children were vaccinated with it, even though SV40 was known to cause brain tumors in experimental animals. Brain tumors have increased in that group through the years.
Then in more recent years, there is the Vioxx® tragedy. All this proves that once the people are indoctrinated, even when fraud and deception are revealed, that the fraud goes on...
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