Sunday, April 19, 2009

Questions And Answers About Colloidal Silvler

Hi Friend!

Some people may have questions before using Ionic Silver Hydrosol (ISH) which is an advanced and superior form of Colloidal Silver. The following is a list of popular questions and answers which will give you more of an insight into this wonderful and almost magical natural medicine. You’ll see why Big Pharma, Big Business, the FDA and the EPA want to take it away from you!

Colloidal Silver

Q. How do I take ISH?
A. It can be taken internally and externally. There is no place on the body you can't use it. ISH comes with a detailed dosage/usage guide.

Q. How safe is ISH?
A. Completely safe! In fact, it's safer than the water you're drinking. Safe enough to put in babies eyes. Yes, many doctors put a silver solution into the eyes of newborns to prevent eye infections due to sexually transmitted diseases that may be obtained via the birth canal!

Q. What can ISH do for me and my family?
A. Touted to prevent and conquer a wide range of illnesses (far too many to list here) while rapidly healing stubborn infections, lessening the pain and sting from all types of burns almost instantly, and allowing for extremely rapid healing. ISH is a powerful immune support solution and cal also be used to aid in water purification. ISH can even be added to hot tubs instead of dangerous chemicals.

Q. Are all those testimonials on your website really true? Are they real clients?
A. You can bet your bottom dollar on it and we have all the originals to prove it. We even have some clients that have offered to speak to you about how ISH changed their lives. They don't want you to have to suffer from things that are so easily prevented and would love to share more of their experiences with you. (We do not give anyone’s phone number or information out without prior consent.)

Q. Can I give ISH to my babies and children internally and spray it on their cuts, burns, bites, bruises, infections, hands, noses, diaper rash, acne, colds, flu, sore throats, eye and ear infections, etc.
A. By all means and be persistent, several times daily. They will thank you.

Q. Can I give ISH to my pets and livestock?
A. Yes, they receive all of the same benefits we do.

Q. Will ISH make me sick if I take too much?
A. No. However, if you are very ill (like that of a person toxic from a large amount of mold spore inhalation or environmental illnesses) you will need to start at a very low dosage. The reason for this is to avoid a massive kill off of the pathogens which overwhelms your body's elimination system. If the pathogens die off too quickly you may experience some flu-like symptoms. This will not hurt you and the feelings you experience (such as headache or nausea) will pass. You can avoid this by starting with a small dose and gradually increasing the amount and frequency.

Q. Are there any side-effects?
A. No, except as noted above if very ill people start with too large of a dose.

Q. Are there any reactions or interactions with any other products?
A. No. Although in many cases it helps other products to work better so you may need less of them. It's perfectly fine to continue taking other herbs and supplements and there are no known reactions with prescription and non-prescription drugs.

Q. I have heard of the blue man who claims he turned blue from taking colloidal silver. Can this happen from taking ISH since it's a form of colloidal silver?
A. Absolutely not. Our ISH is professionally manufactured and the product is very pure with no additives whatsoever. The particle size is an important factor. Extremely small particle size coupled with a low part per million (ppm) makes ISH highly bio-available and systemic. This means it works on a cellular level and any excess is easily flushed out via the normal elimination systems. Build up or accumulation of particles within the body is possible with homemade silver concoctions such as the one the "blue man" was making. Even with homemade junk this is still extremely rare. I don't know about you but if I'm going to ingest something I want a safe, highly effective, proven product manufactured by experienced professionals!

Q. Does the owner of Helping America use ISH and if so for how long?
A. Yes, Kevin has used ISH for close to 11 years now on quite a regular daily basis. Kevin has a lot of amazing stories to tell from his experiences with ISH. He carries his ISH everywhere he goes, even just downtown to the Post Office or grocery store. Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where there are so many dangerous and lethal "Super Bugs" that we must keep our immune systems strong and arm ourselves with the best defense possible!

Q. What is the difference between ISH and Colloidal Silver?
A. Unlike regular Colloidal Silvers, ISH has virtually an unlimited shelf life and can be boiled, frozen and subjected to intense light with no harm to the safety, strength or potency of the product. Many Colloidal Silvers you buy in the marketplace have impurities such as nitrates or silver salts and will even begin to grow mold after just a short time on the shelf. ISH with a ppm of 10 can be safely taken multiple times throughout the day and is within the EPA Guidelines established for silver intake.

Q. Does ISH kill the natural intestinal flora (friendly bacteria)?
A. This is unlikely since most of the ions are absorbed in the mouth prior to swallowing. If you feel you are lacking in friendly bacteria it's more than likely caused by pharmaceutical drugs (antibiotics), a bad diet, or a severe illness. You can simply take a good probiotic to re-establish this friendly bacteria. In the past 11 years I have drank many, many gallons and have not had a problem nor have any clients.

Boost your immune system and live a healthier, more vibrant life with colloidal silver!

For the most advanced and premium form of Colloidal Silver (while it is still legal to sell) see:Helping America or call toll free 877-743-5746 or write to

In health and friendship,

Dr. Coldwell

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