Hi Friend!
Some people may have questions before using Ionic Silver Hydrosol (ISH) which is an advanced and superior form of Colloidal Silver. The following is a list of popular questions and answers which will give you more of an insight into this wonderful and almost magical natural medicine. You’ll see why Big Pharma, Big Business, the FDA and the EPA want to take it away from you!
Colloidal Silver
Q. How do I take ISH?
A. It can be taken internally and externally. There is no place on the body you can't use it. ISH comes with a detailed dosage/usage guide.
Q. How safe is ISH?
A. Completely safe! In fact, it's safer than the water you're drinking. Safe enough to put in babies eyes. Yes, many doctors put a silver solution into the eyes of newborns to prevent eye infections due to sexually transmitted diseases that may be obtained via the birth canal!
Q. What can ISH do for me and my family?
A. Touted to prevent and conquer a wide range of illnesses (far too many to list here) while rapidly healing stubborn infections, lessening the pain and sting from all types of burns almost instantly, and allowing for extremely rapid healing. ISH is a powerful immune support solution and cal also be used to aid in water purification. ISH can even be added to hot tubs instead of dangerous chemicals.
Q. Are all those testimonials on your website really true? Are they real clients?
A. You can bet your bottom dollar on it and we have all the originals to prove it. We even have some clients that have offered to speak to you about how ISH changed their lives. They don't want you to have to suffer from things that are so easily prevented and would love to share more of their experiences with you. (We do not give anyone’s phone number or information out without prior consent.)
Q. Can I give ISH to my babies and children internally and spray it on their cuts, burns, bites, bruises, infections, hands, noses, diaper rash, acne, colds, flu, sore throats, eye and ear infections, etc.
A. By all means and be persistent, several times daily. They will thank you.
Q. Can I give ISH to my pets and livestock?
A. Yes, they receive all of the same benefits we do.
Q. Will ISH make me sick if I take too much?
A. No. However, if you are very ill (like that of a person toxic from a large amount of mold spore inhalation or environmental illnesses) you will need to start at a very low dosage. The reason for this is to avoid a massive kill off of the pathogens which overwhelms your body's elimination system. If the pathogens die off too quickly you may experience some flu-like symptoms. This will not hurt you and the feelings you experience (such as headache or nausea) will pass. You can avoid this by starting with a small dose and gradually increasing the amount and frequency.
Q. Are there any side-effects?
A. No, except as noted above if very ill people start with too large of a dose.
Q. Are there any reactions or interactions with any other products?
A. No. Although in many cases it helps other products to work better so you may need less of them. It's perfectly fine to continue taking other herbs and supplements and there are no known reactions with prescription and non-prescription drugs.
Q. I have heard of the blue man who claims he turned blue from taking colloidal silver. Can this happen from taking ISH since it's a form of colloidal silver?
A. Absolutely not. Our ISH is professionally manufactured and the product is very pure with no additives whatsoever. The particle size is an important factor. Extremely small particle size coupled with a low part per million (ppm) makes ISH highly bio-available and systemic. This means it works on a cellular level and any excess is easily flushed out via the normal elimination systems. Build up or accumulation of particles within the body is possible with homemade silver concoctions such as the one the "blue man" was making. Even with homemade junk this is still extremely rare. I don't know about you but if I'm going to ingest something I want a safe, highly effective, proven product manufactured by experienced professionals!
Q. Does the owner of Helping America use ISH and if so for how long?
A. Yes, Kevin has used ISH for close to 11 years now on quite a regular daily basis. Kevin has a lot of amazing stories to tell from his experiences with ISH. He carries his ISH everywhere he goes, even just downtown to the Post Office or grocery store. Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where there are so many dangerous and lethal "Super Bugs" that we must keep our immune systems strong and arm ourselves with the best defense possible!
Q. What is the difference between ISH and Colloidal Silver?
A. Unlike regular Colloidal Silvers, ISH has virtually an unlimited shelf life and can be boiled, frozen and subjected to intense light with no harm to the safety, strength or potency of the product. Many Colloidal Silvers you buy in the marketplace have impurities such as nitrates or silver salts and will even begin to grow mold after just a short time on the shelf. ISH with a ppm of 10 can be safely taken multiple times throughout the day and is within the EPA Guidelines established for silver intake.
Q. Does ISH kill the natural intestinal flora (friendly bacteria)?
A. This is unlikely since most of the ions are absorbed in the mouth prior to swallowing. If you feel you are lacking in friendly bacteria it's more than likely caused by pharmaceutical drugs (antibiotics), a bad diet, or a severe illness. You can simply take a good probiotic to re-establish this friendly bacteria. In the past 11 years I have drank many, many gallons and have not had a problem nor have any clients.
Boost your immune system and live a healthier, more vibrant life with colloidal silver!
For the most advanced and premium form of Colloidal Silver (while it is still legal to sell) see:Helping America or call toll free 877-743-5746 or write to kljr3@earthlink.net
In health and friendship,
Dr. Coldwell
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Questions And Answers About Colloidal Silvler
big pharmacies,
colloidal silver,
natural healing,
natural health,
side effects of colloidal silver,
the blue man
Colloidal Silver - Immune Booster, Money Saver, & Your Right To Choose!

Hi friend!
Colloidal Silver/Silver Hydrosol: A Powerful Immune System Booster & Illness Conquering Solution is touted to save lives, time and money!
How? With the potential and capability of eliminating a great deal of illnesses, pain and suffering while strengthening, boosting and protecting you, your pets and even your food. Save Silver
There is no other supplement, herb or food on this planet that has the instant, fast acting power and endless capabilities that ISH has, nor has any other touted to have saved as many lives.
Once you experience it you'll never go without it again. Helping America has one of the best guarantees in the business. You'll experience better health (when taken according to dosage/usage guidelines) or your money back, period!
This is why the FDA, Big Pharma and now the EPA would like nothing more than to ban it forever. Silver solutions are the #1 biggest threats to the entire pharmaceutical line of antibiotics! Imagine that this one simple silver solution could easily replace a multi billion-dollar industry and you can see why “they” want it taken off the market. But think about the wonderful results this product can have on all of mankind!
We must act now to save this precious gift. We only have a few more days, until March 20th, when the EPA makes a decision on whether to regulate nano silver as a pesticide. Yes, you read this right a pesticide! Well, it kills bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus and yeast, so this is how they’re justifying this ludicrous contemplation. Will they ban soap next? After all, it can also kills germ and so forth.
They say they’re concerned about the ecosystem, but this is just a cover for their real intent, which is to eventually ban it altogether due to the wide spread losses of big business chemicals and antibiotics. The silver ions become inert upon entering common drinking water as they bond with chlorine. This silver comes from the earth and some is returned, just like other minerals.
Silver is a naturally occurring substance and cannot be patented so that means there is no money in it. Compare this to how they jack up prices on pharmaceuticals, sometimes as much as an 8,000% profit on some drugs!
The EPA has been succumbing to corporate pressure. We must protect ourselves and vote for our right to choose. Whether you use ISH or not, wouldn't you want that decision to be your own?
Nano silver is, in a very real sense, intimately connected with our collective and individual health, freedom, and perhaps, survival.
Here is where to go to sign an already prepared petition at the Natural Solutions Foundation to protect your rights and ultimately our future health. The petition is already filled out, all you have to do is simply fill in your information and click send. All we ask is for a few moments of your time to help stop corrupt big businesses from taking our right to choose. A right to choose a safe, natural, simple mineral if we so desire! Support your right to choose! Sign this petition!
For the most advanced and premium form of Colloidal Silver (while it is still legal to sell) see:Helping America"> or call toll free 877-743-5746 or write to kljr3@earthlink.net
In health and friendship,
Dr. Coldwell
Dr. Coldwell
Is Your Illness Due To Bad Genes, Bad Luck, or A Bad Attitude?
Hello friend!
I'm here to tell you that illness is not based on bad luck, genes or destiny. It is the result of our lack of education, lack of motivation, and our complacency, laziness, cowardliness or ignorance in the field of health and life. It is the result of our mental, emotional and physical action.
If you can at least say: " Maybe that could be true" then you can open your eyes and soon be on the path to good health. But if you believe your doctor, a magic pill or someone else can cure you from the symptoms of your own behavior you can stop reading here.
If you are willing to take charge of your own life, health and happiness, and are willing to do whatever it takes, then you just made the first step into a new life, a new world of health and happiness and success!
I won't let you complain and whine or wallow in self pity because no matter how much pain you have or how bad your symptoms are - I have probably been there too and I learned that if you don't help yourself there is no help. Please, stop complaining or blaming others for your circumstances - just take charge and act! Think of the freedom that comes with taking responsibility for your life and health!
By reading this blog you have the chance to stop hiding from the truth and stop letting your fears, the past and self pity keep you from acting. This is the day you can decide to stop letting others make the decisions for you and say: YES, THIS IS MY LIFE AND I AM TAKING CHARGE OF IT!
I learned in over 30 years of successfully working with mainly terminally ill patients that were given up on by the medical profession, often with the prognosis of having only month to live, that there is always hope. There is always a way as long as you don't give up.
The solution is: you need to do whatever it takes, you need to stand up one more time when life throws you down and you need to use your common sense and listen to your instincts.
I want to give you hope, strength, self confidence and the belief in yourself and your own unlimited self healing powers. I know how to do it! But remember, you are the only one that can use the information of true health, using your common sense and instinct to create the health you deserve.
Remember, *FACTS prove that the medical doctor is the number one cause of death in America and more people are dying unnecessarily in hospitals, false diagnoses, wrong treatments or as the result of drugs and the side effects of treatments every day.
(* of course I am not talking about emergency or reconstructive medicine. When I talk about illness and medical procedures in this blog I do not want you to wait to see a specialist if you have any medical emergency. I am talking about illness and disease created over time. )
In health and friendship,
Dr. Coldwell
www.InstinctBasedMedicine.com (You can purchase my book here.)IsntinctBasedMedicine@gmail.com (Contact me here and I WILL answer your questions!)
I'm here to tell you that illness is not based on bad luck, genes or destiny. It is the result of our lack of education, lack of motivation, and our complacency, laziness, cowardliness or ignorance in the field of health and life. It is the result of our mental, emotional and physical action.
If you can at least say: " Maybe that could be true" then you can open your eyes and soon be on the path to good health. But if you believe your doctor, a magic pill or someone else can cure you from the symptoms of your own behavior you can stop reading here.
If you are willing to take charge of your own life, health and happiness, and are willing to do whatever it takes, then you just made the first step into a new life, a new world of health and happiness and success!
I won't let you complain and whine or wallow in self pity because no matter how much pain you have or how bad your symptoms are - I have probably been there too and I learned that if you don't help yourself there is no help. Please, stop complaining or blaming others for your circumstances - just take charge and act! Think of the freedom that comes with taking responsibility for your life and health!
By reading this blog you have the chance to stop hiding from the truth and stop letting your fears, the past and self pity keep you from acting. This is the day you can decide to stop letting others make the decisions for you and say: YES, THIS IS MY LIFE AND I AM TAKING CHARGE OF IT!
I learned in over 30 years of successfully working with mainly terminally ill patients that were given up on by the medical profession, often with the prognosis of having only month to live, that there is always hope. There is always a way as long as you don't give up.
The solution is: you need to do whatever it takes, you need to stand up one more time when life throws you down and you need to use your common sense and listen to your instincts.
I want to give you hope, strength, self confidence and the belief in yourself and your own unlimited self healing powers. I know how to do it! But remember, you are the only one that can use the information of true health, using your common sense and instinct to create the health you deserve.
Remember, *FACTS prove that the medical doctor is the number one cause of death in America and more people are dying unnecessarily in hospitals, false diagnoses, wrong treatments or as the result of drugs and the side effects of treatments every day.
(* of course I am not talking about emergency or reconstructive medicine. When I talk about illness and medical procedures in this blog I do not want you to wait to see a specialist if you have any medical emergency. I am talking about illness and disease created over time. )
In health and friendship,
Dr. Coldwell
www.InstinctBasedMedicine.com (You can purchase my book here.)IsntinctBasedMedicine@gmail.com (Contact me here and I WILL answer your questions!)
It's Never Too Late To Live Your Dreams!
Every day is a new birth, a new chance to start over. It doesn't matter how often you failed to achieve your goals, or what happened in the past or how often you didn't follow through or produce the right results, you can always start new and as often as you need or want too, because every morning is a fresh start.
Don't let the past keep you from trying again and again until you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true!
The Purpose of This Blog:
You're right if you think there are enough alternative or holistic heath sites available today, and you may think, "Why should I read another one?"
But this isn't one of those typical alternative health blogs that constantly repeat issues, print empty studies and try to sell you products just to make money. The Dr. Coldwell Report is different! Why? Just keep on reading and you'll see, why!
I started this blog because I'm fed up with the hypocrisy of the so-called medical profession, the incompetence, the hocus pocus, and often cowardliness of the so called alternative medical practitioners. Many are nothing more than wannabe MD's without the education. Many are so involved in the few things the government allows them to do that they think they have found the only key to health by practicing some kind of alternative and naturopathic treatments.
So here is the only truth and the clear answer to all these orthodox or alternative therapy forms: THEY DO NOT WORK AT ALL! The reason is that they all only treat symptoms instead of the individual cause of the health challenge. A true healer can only be a coach, an educator a friend and helper - there is no healing force outside the human body. The only Person that can make you sick is YOU and the only person that can cure you is YOU! And that is the only truth when it comes to achieving optimum health.
The root cause of all illness is lack of energy which is usually the result of STRESS ( 86% )--usually mental and emotional stress--and only 14% comes from nutritional deficiencies and negative behavioral patterns.
Once you accept responsibility for your own behavior, your decisions, your actions and inaction, only then will you be able to achieve true health and success.
My blog will focus on the health issues that the vast majority of the population faces, and will offer solid, researched, logical advice to help you live a happier, healthier life once and for all. I can only be the teacher, I can only hand you the tools, what you do with them is up to you.
In health and friendship,
Dr. Coldwell
You can email me at: InstinctBasedMedicine@gmail.com
Don't let the past keep you from trying again and again until you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true!
The Purpose of This Blog:
You're right if you think there are enough alternative or holistic heath sites available today, and you may think, "Why should I read another one?"
But this isn't one of those typical alternative health blogs that constantly repeat issues, print empty studies and try to sell you products just to make money. The Dr. Coldwell Report is different! Why? Just keep on reading and you'll see, why!
I started this blog because I'm fed up with the hypocrisy of the so-called medical profession, the incompetence, the hocus pocus, and often cowardliness of the so called alternative medical practitioners. Many are nothing more than wannabe MD's without the education. Many are so involved in the few things the government allows them to do that they think they have found the only key to health by practicing some kind of alternative and naturopathic treatments.
So here is the only truth and the clear answer to all these orthodox or alternative therapy forms: THEY DO NOT WORK AT ALL! The reason is that they all only treat symptoms instead of the individual cause of the health challenge. A true healer can only be a coach, an educator a friend and helper - there is no healing force outside the human body. The only Person that can make you sick is YOU and the only person that can cure you is YOU! And that is the only truth when it comes to achieving optimum health.
The root cause of all illness is lack of energy which is usually the result of STRESS ( 86% )--usually mental and emotional stress--and only 14% comes from nutritional deficiencies and negative behavioral patterns.
Once you accept responsibility for your own behavior, your decisions, your actions and inaction, only then will you be able to achieve true health and success.
My blog will focus on the health issues that the vast majority of the population faces, and will offer solid, researched, logical advice to help you live a happier, healthier life once and for all. I can only be the teacher, I can only hand you the tools, what you do with them is up to you.
In health and friendship,
Dr. Coldwell
You can email me at: InstinctBasedMedicine@gmail.com
Upcoming Radio Interviews
Did you know, that statistically you or someone in your family will get cancer! 56% of all Americans have or will get Cancer!
Finally the truth is out! Cancer can be cured fast and naturally!
Within just 8 weeks over 800,000 people listened to Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s radio appearances about The Only Answer to Cancer and Stress the Silent Killer and here are the new dates for this month for Dr. Coldwell’s Radio appearances:
While Dr. Coldwell’s new book: INSTINCT BASED MEDICINE is breaking all sales records! See http://www.instinctbasedmedicine.com/
You can listen to Dr. Leonard Coldwell – the leading expert for cancer and stress related illness – live this month:
Wednesday April 15, 2009 @ 11am ET Dr. Coldwell on Health Freedom and Codex with Dr. Rima Laibow, Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (U.S. Army Ret.) Legal Eagle Ralph Fucetola JD and Alex Benesch on http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=311593027
(You can listen to the first part of this world changing, live saving radio show from last Wednesday – using the same link ) http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/
Monday April 19, 2009 @ 1PM ET THE DR. COLDWELL REPORT with co-host Kelly Wallace http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TheDrColdwellReport Dr. Coldwell’s Guest is the greatest Health Freedom (Codex Alimentarius) Fighter in the world Dr. Rima Laibow. Dr. Laibow is and was one of Dr. Coldwell’s main role models. Her website is http://www.globalhealthfreedom.org/
Wednesday April 22nd @ 9pm ET Live 3 times this month: On the Fred Van Liew show Dr. Leonard Coldwell. Hear Dr. Leonard Coldwell interviewed live on http://www.hthradio.net/ "Your Health, Your Choice" (YHYC) by host Fred Van Liew for a politically incorrect no question avoided hour of truth in health care.
Wednesday Morning, April 22 @ 10 AM ET & Thursday Morning April 23 @ 10 AM ET Hear Dr. Coldwell interviewed on http://www.hthradio.net/ for less controversial conversation on why Dr. Coldwell has been so effective with his efforts to reverse the ravages of our modern health care system.
For over twenty years Fred Van Liew has been called the "Water Doctor" by health providers and their patients around the world. His understanding of many forms of natural health support and care allows him to offer straight answers and practical solutions to water and air purification, as well as the revitalization of our water and our foods. He is an authority on cell phone and environment chaos protection for the home and the body. He has spent over two decades on radio, TV and live lectures educating doctors and their patients on natural, herbal and practical solutions to most health issues. This provides Fred with a unique ability to interview guests on his "Your Health, Your Choice" radio broadcasts for Truth rather than ratings. Find out more at http://www.ewater.com/ and http://www.wellnesslecture.com/
Monday April 27, 2009 @1PM ET THE DR. COLDWELL REPORT with co-host Kelly Wallace and special guest Will Green the man with the million dollar hands. Founder and President of the largest Massage Therapist Association in America IMA. Best selling author, entrepreneur and natural health Expert: ON THE IMORTANCE OF OXYGEN and other important health issues. This interview can change your life and maybe even save it! Grandpa Green is one of Dr. Coldwell’s closest friends. www.willgreen.tv Will Green, President of the IMA Group, Inc. Author, Farmer, Consultant and Pastor. He lives in Warrenton, Virginia on Encouragement Farm with his two children. He is available for speaking and/or consulting at Will@IMAGroupInc.com
Thursday April 30, 2009 @ 9PM ET Dr. Coldwell is guest of David Ewing on the politically not so correct radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/WTP-Texas/2009/05/01/We-The-People-Special-Thursday-Show-8pm-CST
Thursday April 30, 2009 @ 9PM ET Dr. Coldwell is guest of David Ewing on the politically not so correct radio show: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/WTP-Texas/2009/05/01/We-The-People-Special-Thursday-Show-8pm-CST
Listen to archived shows anytime! Send them to your loved ones, friends, colleagues and neighbors – it could save their lives!
The Only Answer to Cancer Dr. Coldwell’s groundbreaking interview with Kelly Wallace about the Healing Power of your own body and mind to cure cancer. This is the Dr. Coldwell’s most listened to radio show ever! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TheDrColdwellReport/2009/02/07/Dr-Leonard-Coldwell-Instinct-Based-Medicine
Stress the Silent Killer! Listen to Dr. Coldwell the leading expert for cancer and stress related illness about his favorite topic: Stress the root cause of all illness. Go to: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/TheDr.ColdwellReport
Kevin Trudeau interview with Dr. Leonard Coldwell: The healing power of full body cleanses and true Cancer cures. Listen any time http://www.ktradionetwork.com/
For more information about Dr. Leonard Coldwell go to http://www.instinctbasedmedicine.com/ or http://www.drleonardcoldwell.com/
David Ewing,
dr. leonard coldwell,
Dr. Rima Laibow,
instinct based medicine,
kelly wallace,
Kevin Trudeau,
oxygen therapy,
stress the silent killer,
the only answer to cancer,
Will Green
Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Dr. Leonard Coldwell leading Patient Advocate,expert on cancer and stress related illnesses - Formerly general physician, NMD, PhD, CNHP - Leading health, motivation and success researcher - Consultant and trainer for many companies, organizations, medical institutions, politicians, top athletes and business executives - Founder of the "Modern Therapy Centers" and the "Foundation for Crime and Drug Free Schools and Health for Children". Dr. Coldwell is also President of the World Wellness Organization.For Information about Dr. Coldwell's newest book go to: http://www.InstinctBasedMedicine.com/
Biography of Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Biography of Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is considered as one of the leading authorities for self help education for cancer patients and is called by many authorities the world leading expert for cancer. Dr. Leonard Coldwell is the most endorsed holistic and alternative doctor. His curing rate for so called incurable diseases in Europe is legendary. After sixteen years as a General Practitioner in Europe, Dr. Coldwell left general practice to concentrate on his applied research in stress and stress related diseases, with particular emphasis on cancer and other so called incurable diseases.
While in Europe, Dr. Coldwell was the author of eight bestselling books, countless articles, and hundreds of self-help audio programs. He remains a syndicated columnist with more than seven million readers and continues to author one of the most successful and widely distributed self-help newsletters in Europe. Over two million people have attended his life enhancing seminars. An independent statistical institute estimated that Dr. Coldwell worked with over 35,000 patients.
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is the personal physician for Kevin Trudeau in Europe and is the original Natural Cures Doctor. Kevin Trudeau is the New York Times number 1 Bestseller author of his Mega Best Seller: Natural cures they don't want you to know about and refers to Dr. Coldwell and endorses Dr Coldwell's system nearly for every health challenge.
Prof Dr. Peter Lange the President of the Charitee in Berlin (equal to the NIH) says: " My colleague Dr. Leonard Coldwell is the David Copperfield of his field." Politicians, Movie Stars, Presidents of many of the largest companies, Nobel prize Winner in Medicine and celebrities from all walks of life belong to Dr. Coldwell's patients, clients and students.
Along the way, he became a noted consultant and trainer for multinational corporations, charitable organizations and medical institutions. He retired (not practicing in the USA) and moved to Charleston SC in 2000 where still resides. In addition to his appearances on numerous TV and radio stations around the world, he frequently appears on American TV news shows, radio shows and newspaper.
Soon after the tragedy of September 11, 2001, he was called on by the U.S. Naval Weapons Station in Charleston, SC to address stress related problems as an expert on traumatic stress relief. He continues to develop programs for firefighters, military, police and other professionals to relieve "stress," and he is active in the community as a volunteer for charity and nonprofit activities; particularly his "Foundation for Crime and Drug Free Schools and Health for Children".
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is a strong supporter of our troops. He was the keynote speaker at the Rally for the Troops, "Let Freedom Ring". His powerful speech was broadcasted world wide by clear channel radio and because of popular demand constantly repeated. He is recognized by US President George W. Bush, the US Congress, the South Carolina Governor as well as Senators and Congressmen and the leaders of the Veteran organization and Churches around the country. His support for the MUSC ended with a standing ovation. President Barack Obama thanked Dr. Coldwell for his support.
Congressman Joe Wilson presented Dr. Coldwell at the US Congress with a special recognition and that stated: "Best wishes to my good friend Dr. Leonard Coldwell, appreciate your promotion of Democracy." Warmest Regards, Joe Wilson Member of Congress.In 2000, Dr. Coldwell made the decision to invest his time, knowledge and experience in teaching and consulting to help make a better world for children and parents. Through his children's foundation, he is helping teachers, parents and children deal with stress and drugs in the local schools.
Further, he is well into the planning stages for the world's largest most comprehensive health resort. His plan is to house every mainstream, alternative, holistic and integrated therapy system in one location so that patients will have access to state of the art healing arts and practices in a wellness setting unique to the world. Finally, Dr. Coldwell is in the final stages of completing multimedia self-help library that addresses all aspects of life and the human condition. The system is called the Library of Life.
You can email Dr. Coldwell at: InstinctBasedMedicine@gmail.com
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