Thursday, June 25, 2009

Medical Errors Kill Over 100,000 Every Year

Dear Friend,

By now, you know that hospitals are some of the most dangerous places on earth. The diseases you can catch there are scary enough, but they're not the only thing to be afraid of. No, there's something much more deadly lurking in the halls.

In 1999, a report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) claimed that nearly 98,000 people die each year as a result of completely preventable medical errors. Ten years later, things have only gotten worse. The latest report by the Consumers Union claims that medical errors are causing more preventable deaths than ever -- over 100,000 each year.

That makes over a million preventable deaths in the last 10 years!

These types of gruesome statistics aren't the least bit surprising. The huge, impersonal health care system is capable of swallowing patient's whole and losing them in an increasingly vast shuffle.

The worst part about this whole thing is that these medical errors are usually not the grandiose kinds that make the headlines, such as surgeons removing or transplanting the wrong organs. It's easily preventable things like wrong prescriptions, improper dosages, and poorly administered treatments.

Not long ago, I wrote to you about a study published in the medical journal Quality and Safety in Health Care that detailed deadly medical errors that occurred in doctor's offices -- before patients even made it to the hospital! The study showed that 82 percent of the errors were caused by so-called "system malfunctions." One patient died because a message was not delivered on time.

As disturbing as this is, I shudder to think about how much worse they're likely to get when the health care system is hijacked by Obama's bureaucrats.

Try to name just one thing that's run better after it's been taking over by a government bureaucracy.

Besides, the Obama Administration has bungled the takeover of the U.S. auto industry. Why should we trust them to do any better with health care?

The government has already poured a staggering $19 billion into health care information technologies like electronic prescription systems. The theory is that such systems will help to eliminate all medical errors which stem from unintentional drug interactions -- even to clear up the confusion that can be caused by illegibly written prescriptions.

In the end, no matter what precaution Uncle Sam puts in place, the best way to keep yourself as safe as possible from these kinds of errors is to take more control of your own health care. If it's at all possible, choose a small family practice as your primary care provider instead of a medical mega-plex. You're much less likely to get lost in the shuffle that way. Don't be afraid to ask questions or get a second opinion -- or even a third, for that matter. You can't be too careful these days.

How To Protect Yourself From Swine Flu

Once a year take the full body cleanse from and take quint essence, vitamin c, d, e and zinc from and add the silver from

In Dr. Coldwell's new book:

See info on YouTube:

Listen to the only answer to cancer on TalkBlogRadio:

The best protection and cure for the swine flu is in the opinion of the World Wellness Organization:

Vitamin D 3 (we get it from ) and Hydrosol silver (from )

Product Number: 5060

* Highest Potency: 5000 IU (International Units) of Vitamin D3 per capsule

* 100% active form of Vitamin D - D3 (cholecalciferol), Helps Maintain Strong Bones and Supports Dental Health

* 93% of people deficient in Vitamin D (Mayo Clinic study in Minnesota)

* 83% of people deficient in Vitamin D (in Saudi Arabia study)

* 120 soft gels per bottle

Universal Formulas' Vitamin D soft gels supply this key vitamin in a highly-absorbable liquid soft gel form. Vitamin D is normally obtained from the diet or produced by the skin from the ultra-violet energy of the sun. However, it is not abundant in food. As more people avoid sun exposure, Vitamin D supplementation becomes even more necessary to ensure that your body receives an adequate supply.

Vitamin D is no longer just for bones. Recent research has discovered Vitamin D's expanding roles in inflammation, pain, heart disease, cancers and more. Specifically, Vitamin D was recently discovered to inhibit inflammation by inhibiting NF-kappaB.

Pandemic Level Set to 6!

Didn't I tell you that they're going to pull off another swine flu hoax to mandatorily vaccinate you -- to have a way to a call out martial law and take your guns or incarcerate you?

Since the Obama Administration has a penchant for treating emergencies as "opportunities," you should be aware that the World Health Organization (of the United Nations) has declared the first global flu pandemic in 41 years.

WHO-Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan has raised the global pandemic alert from "Phase 5" to the highest level of "Phase 6," signaling a jump in swine flu cases on multiple continents and systemic person-to-person transmission. (Interestingly, the WHO's pandemic action plan was finalized and put into full effect only two weeks before the swine flu scare began in late April.)

I bring this declaration of "Phase 6" to your attention because the formal activation of U.S. emergency plans is now technically in effect.

Assuming the number of flu cases in the United States climb dramatically (as expected) during the flu season later this year, under the UN/WHO plan, Americans could be subjected to forced quarantines and "pharmaceutical interventions" (i.e. mandatory mass vaccinations), curtailment of public meetings and events, and the shutting down of entire school systems.

Here's what we know so far:

On Wednesday, the WHO had reported 28,774 swine flu infections and 144 deaths in 74 countries. The WHO raised alert on the spread of flu followed an emergency meeting of United Nations' global health bureaucrats.

WHO officials say the emergency status is in part based on 13,000 cases of swine flu in the U.S., which authorities say have killed 27 people to date. One important aspect of this emergency, the Centers for Disease Control notes, is the fact that normally flu viruses don't spread very well in summer weather - but this particular flu strain continues to spread despite the arrival of summer.

Despite WHO designating the current spread of the pandemic as an "emergency," the U.N. agency went out of its way to urge countries such as the U.S. to keep their borders open and keep allowing international flights to continue. Instead, WHO is recommending each government be prepared to impose emergency measures on their own respective internal populations as desired - an invitation for countries such as the U.S. to use the military or police forces "maintain order" if the opportunity arises.

WHO officials, in keeping with politically-correct thinking so prevalent with globalist planners, do not want countries such as the U.S. to restrict illegal aliens from entering the country and flooding border-state hospitals.

United Nations officials note that in Argentina, thousands of worried residents flooded the entire hospital system in the capital city of Buenos Aires. For example, Breitbart News Service notes that a bus arriving from Chile was stoned by Argentineans who had heard a Chilean passenger had swine flu (Chile has the most swine flu cases in South America).

Keep your eyes peeled for additional government pronouncements on "stopping" swine flu. If the emergency appears to escalate, U.S. authorities could swing to action - "quarantine" populated areas, order compulsory mass vaccinations (which itself will cause many deaths), or forcibly remove people for mandatory swine flu "screening."

As I said, the World Health Organization wants the U.S. to declare an emergency and make preparations for "crowd control." But at the same time WHO wants us to keep our borders wide open.

More to come soon, folks. Swine flu may well be one of the greatest opportunities the Obama Administration has had to date to "road-test" all those emergency war and bio-terror powers.

Make no mistake; there are major health risks out there, including swine flu. But federal and state health authorities are not only likely to crack down and act ham-handedly in a crisis, but their actions are more likely to cause deaths than to save lives.

The Only Answer To Cancer

In my opinion the unofficial number one cause of uncured cancer, suffering from cancer and dying unnecessarily of cancer is the US Government. Especially the FTC and FDA and part of this is the American Cancer Association. (suppressing every natural cancer treatment or cure) and the AMA by misinforming the public and the media by spreading false information)

These government agencies, criminal or incompetent politicians and government employees keep proven cancer cures by creating laws that will create illness ( like vaccination ) or prevent healing. Codex Alimentarius is just one example.

The government is stating: that only a drug can cure, treat or prevent any disease. And that in itself is in my opinion treason because no drug can cure, treat or prevent any disease. Therefore they let or make people unnecessarily die -- by law. And the proof of scientific facts is out there.

The medical profession wants to make money and lots of it! Therefore it is not enough anymore just to treat with their worthless and dangerous approaches the sick people. Now they are recruiting constantly new customers by the lie of early detection saves lives and other fraudulent statements. They are making more money on worthless diagnostic techniques like Mammography that actually cause cancer and have not scientifically proved value. The only outcome is that if they find something (that they tell you is bad -- often the diagnosis is just wrong) earlier they can just " treat " you earlier and therefore longer but it will not expend your life spam or save your life. It will absolutely destroy your quality of life for the time you may have left no matter what and it usually will kill you earlier. Because in my experience people today do not die anymore of cancer they die of the side effects of the "treatment".

If the government or at least major parts of it would not be in it -- there would not be laws that allow GMO food -- gene manipulated food that causes cancer and other diseases. There would not be laws that forbid educating the public about the healing powers and possibilities of herbs, supplements and healthy food. There would not even be a discussion about outlawing organic farming. And most of all there would not be mandatory or government condoned or endorsed vaccination because experience and science shows that there has never been a safe and affective vaccine.

First of all there is no such thing as a disease! The body functions perfectly in balance or it doesn't. If it is out of balance -- a malfunction happens and we call these symptoms. The medical profession has just arbitrarily given a specific set of symptoms names that they call diseases, conditions or disorders. They just made the names and the illness up. The medical profession wants to look like as they would know what is wrong with their patient's body and mind and that they know how to fix it. That is the reason why they give these sets of symptoms different names and even invent names for treatments or drugs that are impressive sounding but usually worthless because they are treating isolated symptoms instead of the entire human with body, spirit, emotions and mind.

There is basically only one kind of cancer. Cancer is cancer; there are not different forms of cancer. But they name it after the body part it appears to sound like they know what is going on and what to do. Even though the symptoms can be different, that still does not change the fact that all cancer is virtually the same.

They have no answer to cancer and no cure and what they call treatment is nothing else then slaughters, mutilation, poisoning and killing the human system, body and spirit. The only cancer cure is to find and eliminate the cause of the imbalance in the human body that is the root cause of cancer or any other disease for that matter and eliminate it with nature or good given natural herbs, supplements or techniques like stress reduction. If the body is back in balance the cancer disappears on its own the same way it came. No treatment needed just support for the healing process and the support of health. The only requirement is to give the body the nutrition its needs to create and keep a healthy body and mind and not to continue the negative behavior that lead to the cancer in the first place.

But realistically there is no such thing as a disease there are only symptoms that are a call to action for us to make us aware of the fact that we are doing something wrong and we need to change it or our body will deteriorate and expire.

Remember: "There is no healing force outside the human body. The body creates the health challenge and only the body can reverse that!"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Long-Term Effects of Immunizations

By Bob Livingston • Feb 27th, 2009 • Category: Bob Livingston, Health, Personal Liberty Articles Long-Term Effects of Immunizations

A vaccination is a method by which diluted disease agents are introduced into the system by avoiding the natural defense mechanisms of the body. They are in a sense, parachuted behind enemy lines. Without any means to expel these agents (pathogens), they (the viruses) are eventually incorporated into the cells of the body.

This creates a profound confusion throughout the entire organism as to what is actually the organism (self) which is to be protected, and what is foreign (nonself), which is to be expelled. At some point the immune system will begin to attack cells within the body to rid the organism of the foreign substance. This results in chronic auto-immune disease.

It is no mystery how much autoimmune disease there is in America today.

The "people" who perpetrate the "immunization" crimes are well versed in psychological warfare. Mass crimes are created under the altruistic phrase "for the greater good." You who read my articles are able to translate "for the greater good" to always mean a transfer of more power to the corporate state.

They know that there are several years between the "immunization" shots and the appearance of autoimmune diseases. This is the perfect crime based on confusion of cause and effect.

Nazi Germany started mass compulsory immunization in 1940. The number of cases of diphtheria increased from 40,000 to 250,000 by 1945, virtually all among immunized children.

Bottom line for you: Mass inoculation and immunization is nothing more nor less than commerce via an alliance between big government and big pharmaceuticals. Further, this is an assault upon the people under a medical pretense.

Reference: "DPT; A Shot in the Dark" by Harris Coulter.

The literature states that homeopathic physicians can antidote vaccinations. See "The Case Against Immunizations" by Richard Moskowitz M.D.

Airport Body Scanners Too Revealing

Is the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) looking for hidden weapons or making pornographic movies? After looking at images from the naked body scanners being deployed in U.S. airports nationwide later this summer the answer is not so clear.

What is clear is that these scanners reveal far more than hidden weapons. They reveal every curve, nook and cranny in the human body and throw that image up on a computer screen for a TSA agent to view.

Called millimeter wave scans, the devices are set to replace the traditional metal detectors that passengers must go through to get from the ticketing to the boarding area of the airport.

The technology was first implemented a couple of years ago as a trial in the airport in Phoenix, Ariz. Similar machines were later put into operation in New York and Los Angeles.

When the TSA first began pushing the new technology it did so saying it would be used on a voluntary basis by those who didn’t want to have a more invasive physical pat down during a secondary screening.

In other words, those suspicious-looking white-haired grandmothers who didn’t want a TSA agent touching and feeling them all over would step into the machine so a TSA agent could instead ogle their image.

But now it’s not just the white-haired ladies, it’s everyone—children, teenagers, 20-somethings, middle agers and old-timers—going through the image scanners. There remains an option for those too squeamish to have their image made. You can step off to the side and a TSA agent can pat you down.

TSA says that the scanners will blur faces so no one will know whose body is being revealed. And TSA assures you the image is deleted the instant the passenger is cleared through the checkpoint. It also says only male TSA agents will view the males and only female agents will view the females.

Well that’s encouraging. We know there’s never been a man or woman who got their jollies from looking at naked members of his own sex.

Besides, the idea that the TSA is going to go to the trouble of separating the males and females into special lines once the checkpoints get backed up during peak travel times is unbelievable. And, in a news report demonstrating the working technology at an airport there was but one computer terminal in the room and the female agent was viewing a male scan. Later in the report a male agent was viewing a female image.

While news articles about the technology showed mixed reactions to the scanners by passengers, the very idea that one would have to submit to a virtual strip search just to travel on an airline should throw up all kinds of red flags. Big brother government already has too much data on your finances, medical records and shopping habits. This will give them a digital photo to go with it.

Thankfully the American Civil Liberties Union is considering filing a lawsuit against the TSA. Hopefully they’ll follow through.

If not, expect to have to reveal your naked body at every public venue in the near future because, coming soon to a subway station, stadium, concert hall and shopping mall near you, enhanced body scanners for the viewing pleasure of government agents.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Polluted Children, Toxic Nation

A Report On Pollution In North Americans

The first North-America study to test for harmful chemicals and heavy metals and the results show that North-Americans young and old are polluted regardless of where they live, work, play or go to school. and

Metallic Lunch: An Analysis of Heavy Metals In The Canadian Diet

Canadians (and people in other countries) are eating lead in many foods - raisins, frozen dinners, ground beef and wine. Lead at any level can cause serious negative health effects, especially for children's behavior, attentiveness and IQ.

Canadians (and people in other countries) are also eating cadmium, another toxic heavy metal. Foods polluted with cadmium include peanuts, shelled seeds, cabbage, processed food, potato chips and french fries. (I have had several clients test positive for this!)

Get The Lead Out

Over the years stored lead will be released back out of the bones and possibly cause damage in the body. Symptoms are: Headache, weakness, depression, gastrointestinal difficulties, hypertension, memory loss, cataracts, and kidney problems.

What you don't know won't hurt you...Heard that before?

The truth, what we don't know may well be what is hurting us, or at least, keeping us from feeling our best. It is no secret that we live with environmental pollution and heavy metal contamination, but do you know how it is affecting you directly? Now you can find out and remove it.

Even Our Pets are affected!

High levels of 48 different industrial chemicals were found in household pets in a study conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

The group tested 20 dogs and 37 cats from a Virginia veterinary clinic, and found high levels of chemicals from mercury to fire-retardants and stain-proof coatings. According to the group, pets are particularly at risk of exposure to toxic household chemicals because they are commonly on the ground or their feet. Infants and toddlers are at similar risk, EWG said.

Oakland, Calif. veterinarian Gary Richter said that the incidence of diseases linked to these chemicals has been increasing in household pets.

Arlene Blum, a visiting chemist at the University of California-Berkeley, echoed Richter's call for more regulation. Blum believes that her cat Midnight contracted hyperthyroidism from fire retardants used in her home, and that children are at similar risk.

Due to hyperthyroidism, Midnight lost 50 percent of his weight in only six months and his kidneys failed. Blum tested Midnight, her furniture and the dust in her home and found high levels of flame retardants in all three.

"In lab animals, fire retardant was shown to cause hyperthyroidism, and quite likely that is the cause of Midnight's problems - the fire retardant in the furniture," Blum said. "What goes into our furniture goes into our dust, cats and our children. These unnecessary toxic chemicals were banned in children's clothes, but not furniture."

The Heavy Metal Cleanse Kit helps you to take control of your own health. If you remove the toxins and heavy metals plugging your cell receptor sites your body is much less taxed and is more apt to heal itself and then better utilize nutrients. And the test is included to track results!

Handy for traveling, keep one at your office and in your vehicle allowing quick and easy access. They also make great gifts to family, friends and children for birthdays and holidays. We all pick up toxins and poisons on a regular basis. We currently live in a toxic, chemical laden world and are constantly subjected.

Don't forget about your beloved pets - they will benefit just as much as you by removing toxins!

The Heavy Metal Cleanse Kit is approximately a 30 day supply for 1 adult. If you find that you need to continue the cleanse longer (follow test results) individual bottles are also available.

This is the link that will take you directly to the cleanse...

Toxic Metals: The Reason You Still Feel Sick

Many doctors have noticed that even when people follow healthy dietary guidelines, they can still have serious health problems. They may digest their food poorly, experience digestive distress, or be generally sickly. Metal toxins cannot be rinsed from our systems with ample water intake or sweat therapy - metal toxins settle into our cellular structure, displacing healthy metal elements our bodies need, and compromising our overall health.

Toxic levels of the following are major contributors to accelerated aging, free radical damage and unexplained aches and pains.

• Mercury

• Aluminum

• Cadmium

• Arsenic

• Lead

• Nickel, and other metal poisons flood the environment and invade your body.

These toxic metals can cause or contribute to a long list of diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain and neurological disorders. While the medical establishment recognizes the acute toxicity that comes from high levels of metals in your body, far more people suffer the adverse effects of low-level, chronic exposure.

Toxins & Heavy Metals... As you know, a strong immune system and a healthy body are vital to survival. What you may have overlooked however is that, almost all of us are toxic to some extent with pollution, heavy metals (mercury, lead etc.), chemicals, pesticides, herbicides etc. and we pick these up on an ongoing daily basis. These toxins plug the cell receptor sites preventing us from utilizing minerals and nutrients - no matter how much your taking. So, in other words your supplements are being wasted, not only that your health is at great risk. The World Health Organization (Florence, Italy 1975) stated that, Heavy Metal contamination contributes to as much as 80% of all diseases and blocks therapeutic measures.

At home prevention technique... We know have some wonderful tools available which allows or empowers us in the area of "at home" prevention techniques. How do you know what level of toxicity you or your children are? Simple, now there is a wonderful tool that is easy to use and gives you accurate results. It's called the Heavy Metal Screen Test. Here is what Dr. J. Lemann, Toxicologist and Medical Expert of the Institute for Toxicology and Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, Hirschberg, Germany said, "We thoroughly investigated the test system with regard to its sensitivity and its specificity and found consistent evidence that it is possible to detect individual toxicologically relevant metals in urine or water specimens in the range of a few ppm, at times even fractions of one ppm. This makes it possible to obtain on the spot clinically important preliminary data".

The body simply can not function properly if you are carrying around these toxins- you can't utilize minerals, which are essential to good health. Do you or any of your family members get sick often; have any diseases or prolonged or recurrent illnesses? This is telling you your immune system is weakened, obviously toxic and vulnerable to attack. Even if you think you have detoxified and are consistently taking measures to flush the toxins which we pick up on a daily basis. If you have not tested yourself or the children you have no idea how well you are doing or if what you are using is working at all. This test allows you to adjust dosages as well! You'll know exactly when you can drop down to a maintenance dose - saving you money! Demand a result you can physically see.

The Heavy Metal Cleanse Kit helps you to take control of your own health. If you remove the toxins and heavy metals plugging your cell receptor sites your body is much less taxed and is more apt to heal itself and then better utilize nutrients. And the test is included to track results!

Handy for traveling, keep one at your office and in your vehicle allowing quick and easy access. They also make great gifts to family, friends and children for birthdays and holidays. We all pick up toxins and poisons on a regular basis. We currently live in a toxic, chemical laden world and are constantly subjected.

Don't forget about your beloved pets - they will benefit just as much as you by removing toxins!

The Heavy Metal Cleanse Kit is approximately a 30 day supply for 1 adult. If you find that you need to continue the cleanse longer (follow test results) individual bottles are also available.

This is the link that will take you directly to the cleanse

Monday, June 15, 2009

Quiet Time - Stress Reduction for Christians by Dr. Leonard Coldwell

The First Stress Reduction System for Christians! For the first time ever! Dr. Leonard Coldwell created with the advice and help of Christian Ministers, Pastors and Priests a stress reduction system for Christians. This is the Christian version of Dr. Coldwell's famous IBMS™stress reduction system. The most sold and the most endorsed stress reduction system in the world. Due to popular demand and countless requests from church members and ministers, Dr. Coldwell finally introduced Quiet Time. The very first stress reduction system for Christians.

Included in the set:

1. Letting Go - The Lords prayer for internal and external peace.
2. Prayer for Healing - This session allows you to get closer to your creator and his love and healing power.
3. Healthy Breathing - This session invites the Lords wholeness and breath of life into your body mind and spirit.

This set will be available instantly for the introductory price of just $99.00 (Retail at a later date: $250.00) The first 500 people who order this system: Quite Time - Stress Reduction for Christians will receive Dr. Leonard Coldwell's Popular Interview on his view on Cancer a $35.00 dollar value for free.

If you have any trouble ordering the set from here, please go to Dr. Coldwell's website

Quiet Time- Stress Reduction For Christians
  • Item #: 0200
Price $99.00

Friday, June 5, 2009

Upcoming Seminars, Teleclasses, and Shows!

Chicago, IL

Saturday, June 13th 4 p.m.

Author, Lecturer, clinician, radio and TV personality, Dr. Leonard Coldwell has one of the highest success rates with cancer in the world. His "Instinct Based Medicine" reveals the cause of all disease. His practical solutions to stress and emotions have provided tens of thousands of people with more than just hope.

Chicago 2009 Seminars:

Day: Saturday June 13th 4 p.m.

Room: Utopia B

Topic: The Only Answer to Cancer. Overcoming Emotions and Stress in an Electronically HOT environment.

Summary: "There is one cause for all disease," Dr. Coldwell pronounces. He has repeatedly proven the accuracy of this statement with his patients over the years. His affordable, practical steps that allow us to compensate for stress and negative emotions have been the catalyst for life vs.. death for thousands. Dr. Coldwell knows the politics of health care, the overbearing assault on our bodies and minds by satellites, towers, cell phones and electronics. He cuts right to the heart of what is ignored in health restoration: THE TRUTH! Catch this lecture and stop being a victim.

How to eliminate the root cause of cancer, depression, anxiety and all other stress related illness

Join Dr. Leonard Coldwell for this free Teleclass at June 16th, 2009

Dr. Leonard Coldwell the leading expert for cancer and stress related illness will show you in this Teleclass how to define and eliminate the root cause of all disease. The target issue in this class is cancer, depression, anxiety and other stress related illness. Dr Leonard Coldwell is the author of 11 bestselling books and his first book in English:” Instinct Based Medicine – How to survive your illness and your doctor”, just hit the market and is already considered a best seller. For more information please go to Dr Coldwell is considered by many health experts as the leading authority for cancer and so called terminal diseases and as having the highest cancer cure rate today.

Seminar description

This Seminar is unusual and different than anything else you ever joined before. You will understand why there is only one single way to perfect health. That there is only one single cause of illness and 95% of that is stress based. You learn how to understand that and why you are the only person that can give you cancer or any other disease and that you are the only person that can cure yourself from whatever it is you are suffering from. No matter if you have metal and emotional challenges to overcome or physical ones – there is only one cause and only one cure for each and every one of us. You will learn how to uncover the root cause of your individual health challenges and how to eliminate it, using common sense and instinct based medicine. When you use these tools to stand up to

Depression, Anxiety or physical challenges like cancer or other terrible limitations or life threatening conditions, you will get back into the driver seat of your life and you are enabled to take charge of your own life, health and happiness by using the tools that nature gave all of us to survive and live a happy and fulfilled life. Learn how to boost your energy level, motivation and happiness. Dr Coldwell combined his experience and the most endorsed and successful holistic doctor and his outstanding talents to empower and motivate people in this unique class.

60 Minutes that could change your life forever!

The Dr. Coldwell Report Radio Show

Dr. Leonard Coldwell on live radio every Monday at 1pm East Coast Time

Instinct Based Medicine - The only answer to Cancer

Dr. Leonard Coldwell, the leading authority for Cancer and Stress Related illness reveals his knowledge and wisdom for the first time on Blog Radio.

Dr. Coldwell has in the opinion of many health experts the world's highest Cancer curing rate and you will learn why, when you listen any time on

The archived show The only answer to cancer is from Saturday, February 7th 2009 at 2 pm eastern time (60 Minute Radio Show)

Listen live every Monday at 1pm East Coast Time. After the show you may also ask Dr. Coldwell personally about the life issues that concern you or your loved ones. Write to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Every question will be answered.

Dr. Coldwell cured his own mother from liver cancer in a terminal state over 33 years ago and she is alive and well at age 73. Dr. Coldwell worked successfully with over 35, 000 cancer patients (and patients with other so called terminal or incurable diseases).

Dr Leonard Coldwell is a 10 times bestselling author in Europe and his newest book is now available in English.

See the book information on Utube: