Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Are mandatory vaccinations acts of violence against children?

This article refers to the parody cartoon found at (http://www.naturalnews.com/028211_v...). This parody cartoon grew out of the idea that vaccines are "shots" that are being increasingly forced upon children and teens. At times, these vaccines are enforced at gunpoint or with the presence of vicious guard dogs -- as happened in Maryland two years ago when a court judge ordered thousands of parents to bring their children to court for vaccination or face gunpoint arrest and possible jail time. (http://www.naturalnews.com/022267.html)

Most modern vaccinations are, of course, a form ofchemical violence against children. If they were all formulated without chemical preservatives (like thimerosal) and dangerous adjuvants (which can harm the nervous system), that might be a different story. But far too many of today's vaccines are
 chemical concoctions that are entirely unnatural to the human body. To force them into the bodies of innocent children is an act of medical violence.

The method of introducing the vaccines is unnatural and highly interventionist: These chemicals and DNA / RNA fragments are injected directly into the tissues and blood, bypassing the skin (a normal protective defense) and bypassing the digestive system, too. An injected mandatory vaccine dumps foreign material directly into the bloodstream of children
 without the consent of either the child or the parents -- that's what qualifies mandatory vaccines as "chemical violence" against children.
The Mad Doctor is in
The doctor in this parody cartoon was intentionally created to depict a "crazed" mad doctor because nothing turns an ordinary doctor into a mad man faster than an argument about vaccines. While he may seem to be a reasonable person on all other subjects, once you challenge him on the dangers of over-vaccination of children, all reason gets thrown out the window and he morphs into a raging lunatic of unscientific emotion.
The complete lack of scientific evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of vaccines makes no difference to him. "Vaccines need no science," he'll say, "Because everybody knows they work!"
My offer of $10,000 to anyone who can produce a scientific study proving the safety and effectiveness of H1N1 vaccines remains utterly unclaimed: http://www.naturalnews.com/027985_H...
Vaccine failures are common
Meanwhile, in the real world vaccines are failing miserably. A recent outbreak of mumps in the New Jersey / New York area occurred almost entirely among children who had already been vaccinated against mumps. I covered this story here: http://www.naturalnews.com/028142_m...
Clearly if vaccines really worked, then an outbreak should have only occurred among those who were NOT vaccinated against mumps, right? But as I reported here on NaturalNews, 77 percent of the children who got infected had already been vaccinated!
A similar truth emerges when you look at H1N1 deaths: Thousands of those who were vaccinated against H1N1 swine flu had already received the vaccine shots (http://www.naturalnews.com/027956_H...). We still don't know the exact number of how many vaccinated people died because the CDC is hiding that data from the public, making sure the mainstream media doesn't learn the truth that even many of those who were vaccinated still died.
What the CDC and its Big Pharma cohorts want people to mistakenly believe is that vaccines always offer protection against infectious disease. (100% protection). But this is blatantly false. In fact, because vaccines introduce aweakened virus into the body, they may hamper the normal immune response, creating systemic weakness that makes people more vulnerable to future infectious disease. In essence, weakened viruses create weakened immune responses, "training" the immune system to be more passive against future threats. That's why people who received vaccines in the past are far more likely to die of infectious disease in the future. 
The Big Lie
Vaccine safety and effectiveness is "the Big Lie" of modern medicine in much the same that the WTC 7 building is "the Big Lie" of the war on terror. People who believe vaccines always work usually also believe the WTC 7 building was brought down by ordinary office fires.
Yep: A hardened, military-grade structure made of concrete and steel somehow managed to collapse in perfect vertical demolition style due to a few ordinary office fires. This explanation is so laughably false that I question the practical intelligence of anyone who believes it... and yet lots of people believe it! These are the same people who believe that a hundred different vaccines are all good for you and that the drug companies are only looking out for your welfare.
Watch this video about WTC building 7:
Some people will believe anything
I've noticed a fascinating correlation between those who buy the official line on 9/11 and those who buy the official line on vaccines: These are the non-thinking people who are easily duped by anything the officials tell them. They could be told that the WTC 7 building was brought down by out-of-control office workers shooting rubber band guns in the hallway and they'd believe it! 
For office fires to have brought down WTC 7 in such a perfectly organized, vertical collapse, do you realize that these fires would have had to somehow melt or destroy all the support columns of the entire building at almost exactly the same time? 
That's the only way a building falls down vertically in such a controlled fashion: You have to blow out the support columns in a very carefully controlled split-second sequence. The odds of a fire accomplishing this are as close to zero as you can imagine... especially given that ordinary office fires don't even burn at the temperatures necessary to cause steel support beams to fail due to heat.
Watch this mini-documentary to learn more:
What the real Skeptics are asking right now
So what does WTC building 7 have to do with vaccines? They both serve as a simple test of intelligent skepticism.
The real Skeptics are the people who are skeptical of the official explanation of 9/11 and the cause of the collapse of WTC building 7. Real Skeptics are likewise skeptical of the vaccine-pushing agenda of the CDC and the drug companies. The real Skeptics think for themselves and ask intelligent questions like, "Why have no other steel buildings ever collapse from ordinary office fires in the history of the entire world?"
Or questions like, "If human beings survived for hundreds of thousands of years without vaccines, developing highly effective internal defenses against infectious disease, then why are vaccines all of a sudden being pushed so hard given that the human gene pool has hardly changed over the last 10,000 years?"
Or here's an even better question: "If avoiding vaccines is so dangerous, then why are nearly all the children of anti-vaccine parents so amazingly healthy and intelligent?" They're the smartest kids in the room. Meanwhile, all the really low-IQ kids tend to belong to parents who dutifully approve every vaccine shot they're told to subject their children to. (And they use antibacterial hand soaps at home, too, because they're suckers for any chemical that's marketed as "protecting kids from disease.")
The non-skeptics are people who believe whatever they're told by authority figures no matter how ridiculous the explanation. Here, you need these vaccines shots because without them you might die! Irradiate your body with mammography in order to prevent cancer! Don't take vitamins or nutrients because they might hurt you! Instead, swallow these chemical medications -- they're GOOD for you!
These are just some of the ridiculous commands of the authorities who depend on suckers to buy into their falsehoods. There are a lot of suckers in the medical community, of course: In fact, you don't even get through conventional medical school unless you suspend the entire process of thinking for yourself. With very few exceptions, the very act of becoming a licensed, practicing doctor requires a near-complete surrender of all independent thought combined with outright obedience to the Cult of Pharmacology (and its conspirators like the FDA, CDC and WHO). State medical boards yank medical licenses away from any doctor who deviates from "the faith" of pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. Merely recommending vitamin D to a cancer patient can get a doctor barred from practicing medicine. (Absolutely true.)
Vaccines make you easier to control
This same obedience to authority cults is what drives suckers into the arms of vaccine pushers. They're told to be obedient to vaccines, so they follow orders without a single skeptical question coming to mind. Once they actually receive more vaccine injections, this process becomes further self-reinforcing because vaccine chemicals harm the nervous system, effectively suppressing cognitive function and making it more difficult for people to think for themselves. (This can usually be reversed, by the way, with nutritional detox therapies based on herbs and superfoods. So even if you were vaccinated in the past like I was, you can still "clean up" your system and restore healthy brain function.)
Once you combine the toxicity of vaccine adjuvants, chlorine in the water, BPA in plastics, non-stick cookware chemicals, antibacterial soaps and the chemicals in foods and medicines, you have a brain-numbing toxic stew that is now being spoon-fed to mainstream America. With their brains chemically suppressed by this onslaught of chemicals, most people find it impossible to think for themselves, so they go along with whatever they're told, oblivious to the truth that they are being fed daily poisons through the water system, the food supply, prescription medications and the mainstream media.
Vaccines are just one more form of ammunition in the war to poison the People -- a war that's being waged by the corporations that rule our world. This war, like all wars, is extremely profitable to those who manufacture the bullets (or, in this case, the vaccines). The more people they can make sick -- or scare into thinking they might become sick -- the more money they can reap from the non-thinking public who will do whatever they're told.
Vaccines are good for you. The WTC 7 collapse was caused by fire. War is peace. Medical slavery is freedom...
Vaccines and bioterrorism
All of a sudden people who are asking intelligent questions about vaccines are under attack from a "national security" angle. Those who aren't vaccinated may die in a bioterrorism attack, we're now being told by the mainstream media. (I don't want to promote those stories by linking to them, but they're out there.)
Do you see this hilarious pattern? More fear is now being applied to scare people into getting vaccines by implying they might die from terrorism if they don't get them! Now, those who refuse vaccinations are practically being called traitors to the American Empire. Will refusing vaccines soon get you arrested under the Patriot Act?
But the vaccine pushers are in for a rude surprise: Vaccines ARE a form of bioterrorism! War has already been declared on the American people by the drug companies, and the weapons are the vaccines, the pharmaceuticals, the mammogram machines, the chemotherapy and other such weapons used by modern medicine. That's why this cartoon makes so much metaphorical sense: Vaccines are weapons!
The casualty count of this medical bioterrorism being waged against the People won't be known for years... perhaps decades. That's because vaccines don't kill very many people right away. Instead, they eat away at your brain function and immune function. They compromise your ability to stay healthy in the future, thereby increasing your risk of death from future infectious disease. Remember: Viruses mutate all the time, but vaccines don't. The vaccine shot you get today for strain ABC won't save you next week when the circulating virus mutates to BCD. Only your immune system can save you from that, and your immune system has been "dumbed down" by the vaccines!
The final body count from mandatory vaccination programs may eventually be in the tens of millions, but we'll probably never know for sure because people who die from the side effects of vaccines are never recorded as official "vaccine deaths." The coroners instead blame the more immediate elements such as "liver failure". We'll never know for sure how many of these deaths were actually initiated by vaccines which imbalanced the victim's immune function or caused long-term impairment to essential organ function.
It is very likely, for example, that most of the people who died from H1N1 swine flu were recipients of previous vaccines. The role that those previous vaccines may have played in their recent deaths from H1N1 is not being acknowledged by any health authority -- they simply pretend there is no correlation between previous vaccinations and current immune system vulnerability.
All it would take to see the pattern is a trip to the swine flu morgue: I'm willing to bet that the majority of those who died from swine flu were recipients of previous vaccines.
Real solutions
I don't know of a single person who took high-dose vitamin D and led a healthy lifestyle who was killed by H1N1 swine flu. Not a single death of a person like this has been reported in the press. Don't you think the CDC, drug companies and the media would jump all over such a story if it were true? "Healthy vitamin D advocate dies of swine flu!" They would love to report such a story if only they could find one...
The problem for them is that such an event has probably never happened. No healthy person with high vitamin D levels has apparently ever died from swine flu. In fact, it's safe to say that the number of vitamin D advocates dying fromany flu (including seasonal flu) must be extremely small, even spanning the last several decades.
That's because vitamin D protects you from infectious disease. Far better than vaccines, in fact. Vitamin D helps prevent cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It helps build strong bones and even plays a role in brain function. Vitamin D is the "miracle" solution for infectious disease that the world needs... and yet the CDC won't mention it!
Why won't the CDC recommend vitamin D? The answer is simple: Because the CDC is the vaccine whore of the drug industry. And at the top of the list of vaccine pushers is, of course, Dr. Julie Gerberding, who previously led the CDC for nine years and is now suddenly the president of Merck's worldwide vaccine division (http://www.naturalnews.com/027789_D...).
The CDC doesn't believe in nutrition. It doesn't believe in the human immune system (unless activated with a vaccine injection). It doesn't believe in anti-viral herbs or natural medicines. The CDC only believes in patented, FDA-approved Big Pharma vaccines, and that's what it's pushing no matter what. The CDC operates with scientific blinders that prevent it from acknowledging anything outside the world of vaccines and Big Pharma chemicals.
Forget the science: Vaccines represent the cultist mythology of modern medicine. If the CDC were really interested in halting infectious disease, why wouldn't they go public with recommendations about sunlight and vitamin D?
Why wouldn't the CDC empower people with the knowledge they need to protect themselves against virtually ALL infectious disease?
Why would the CDC remain silent on the issue of vitamin D, knowing that their silence would doom tens of thousands of American families and children to death each year from preventable flu infections?
The answer is because the CDC isn't really interested in public health. I used to think highly of the CDC, but after this swine flu behavior, I've come to see this agency for what it really is: The vaccine marketing division of the pharmaceutical industry. Instead of thinking that Merck and the CDC are separate entities, you might as well just call itMerckDC.
The CDC is no more interested in public health than the tobacco companies are interested in healthy lungs. The leaders of this agency have but one mission: Push vaccines onto more people and thereby eventually land high-paying jobs with the drug companies.
If you really want to protect yourself from infectious disease, all you really need is vitamin D, great nutrition, a healthy fitness level and the support of Mother Nature's anti-viral phytonutrients which are present both in everyday foods and medicinal herbs. You don't need the CDC. You don't need Big Pharma. You don't need vaccines and you sure don't need Merck. What you do need is to support your body's own miraculous immune system technology and let it do its job to save your life like it already has a thousand times over.
And in terms of developing countries where misguided billionaires like Bill Gates are engaged in funding mass vaccination programs, what they really need there are mass nutrition programs. Nutrition, vitamin D and some basic public sanitation would end the infectious disease problems there far more effectively than vaccines. So why won't Bill Gates invest money in nutrition? Because he's a wealthy puppet of Big Business, just like the CDC, WHO, FDA and FTC.
Teaching developing countries about nutrition and sanitation creates independence and empowerment. But teaching them to rely solely on vaccines leads to dependence and medical enslavement. Which path do you really think Big Business wants developing countries to take? You guessed it: The path of dependence on western corporations that reap huge profits from the suffering of third-world children.
That's why this cartoon is such a powerful metaphor: Vaccines are weapons. They are weapons of control over both domestic and foreign populations. They are weapons that ensure a profitable financial future for the pharmaceutical industry, and they are weapons that are being openly promoted by the FDA, CDC and the WHO -- agencies with long histories of deep-rooted collusion with the pharmaceutical industry.
Share this cartoon (and a link to this page) to help educate others about what's really going on with the vaccine industry. You can view the full cartoon at: http://www.naturalnews.com/028211_v...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Dr. Coldwell Will Be At The Long Beach Health Expo - Sat. March 27th

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

War On Your Helath by Dr. Leo Rebello

This is an abridged version of the Chapter of eponymous title from
Dr. Leo Rebello’s inspiring book “World without Wars”.
For more details see his popular website: www.healthwisdom.org  
Our modern world is not only crazier than we think, but crazier than we can possibly imagine. This can be proved by the following examples:

(a) The Court in Minnesota orders a parent to poison her 13-year-old boy with chemotherapy as it believes chemo is the only treatment for cancer that works (parental and child rights be damned).

(b) London-based epidemiologist Malcolm Law says that all those above 55 years be put on toxic blood pressure drugs, regardless of the health status of the person.  He says that the “polypill” (containing statin) would be an effective way to cut the number of heart attacks and strokes in the UK. [1]

(c) Massachusetts Senate passes a law allowing mandatory vaccinations of all citizens and a $1,000 / day fine for those who refuse. It also legalizes health care "interrogations" of citizens, forced entry into their homes, "involuntary transportation" of people into quarantine camps, etc.

(d) Soy protein is contaminated with a toxic chemical solvent Hexane that’s a byproduct of gasoline refining. Hexane (a lethal neurotoxin) is found in soy protein that’s used in infant formula, protein bars, and other soy products.

Austrian investigative journalist, Jane Burgermeister, filed a lawsuit in Vienna (in July 2009) against the companies (Baxter and Avir), which are preparing the vaccine against the resulting pandemic on the grounds that they are preparing a global genocide designed to substantially reduce the world's population. [2]

This sinister agenda goes back to the Rockefeller family, which had supported the Nazi's racial agenda and which today controls virtually 100% of the US bioengineering industry, as well as the UN.

As part of the Population Control Pogrom, various wars, in the name of Health, are waged against you. Like the carpet-bombing of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, vaccines, drugs, carcinogens, steroids, statins, anti-retrovirals, antibiotics, aspartame, fluoride and other chemicals are pumped into you. More people are killed in normal times, in hospitals – by devils called doctors -- than all the war casualties put together.

Under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, upon the declaration of a “public health emergency,” public health officials can: * Force individuals with “infectious disease” to undergo medical examinations. * Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases. * Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices. * Mobilize all or any part of the “organized militia into service to help enforce the state’s orders.” * Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.

The arrogant medical scientists instead of educating the parents what causes genetic disorders are trying to create artificial sperm and artificially inseminate a woman. But they won’t inform that junk food, drugs, tobacco, alcohol cause a loss in sperm quality in the first place. They will also keep mum that after a hundred years of medical domination, they have yet to create a single cure for anything: Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's, kidney stones or a thousand other health conditions.

These ‘sickos’ who cannot think beyond insane profits, have also turned pregnancy (a natural phenomenon) into a disease -- evidenced by the way pregnant women are rushed into hospitals for all sorts of poking, prodding and blood testing. There is no willingness in modern medicine to simply let pregnancy, childbirth or fertility happen naturally. It's all about intervention and profits.

It is high time, says Robert Butts that we can solve any high profit problem by deprofitising the problem. But the septuagenarian committed to Water Cure and Salt Treatment [3], like several others, does not understand the cloak and dagger Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry.

The governing principles of the medicine mafia
1. By last count, the medicine mafia has produced some 30,000 diseases.

2. ‘Pharma Industry’ was artificially created and strategically developed over an entire century by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries.
3. The huge profits of this industry are based on the patenting of new drugs. These patents essentially allow drug manufacturers to arbitrarily define the profits for their products.
4. A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases.
5. They expand their market by continuously hoodwinking the patients. For example, Bayer’s pain pill Aspirin is now taken by over 50 million healthy US citizens under the illusion it will prevent heart attacks.
6. Another key strategy is to cause new diseases with drugs. For example, all cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market are known to increase the risk of developing cancer.
7. The known deadly side effects of prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world. [4]

8. Prevention and root cause treatment of diseases decrease long-term profitability; therefore, they are avoided or even obstructed by this industry.

9. To protect the strategic development of its investment business against the threat from effective, natural and non-patentable therapies, the pharmaceutical industry has – over an entire century - used the most unscrupulous methods, such as:
(a) Withholding life-saving health information from millions of people; for example, Vitamin C is available in fruits, vegetables and herbs in plenty and it can prevent and cure cancers without any costly intervention.
(b) Discrediting natural health therapies. The most common way is through global campaigns that spread lies about the alleged side effects of natural substances used for millennia. Or lies of homeopathy being placebo, etc.
(c) Banning by law the dissemination of information about natural health therapies. To that end, the ‘Big Pharma’ has placed its lobbyists in key political positions in key markets and leading drug export nations.
10. Pharma business is the biggest con in human history. The product “health” promised by drug companies is not delivered. Instead, the “products” most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death of millions.
11. The survival of ‘pharma’ is dependent on the elimination of effective natural health therapies. Yes, these traditional and natural therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world’s largest investment industry.

You see we are doing everything to help you is the usual refrain.  Fluoridation, for example, gives you Germ Free Aqua Pura.  Let us look at this claim.

Fluoridation is a practice in which a relatively small number of people, with limited scientific qualifications, are intent on fluoridating drinking water supplies worldwide with very little to no understanding of fluoride's toxicology. [5]
The worldwide ambitions of this dental lobby was revealed in November 2006 when the WHO (supported with a lot of cash from the US as well as the sugar lobby), IADR (for whom the fluoridation practice represents the gravy train for dental research) and the FDI (funded by the toothpaste, sugar, pharmaceutical and chemical industries) organized the "Global Consultation on Oral Health through Fluoride" in Geneva and Ferney Voltaire, 17-19 November 2006. These bodies (WHO, IADR and FDI) issued a declaration containing this preposterous phrase: "universal access to fluoride for dental health is a part of the basic human right to health."

Fluoride was first used in the concentration camps of WW2 to keep the prisoners subdued and sterile. If you do not believe they mean to calm us all by this method, please consider the fact that moods altering medications or calmers, such as, Prozac, are around 94% fluoride. So, a very expensive to dispose of, toxic waste, is bought by our taxes to add to the water to help our teeth.

In the mean time, more and more people die of cancer, Alzheimer’s, osteosarcoma etc, fertility is reduced lowering the birth rate. Someone who dies from smoking-induced cancer is listed as dying from cancer, not smoking. Someone who has fluoride induced cancer...cancer instead of fluoride poisoning.

Laws have been made to protect the pharma and water companies from lawsuits for mishaps or damages. Even fluorosis of the teeth (affecting approx. 78% of kids in Ireland) is listed as being cosmetic, not treatable under the NHS dental services.
Eleanore Dunn, Nutritionist, comments: “All these things lead to the destruction of the probiotics, the metabolizers in our bodies that make the elements bio-available.  Everything alive on the planet needs probiotics to survive.  We need to focus on this issue since it is the root cause of all of the diseases.  We need to clean the water with hydrogen peroxide since a virus, bacteria, pathogen or cancer cannot survive in a liquid oxygen environment.  This is the cure for swine flu, cancer, AIDS, etc. and is so easy to prove scientifically.  Just have them test the rainwater for probiotics as they create our hydrogen peroxide, the immune system”.

Now since they say Swine Flu is raging, let us do quick calculations. Assuming you believe the vaccine works, it turns out you would have to vaccinate 200,000 people to prevent the death of just one person from swine flu. And vaccinating 200,000 people would probably result in the harm or death of several just from the vaccine side effects. But it will mean trillions of dollars of profit.

If any further proof of ‘pharma con’ is required, this message received on 1st Sept. 2009, via email should put the nail in the coffin of the killer Pharma industry.

I am the author of the book "The Medical Mafia". [6] Among the many topics mentioned in this volume, I was revealing the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccination. At that time, I was a practicing physician in Quebec, Canada, under the name of Ghislaine Lanctôt, and the owner of numerous medical clinics. Because of my professional status, my words weighed significantly in the public eye. The Medical Board’s reaction was immediate and strong. Its leaders demanded that I resign as a physician. I answered that I would do so as long as they could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board replied with a call for my expulsion.

An 11-day trial followed (1995), where I appeared without any lawyer. The arguments rested mainly on vaccination. As I witnessed the disproportionate reaction of the Medical Board, I realized that, for the health establishment, the subject of vaccination was taboo.  discovered that, despite official claims, vaccines have nothing to do with public health. Underneath the governmental stamp of approval, there are deep military, political and industrial interests.

Throughout the trial, the Medical Board brought many physicians as public health “experts”. During the cross-examination of one of these, Dr. Richard Massé, I used an episode from the March 11, 1979, 60 Minutes TV show from CBS. This episode talked about the tragic and massive vaccination in USA during the 1976 swine flu outbreak.

None of the physicians at the trial took this information seriously. Since this trial, these same physicians have continued their career in public health and now hold hon’ble positions. They are the very ones who are pushing the public toward a new worldwide epidemic. This A(H1N1) pandemic is concocted and orchestrated by the WHO, and serves the same military, political and industrial interests as those of 1976.
I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated. Here are the most important ones:
* Compulsory inoculation of vaccines containing a deadly virus.
* Massive and targeted reduction of the world population.
* Through vaccines, possible introduction of tiny microchips for mind control.
* Establishment of martial law and police state.
* Activation of the concentration camps built to accommodate the rebellious.
* Transfer of power from all nations to a single .New World Order.

“She has decided to take sanyas. She has given up her identity cards, bank accounts, insurance, driver’s license and has decided to let her Canadian passport lapse and was just released from jail. I wonder how this 66-year old lady will survive. This is how Medicine Mafia operates” wrote Thomas Victor, an Indian-American Health Activist, in Sept. 2009.

Louis Pasteur, originator of the “Germ Theory” of disease on which the concept of vaccines are predicated, recanted his entire theory on his death bed when he capitulated to his biggest critic, Antoine Beauchamp, by saying “The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything".  By “terrain” Pasteur was referring to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the body. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that no virus, no pathogen can survive in an oxygen rich environment. This finding has been massively suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, which is the biggest con of our times and yet it has the stranglehold of “religion” on the minds of even well educated people.

Virologist Bill Deagle, MD was approached by the CIA a few years ago wanting his help to develop a weaponized flu and weaponized vaccine for population control purposes. After pouring over their documents he refused to help them and at the risk to his life became a whistleblower. [7] 

How many of you know that Codex Alementarius has come into effect on the midnight of 31st December 2009, which will mean: Quality nutrients would be banned and only foods that were GMO, irradiated, hormone or antibiotic infused etc. would be available? Toxic chemicals presently banned would be allowed, and, of course, pharmaceuticals not touched at all.

Mahesh Bhatt, filmmaker, adds a new dimension to the growing rage against GM food. In the film, Poison on the Platter, he says the health hazards of genetically modified food would dwarf all catastrophes like nuclear attack, floods, cyclones and the world wars. It is bioterrorism, he emphasizes, and it has the potential to wipe out life from the planet, in its entirety. After all, he argues, everyone needs food and if that is poisoned, what could be more devastating?
Harm from GM food is not a myth, says Bhatt as he portrays the havoc wrought by the GM food supplement L-Tryptophan on American Citizens. Jeffrey Smith, author of Genetic Roulette, proves it led to scores of deaths and thousands were taken ill by the time the source of the problem was discovered.
Dr Gregory Damato gives an idea about what GM food can do to us. (a) There is no increase in yield with GM. (b) Gene insertion has unintended cascading effects. (c) One gene insertion can have more than one uncontrolled effect. (d) Decrease in fertility, very serious and deep-rooted immunological changes, and allergies. (e) A single gene insertion caused uncontrolled changes in 1016 genes of mice under experimentation. (f) The after effects were more pronounced in the third generation. (g) Emergence of newly expressed proteins with allergenic potential. We need to wake up to fight this war on our health, now, for tomorrow may be too late.

1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/8057850.stm
2. http://www.naturalnews.com/z026503_pandemic_swine_flu_bioterrorism.html
3. www.watercure2.org
4. Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998.
5. www.FluorideAlert.Org
6. www.jemesouviensdequijesuis.com/english/images/dotconnector02ghis.pdf
7. Jeff Rense interviews Bill Deagle on www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SvxwvWHTsA

Additional Resources
8. Dr. Leonard Horowitz: www.OxySilver.org  
9. Dr. Leo Rebello: www.healthwisdom.org

Monday, February 8, 2010

Comment Left on KTRadio After Dr. Coldwell's Guest Appearance

When I heard your interview with Dr. Coldwell about his new book, The Only Answer to Cancer, I purchased this for my father (83 years old) as a Christmas gift.  He was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2006 and went through four rounds of chemo and radiation treatments that nearly killed him.  He was told he had two years to live in the spring of 2008 and his doctors wanted him to continue with the treatments. He told them that there was no way and that he would rather die then experience the side effects of the treatments again.  He told me the other day that his only regret would be that he won’t be around to see his grand daughters graduate from high school, but I believe that with Dr Coldwell’s book and CD’s, he will not only be around for their graduations, but he will dance at there weddings.  This has only been possible because of you and your radio show. THANK YOU!!

Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey Expose the Vaccine Industry

Hollywood celebrities Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey are engaged in a courageous effort to expose the scientific censorship of the vaccine industry.

In a courageous, bold public statement, they reveal the truth about Dr. Wakefield's groundbreaking new study linking vaccines to neurological damage -- this explains why the industry has launched an organized smear campaign to destroy Dr. Wakefield before he can publish these devastating new findings!

Andrew Wakefield, Scientific Censorship, and Fourteen Monkeys; A statement by Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey
 When it comes to vaccines, Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey get it. They see how the pharma industry is engineering a campaign to silence Dr. Andrew Wakefield in order to suppress the publication of startling new evidence linking vaccines to severe neurological damage.

At great risk to their professional careers, Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey have found the courage to dare to tell the truth about vaccines and autism. Despite the vicious attacks by the pro-vaccine zealots who will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who challenges conventional vaccine mythology, McCarthy and Carrey have issued a powerful, inspired statement that reveals the truth behind the Big Pharma smear campaign that is intent on destroying the reputation of Dr. Andrew Wakefield before he can publish the final results of this important new study.

NaturalNews reprints that statement here, unedited:
A statement from Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey
Dr. Andrew Wakefield is being discredited to prevent an historic study from being published that for the first time looks at vaccinated versus unvaccinated primates and compares health outcomes, with potentially devastating consequences for vaccine makers and public health officials.
It is our most sincere belief that Dr. Wakefield and parents of children with autism around the world are being subjected to a remarkable media campaign engineered by vaccine manufacturers reporting on the retraction of a paper published in The Lancet in 1998 by Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues.
The retraction from The Lancet was a response to a ruling from England's General Medical Council, a kangaroo court where public health officials in the pocket of vaccine makers served as judge and jury. Dr. Wakefield strenuously denies all the findings of the GMC and plans a vigorous appeal.
Despite rampant misreporting, Dr. Wakefield's original paper (http://www.generationrescue.org/pdf...) regarding 12 children with severe bowel disease and autism never rendered any judgment whatsoever on whether or not vaccines cause autism, and The Lancet's retraction gets us no closer to understanding this complex issue.
Dr. Wakefield is one of the world's most respected and well-published gastroenterologists. He has published dozens of papers (http://www.thoughtfulhouse.org/publ...) since 1998 in well-regarded peer-reviewed journals all over the world. His work documenting the bowel disease of children with autism and his exploration of novel ways to treat bowel disease has helped relieve the pain and suffering of thousands of children with autism.
For the past decade, parents in our community have been clamoring for a relatively simple scientific study that could settle the debate over the possible role of vaccines in the autism epidemic once and for all: compare children who have been vaccinated with children who have never received any vaccines and see if the rate of autism is different or the same.
Few people are aware that this extremely important work has not only begun, but that a study using an animal model has already been completed exploring this topic in great detail.
Dr. Wakefield is the co-author, along with eight other distinguished scientists from institutions like the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Washington, of a set of studies that explore the topic of vaccinated versus unvaccinated neurological outcomes using monkeys.
The first phase of this monkey study was published three months ago in the prestigious medical journalNeurotoxicology, and focused on the first two weeks of life when the vaccinated monkeys received a single vaccine for Hepatitis B, mimicking the U.S. vaccine schedule. The results, which you can read for yourself here (http://fourteenstudies.org/pdf/prim...), were disturbing. Vaccinated monkeys, unlike their unvaccinated peers, suffered the loss of many reflexes that are critical for survival
Dr. Wakefield and his scientific colleagues are on the brink of publishing their entire study, which followed the monkeys through the U.S. childhood vaccine schedule over a multi-year period. It is our understanding that the difference in outcome for the vaccinated monkeys versus the unvaccinated controls is both stark and devastating.
There is no question that the publication of the monkey study will lend substantial credibility to the theory that over-vaccination of young children is leading to neurological damage, including autism. The fallout from the study for vaccine makers and public health officials could be severe. Having denied the possibility of the vaccine-autism connection for so long while profiting immensely from a recent boom in vaccine sales around the world, it's no surprise that they would seek to repress this important work.
Behind the scenes, the pressure to keep the work of Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues from being published is immense, and growing every day. Medical journals take extreme risk of backlash in publishing any studies that question the safety of the vaccination program, no matter how well-designed and thorough the research might be.Neurotoxicology, a highly-respected medical journal, deserves great credit for courageously publishing the first phase of this vaccinated monkey study.
The press has been deeply misled in the way The Lancet retraction, and Dr. Wakefield's mock trial, have been characterized. Led by the pharmaceutical companies and their well-compensated spokespeople, Dr. Wakefield is being vilified through a well-orchestrated smear campaign designed to prevent this important new work from seeing the light of day.
What medical journal would want to step in front of this freight train? Moreover, why now, after 12 years of inaction, did The Lancet and GMC suddenly act? Is it coincidence that the monkey study is currently being submitted to medical journals for review and publication?
We urge the media to take a close look at the first phase of the monkey study discussed above and to start asking a very simple question: What was the final outcome of the 14 primates that were vaccinated using the U.S. vaccine schedule and how did that compare to the unvaccinated controls?
The U.S. vaccine schedule has grown from 10 vaccines given to our children in the 1980s to 36 today, perfectly matching the dramatic rise in autism. The work of Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues deserves to be shared with the world to further, rather than censor, scientific progress.
Original source for this statement:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Airports to Begin Strip-Searching Passengers

You might want to take a minute to say goodbye to your personal liberties. They're flying right out the window -- and, as usual, it's all in the name of "protecting the public." 

You knew this was coming...After the failed terror attempt on Christmas day, the federal Transportation Security Agency (TSA) has decided to step up its security screenings. Their solution? Strip-search every passenger. It's not by hand, mind you, but it may as well be. 

The TSA plans to begin using full-body X-ray scanners that would essentially strip passengers of their clothing -- and their dignity. With these new scanners, no details would be left to the imagination -- which is just how the feds like it. 

Yup, Big Brother is a big perv. 

But I'm not sure which is worse: The threat to your privacy or the threat to your health. 

Like X-rays, the new machines use radiation to create these indecent exposures. The experts claim that the low dose of radiation is perfectly safe -- even for children and pregnant women. 


Exposing pregnant women to radiation can lead to grossly disfigured babies or can even cause women to miscarry. It's no coincidence that five female security guards had miscarriages after working with these supposedly safe machines. 

And it's not much safer for adults. Radiation can damage DNA and cause structural damage to your cells -- both of which can lead to cancer. In fact, Dr. John Gofman, Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California, Berkeley, believes that 50 percent of all cancers are caused by the radiation from medical tests -- the same ones meant to "protect" you by detecting cancer early! 

Bottom line: If you don't want to be fried with ionizing radiation every time you fly -- and if you'd rather not have airport workers paid to be peeping toms...you won't stand for this outright invasion of your rights. 

When it comes to these full-body X-rays, I don't care how low the dose is. There is no safe level of ionizing radiation. Period.