Wednesday, December 30, 2009

FDA approves Crestor for people who have no health problem to correct

Big Pharma has been trending this direction for a long time: marketing medicines to people who don't need them and who have nothing wrong with their health. It's all part of a ploy to position prescription drugs as nutrients -- things you need to take on a regular basis in order to prevent disease.

The FDA recently gave its nod of approval on the matter, announcing that Crestor can now be advertised and prescribed as a "preventive" medicine. No longer does a patient need to have anything wrong with them to warrant this expensive prescription
medication: They only need to remember the brand name of the drug from television ads.

This FDA approval for the marketing of
Crestor to healthy people is a breakthrough for wealthy drug companies. Selling drugs only to people who are sick is, by definition, a limited market. Expanding drug revenues requires reaching people who have nothing wrong with them and convincing them that taking a cocktail of daily pharmaceuticals will somehow keep them healthy.

All this is, of course, the greatest quackery we've yet seen from
Big Pharma, because once this floodgate of "preventive pharmaceuticals" is unleashed, the drug companies will be positioned to promote a bewildering array of other preventive chemicals you're supposed to take at the same time. Did you take your anti-cancer pill today? How about your anti-diabetes pill? Anti-cholesterol pill? Don't forget your anti-Alzheimer's pill, too.

Medications are not vitamins

The very idea that these drugs can somehow prevent a person from becoming sick in the future strains the boundaries of scientific credibility. Only natural therapies like nutrition can prevent the onset of disease, not patented chemicals that don't belong in the human body in the first place.

The logical argument of the drug companies who push these "preventive" prescriptions is essentially that the human body is deficient in pharmaceuticals, and that deficiency can only be corrected by taking whatever brand-name drugs they show you on television. Forget about deficiencies in zinc, or vitamin D, or living enzymes; what your body really needs is more synthetic chemicals!

The FDA agrees with this loopy logic. And why wouldn't it? Subscribing to this pharmaceutical delusion is an easy way to instantly expand Big Pharma's customer base by tens of millions. Overnight, the market for Crestor ballooned from a few million people with high cholesterol to the entire U.S. population of 300 million people.

If Crestor can help healthy people be healthier (which it can't, but let's play along with this delusion for the sake of argument), then it's only a matter of time before they start adding Crestor to infant formula. I mean, why not? If it's so good for healthy people, then it must make babies healthier, too, right?

So let's add Crestor to sports drinks. Let's sprinkle it into the iodized salt supply. Let's drip it into the municipal water! (Don't laugh: This idea of dripping cholesterol drugs into the water supply has already been suggested by more than one doctor.) Let's merge the pharmaceutical supply with the food supply and charge people prescription drugs prices for "functional" foods laced with these chemicals!

Pharmaceutical deficiency

That's really where all this is headed. When medicines are approved as preventive "nutrients" for the human body, it's only a matter of time before the industry starts talking about your "pharmaceutical deficiency."

Not taking any medications? You have a pharmaceutical deficiency, and it needs to be corrected by taking more prescription drugs. But don't bother with actual nutrition, because nutrients have absolutely no role in preventing disease, the FDA claims. No nutrient has ever been approved by the FDA for the prevention or treatment of any disease whatsoever.

The message from the FDA is quite clear on this: Nutrients are useless, and you should eat medications as if they were vitamins.

Patented Big Pharma chemicals, after all, provide all the nutrition you'll ever need!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Forced Vaccinations, Government, and the Public Interest

By Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D.
December 2009

Those who are observant have noticed a dangerous trend in the United States, as well as worldwide, and that is the resorting of various governments at different levels to mandating forced vaccination upon the public at large. My State of Mississippi has one of the most-restrictive vaccine-exemption laws in the United States, where exemptions are allowed only upon medical recommendation. Ironically, this is only on paper, as many have had as many as three physicians, some experts in neurological damage caused by vaccines, provide written calls for exemption, only to be turned down by the State’s public-health officer.

Worse are the States, such as Massachusetts, New Jersey and Maryland, where forced vaccinations have either been mandated by the courts, the state legislature, or have such legislation pending. All of such policies strongly resemble those policies found in National Socialist empires, Stalinist countries, or Communist China.

When public-health officers are asked for the legal justification for such draconian measures as forcing people to accept vaccines that they deem either a clear and present danger to themselves and their loved ones or have had personal experience with serious adverse reactions to such vaccines, they usually resort to the need to protect the public.

One quickly concludes that if the vaccines are as effective as being touted by the public-health officials, then why should one fear the unvaccinated? Obviously the vaccinated would have at least 95% protection. This question puts them in a very difficult position. Their usual response is that a “small” percentage of the vaccinated will not have sufficient protection and would still be at risk. Now, if they admit what the literature shows, that vaccine failure rates are much higher than the 5% they claim, they must face the next obvious question – then why should anyone take the vaccine if there is a significant chance it will not protect?

When pressed further, they then resort to their favorite justification, the Holy Grail of the vaccine proponents – herd immunity. This concept is based upon the idea that 95% (and some now say 100%) of the population must be vaccinated to prevent an epidemic. The percentages needing vaccination grows progressively. I pondered this question for some time before the answer hit me. Herd immunity is mostly a myth and applies only to natural immunity – that is, contracting the infection itself.

Is Herd Immunity Real?

In the original description of herd immunity, the protection to the population at large occurred only if people contracted the infections naturally. The reason for this is that naturally-acquired immunity lasts for a lifetime. The vaccine proponents quickly latched onto this concept and applied it to vaccine-induced immunity. But, there was one major problem – vaccine-induced immunity lasted for only a relatively short period, from 2 to 10 years at most, and then this applies only to humoral immunity. This is why they began, silently, to suggest boosters for most vaccines, even the common childhood infections such as chickenpox, measles, mumps, and rubella.

Then they discovered an even greater problem, the boosters were lasting for only 2 years or less. This is why we are now seeing mandates that youth entering colleges have multiple vaccines, even those which they insisted gave lifelong immunity, such as the MMR. The same is being suggested for full-grown adults. Ironically, no one in the media or medical field is asking what is going on. They just accept that it must be done.

That vaccine-induced herd immunity is mostly myth can be proven quite simply. When I was in medical school, we were taught that all of the childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime. This thinking existed for over 70 years. It was not until relatively recently that it was discovered that most of these vaccines lost their effectiveness 2 to 10 years after being given. What this means is that at least half the population, that is the baby boomers, have had no vaccine-induced immunity against any of these diseases for which they had been vaccinated very early in life. In essence, at least 50% or more of the population was unprotected for decades.

If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are all at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30 to 40 years with 50% or less of the population having vaccine protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in this country for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.

When we examine the scientific literature, we find that for many of the vaccines protective immunity was 30 to 40%, meaning that 70% to 60% of the public has been without vaccine protection. Again, this would mean that with a 30% to 40% vaccine-effectiveness rate combined with the fact that most people lost their immune protection within 2 to 10 year of being vaccinated, most of us were without the magical 95% number needed for herd immunity. This is why vaccine defenders insist the vaccines have 95% effectiveness rates.

Without the mantra of herd immunity, these public-health officials would not be able to justify forced mass vaccinations. I usually give the physicians who question my statement that herd immunity is a myth a simple example. When I was a medical student almost 40 years ago, it was taught that the tetanus vaccine would last a lifetime. Then 30 years after it had been mandated, we discovered that its protection lasted no more than 10 years. Then, I ask my doubting physician if he or she has ever seen a case of tetanus? Most have not. I then tell them to look at the yearly data on tetanus infections – one sees no rise in tetanus cases. The same can be said for measles, mumps, and other childhood infections. It was, and still is, all a myth.

The entire case for forced mass vaccination rest upon this myth and it is important that we demonstrate the falsity of this idea. Neil Z. Miller, in his latest book The Vaccine Information Manual, provides compelling evidence that herd immunity is a myth.

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

Those pushing mandatory vaccination for an ever-growing list of diseases are a mixed bag. Some are quite sincere and truly want to improve the health of the United States. They believe the vaccine-induced herd immunity myth and likewise believe that vaccines are basically effective and safe. These are not the evil people.

A growing number are made of those with a collectivist worldview and see themselves as a core of elite wise men and women who should tell the rest of us what we should do in all aspects of our lives. They see us as ignorant cattle, who are unable to understand the virtues of their plan for America and the World. Like children, we must be made to take our medicine – since, in their view, we have no concept of the true benefit of the bad-tasting medicine we are to be fed.

I have also found that a small number of people in the regulatory agencies and public health departments would like to speak out but are so intimidated and threatened with dismissal or destruction of their careers, that they remain silent. As for the media, they are absolutely clueless.

I have found that “reporters” (we have few real journalists these days) rarely understand what they are reporting on and always trust and rely upon people in positions of official power, even if those people are unqualified to speak on the subject. Most of the time they run to the Centers for Disease Control or medical university to seek answers. I cannot count the number of times I have seen university department heads interviewed when it was obvious they had no clue as to the subject being discussed. Few such professors will pass up an opportunity to appear on camera or be quoted in a newspaper.

One must also appreciate that such reporters and editors are under an enormous economic strain, as vaccine manufacturers are major advertisers in all media outlets and for an obvious reason – it controls content. A number of excellent stories on such medical subjects are spiked every day. That means we will always be relegated to the “fringe media” as our media outlets are called. Despite the high quality of the journalism in many of the “fringe” outlets, they have a much smaller audience. And despite this we are having an enormous effect on the debate.

As the Public Awakens, the Collectivist Becomes Desperate

John Jewkes, in his book Ordeal by Planning, observed that as the British collectivists began to see opposition rise to their grandiose plans, they became more desperate and aggressive in their reaction. They then initiated a campaign of smearing their opponents and blaming every failure on the unwillingness of the people to accept the planner’s dictates without question. We certainly have seen this in this debate –opponents to forced vaccinations are referred to as fringe scientists, kooks, uneducated, confused, and enemies of public safety – reminiscent of Stalin’s favorite phrase, “enemy of the people.”

This desperation is based upon their fear that the public might soon catch on to the fact that the entire vaccine program is based upon nonsense, fear, and concocted fairy tales. One special fear of theirs is that the public might discover the fact that most vaccines are contaminated with a number of known and yet-to-be discovered viruses, bacteria, viral fragments, and DNA/RNA fragments. And, further, that our science demonstrates that these contaminants could lead to a number of slowly-developing degenerative diseases, including degenerative diseases of the brain. This is rarely discussed but is of major importance in this debate.

The idea that adults and their children would be forced to submit to being injected with dozens of these organisms and organic fragments is terrifying. No regulatory agency is tracking to see if chronic diseases are rising in the vaccinated, yet we have compelling evidence of a massive rise in all autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and certain cancers since the advent of a dramatic increase in the number of vaccines being mandated.

Of special concern is the finding that many of the contaminant organisms can pass from generation to generation. For example, new studies have found that SV-40, a major contaminant of the polio vaccine until 1963, not only existed as a latent virus for the lifetime of those exposed to the vaccine but was being passed on to the next generation, primarily by way of sperm, something called vertical transmission. This means that every generation from now on will be infected with this known carcinogenic virus. There is also compelling evidence that some polio vaccines manufactured after 1963 may contain SV-40 virus.

What makes the SV-40 contamination disaster of such concern is its association with so many cancers – including mesothelioma, medulloblastoma, ependymoma, meningioma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, pituitary adenoma, glioblastoma, osteosarcomas, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, papillary thyroid carcinomas, and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas.

The Federal government has gone to enormous links to cover up this association, despite the powerful scientific evidence that this vaccine infected at least a hundred million people worldwide with this carcinogenic virus. And, it took over 40 years just to get this far. Linking vaccine contaminations and immunoexcitotoxicity to the drastic rise in neurodegenerative diseases will probably take even longer because of the widespread growth of entrenched powers high in government and their control of the media, which is equally extensive. The fact that powerful, enormously wealthy foundations, such as the Ford Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Rockefeller series of foundations, are supporting forced vaccination greatly enhances the power of governments all over the World.

These foundations operate in the shadows, influencing legislation and government actions through the World Health Organization and individual governmental bodies. Behind every call for forced vaccinations, mandated quarantines, and home invasions, one can find one of these foundations providing the money as well as experts. Remember, the largest of the pharmaceutical-vaccine manufacturers are also providing much of the money for the foundations and serving on the boards of these foundations. The Rockefellers either owned outright or had controlling interest in all of the major pharmaceutical companies. This has given them absolute and extremely powerful access to the reins of power at all levels. Yet, they can be defeated by the truth.

Dr. Blaylock is a board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He attended the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana and completed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. For the past 24 years he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice for 2 years. Retiring from his neurosurgical practice to devote full time to nutritional studies and research, Dr. Blaylock has written and illustrated three books (Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life, and Natural Strategies for The Cancer Patient). In addition, he has written and illustrated three chapters in medical textbooks, written a booklet on nutritional protection against biological terrorism, has an e-booklet on radioprotection (Nuclear Sunrise), written and illustrated a booklet on multiple sclerosis, and written over 30 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Other credits include Dr. Blaylock's DVD Nutrition & Behavior, a CD-ROM on the Truth About Aspartame, and, for the past five years, a health newsletter The Blaylock Wellness Report, published by NewsMax. Since the publication of his first book, he has been a guest on over 100 syndicated radio and television programs and appeared on the 700 Club seven times. He lectures widely to both lay and professional medical audiences on a variety of nutritional subjects.

Dr. Blaylock is a visiting professor of biology at Belhaven College and serves on the editorial staff of the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association, the editorial staff of the Fluoride Journal and is on the editorial staff of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, official journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He is also a regular lecturer for the Fellowship for Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pandemic Panic Still Doesn't Add Up

The feds, Big Pharma and doctors who should know better are all lining up to tell you how safe the swine flu shot is. Don't you fall for it! Almost every day, I'm seeing new stories about misled people who roll up their sleeves for that "safe" vaccine... and then pass out, get sick or even die.

Let's get real here and look at the facts, not media hysterics. A 14-year-old athlete in Virginia can barely walk after his swine flu shot. He's struggling with Guillain-Barre syndrome after his vaccine. A young woman in France is facing the same battle – again, right after a swine flu shot. By some estimates, there was an eight-fold increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare and debilitating autoimmune disorder that can lead to paralysis and death, after the 1976 swine flu vaccination panic.

Are we facing the same thing now? It's hard to say, but clearly something is going on with these dangerous needles. In China, two people dropped dead right after getting vaccinated. In New York, nurses gave swine flu shots to at least two kids without permission from their parents – sending one of the kids, a 6-year-old epileptic, to the hospital. And U.S. medical workers are fighting courtroom battles to protect their rights and avoid mandatory flu shots. The contradictions here are endless.

On the one hand, the Centers for Disease Control has advised against testing for H1N1 flu since July. On the other, a new swine flu detection test was just given fast-track approval by the FDA. The CDC says we don't need to count individual cases anymore... yet everywhere you turn, there are new numbers being tossed around from all directions.

How do we know people are sick if we're not counting them? Why do we need a new and unproven test for the disease if we no longer need to test for it? Now, Big Pharma is saying maybe people only need half a dose of the swine flu vaccine to get full protection... after telling some people they'd need as many as two or even three doses (Side note: I'll bet my lab coat you'll pay just as much for that half a dirty dose as you do a full one).

Plenty of people have already gotten that now-excessive full dose... with many children getting two shots. Does that mean they've gotten quadruple what they need? Yes, there's a lot more to this picture than they're letting any of us see... and it may be years before the truth finally comes out.

You've been warned.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Radio Shows That Can Change Your Life

1. Monday November 23rd 1pm Eastern/10am Pacific listen live to: The Dr Coldwell Report

Two of the greatest Healtfreedom fighters of our time: Dr Rima Laibow and Major General Albert Stubblebine report on the Codex Alimentarius Meeting in Germany and the newest information on the Swine flu and Vaccination Hoax and much more about the progress of their push back

2. November 30th at 3pm Eastern/Noon Pacici Dr Leonard Coldwell will be live on Check this impressive website out – Here the truth will be told!

3. December 2nd 8:30 am Eastern/5:30 Pacific Dr Leonard Coldwell will be the guest on Mancow!

4. Archived Shows:

Listen to Dr Coldwell’s Interview on the Kevin Trudeau show. A full 2 hours about the Only Answer to Cancer without any advertising - download to iPod or listen on your computer or iPhone.
Listen to the great Jeff Rense ( ) and his interview with Dr Coldwell

Watch the videos The Only Answer to Cancer over 38 000 views already before they take it off.

Listen to Dr Betty Martini's interview on the Dr Coldwell report Dr Martini is the worlds leading authority and fighter against the use of Aspartame

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dr. Coldwell and Kevin Trudeau Live November 18th!

Two of the biggest world class heavy hitters for Health, Wellness, Happiness and Natural Cures are going at it again:

Dr Leonard Coldwell and Kevin Trudeau - Live

Live interview on

On Wednesday November 18th, 1:30 CST 2:30 ET you can learn how to save your life and that of your loved ones: learn the truth about: ( Tell everybody you know)

The Only Answer to Cancer!

Your mind will be blown by the secrets that Dr Coldwell will tell reveal! The truth about cancer healing and prevention will be explained to you! You will learn that what you don’t know about the medical profession and cancer treatments can kill you.

Dr Leonard Coldwell’s newest book The Only Answer to Cancer is blowing all sales records! After 4 days on the market it was already sold out and the 2nd
updated edition is now in print. 100% 5 star reviews and comments and over 15,000 views of his video The only Answer to cancer in just a few days.
To instantly order the new book The only Answer to Cancer by Dr Leonard Coldwell go to more info at

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dr. Oz Owns Option Shares In Vaccine Company

Conflicts of interest? Dr. Mehmet Oz owns 150,000 option shares in vaccine technology company

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a huge promoter of vaccines. He's been on television reinforcing fear about H1N1 swine flu and telling everyone to get vaccinated. But what he didn't tell his viewing audience is that he holds 150,000 option shares in a vaccine company that could earn him millions of dollars in profits as the stock price rises. It is in Dr. Oz's own financial interest, in other words, to hype up vaccines and get more people taking them so that his own financial investments rise in value.

Evidence describing these facts was delivered to NaturalNews by a private investigator named Joseph Culligan ( That evidence includes an SEC document detailing how Dr. Oz. bought options on stocks for
SIGA Technologies in 2005, 2007, 2008 and 2009. SIGA Technologies (stock symbol SIGA) is a vaccine technology company with many advanced developments whose success depends on the widespread adoption of vaccines. According to SEC documents, Dr. Mehmet Oz. currently holds 150,000 option shares on SIGA Technologies, purchased for as little as $1.35 back in 2005.

At the time of this writing, SIGA Technologies is trading at $7.10, making those options bought in 2005 worth $5.75 in profits today. If all the 150,000 options purchased by Dr. Oz. were exercised today, they would be worth roughly$180,000 in profits
(they were bought at different prices, not all at $1.35). This is all revealed in what the SEC website calls an "insider transaction" document (link below).

These options won't expire until the years 2015 - 2019, and the higher the stock price of SIGA gets before then, the more profit can be realized when these options are cashed out. You can see the 2019 expiration date in this "insider transaction" form:

If the stock price of SIGA Technologies could be pumped up even more -- say, from someone hyping up vaccines in front of a national audience -- these options could mathematically be worth millions of dollars. Just to clarify, by the way, SIGA Technologies doesn't currently manufacture a vaccine for H1N1 swine flu. It focuses on future vaccine technologies that could be applied to many different vaccines down the road.

Dr. Oz. isn't merely a holder of SIGA stock options, by the way:
He's on the Board of Directors! As SIGA's own website explains, Dr. Oz has served on the board since 2001 and continues his role there today. This brings up the obvious question:

Is it right for someone talking about whether vaccines are safe on television to also be carrying stock options and serving on the board of directors of a vaccine company at the same time?

Just to make things a little more interesting, SIGA Technologies recently received a $3 million grant in taxpayer dollars from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The purpose of the grant money? To fund the study of a
chemical adjunctnamed ST-246 to be used in future vaccines. So taxpayer money is now being used to fund a vaccine technology company whose stock price increases will financially benefit the very celebrity doctor who is hyping up vaccines to a national audience.

Something sounds fishy here...

Conflict of interest?

To my knowledge, Dr. Oz. has never disclosed to his viewing audience the fact that he owns 150,000 option shares of SIGA Technologies. And yet, with an audience of millions, Dr. Oz has continued to beat the drum of the vaccine industry, urging people to get vaccinated while implying that vaccines protect people from swine flu (even though there is absolutely no scientific evidence to back up that claim).

Here's a link to the SEC document detailing Dr. Oz's ownership of these 150,000 option shares:

The current value of SIGA shares can be verified here:

Information about SIGA Technologies and their vaccine technology can be found on their website:

The press release announcing SIGA's receipt of $3 million from the NIH is available here:

The RealAge Big Pharma front group

In addition to holding stock options in a vaccine technology company, Dr. Oz. is also a front man for the RealAge website, a sort of "health front group" for the pharmaceutical industry that uses information provided by RealAge members to solicit consumers with pro-pharma marketing message targeted by age or health condition.

Corporate sponsors of RealAge include most of the major drug companies and their most profitable pharmaceutical products such as Adderall, Ambien and Celebrex. The companies sponsoring RealAge include GlaxoSmithKline, Genentech, Wyeth and many others. RealAge is essentially a marketing platform for Big Pharma, disguised to look like a consumer health information service.

The New York Times calls RealAge "a window for drug makers" ( and explains, "The test has received widespread publicity because of its affiliation with Dr. Mehmet Oz."

This NY Times article goes on to explain how the RealAge scheme operates:

People come to the site, then provide an e-mail address to take [the RealAge test]. They are asked throughout the test if they would like a free RealAge membership. If people answer yes to any of the prompts, they become RealAge members, and their test results go into a marketing database.

RealAge allows drug companies to send e-mail messages based on those test results. It acts as a clearinghouse for drug companies, including Pfizer, Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline, allowing them to use almost any combination of answers from the test to find people to market to, including whether someone is taking antidepressants, how sexually active they are and even if their marriage is happy.

RealAge sends the selected recipients a series of e-mail messages about a condition they might have, usually sponsored by a drug company that sells a medication for that condition.

The RealAge ads seen all over the internet do not openly disclose that taking the RealAge test gets you signed up to be solicited by Big Pharma for medication advertisements. Dr. Oz's continued promotion of this service has exposed tens of millions of health consumers to this deceptive marketing front for Big Pharma.

How much has Dr. Oz earned from his affiliation with RealAge? He isn't saying.

Front man for Big Pharma?

In my view, Dr. Mehmet Oz. is a front man for Big Pharma and the vaccine industry. He's pushing vaccines for his own personal financial gain while championing one of the largest internet Big Pharma marketing scams yet concocted.

Dr. Oz. stands to profit millions of dollars from helping creating demand for vaccines, and yet he does not disclose to his audience this huge, blatant conflict of interest. Sadly, by catapulting his career from her own show, Oprah has inadvertently unleashed a vaccine pusher onto the general public and given him influence over millions of people who may now be corralled into services like RealAge that seek to sell more drugs to unsuspecting consumers.

I respect Oprah. She's an amazing achiever. But I don't respect all the wannabe celebrity leeches who use her to launch their own careers and then exploit their newfound popularity for financial gain at the expense of the public.

Shame on Dr. Oz. for his financial conflicts of interest and his strong affiliation with the deadly pharmaceutical industry. Through his actions, Dr. Oz. has aligned himself with precisely the evil corporations that are destroying health in America today. Does the man have no shame?

He may not have any shame, but he does have 150,000 stock options that could be worth millions in the years ahead.

Additional sources:
Joseph Culligan is more than just a private investigator; he's also an author. His book When In Doubt, Check Him Outis available on

Monday, October 26, 2009


By Dr Thomas Hohn MD NMD

Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s secret of how to cure all forms of cancer in 2 to 12 weeks – no exceptions – is now out. This book is the final answer to all your prayers if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer.

Two independent European studies came to the conclusion that Dr. Coldwell has the highest cancer cure rate in the world of 92.3%. Dr. Coldwell worked with over 35,000 patients, all with so-called terminal or incurable diseases, as well as over 2.3 million seminar attendees and over 7 million readers of his 11 best-selling books!

In his brand new book The Only Answer To Cancer Dr. Leonard Coldwell gives you the power to take charge of your own health and self-healing powers! Now you can have hope, the knowledge and the tools to define and eliminate the root cause of your individual cancer.

Experience Dr. Coldwell live on YouTube: The Only Answer to Cancer:

This lifesaving book contains articles from the world’s leading experts on:

Codex Alimentarius: Dr Rima Laibow
Aspartame Toxicity: Dr Betty Martini
The Water Doctor: Fred Van Liew
The Raw Food Expert Paul Nison
The father of living food: Victoras Kulvinskas
The Hydrosol Silver Expert: Kevin Roslansky
And over 100 bonus pages!

Order the book now and it is usually shipped the same day

The Only Answer To Cancer is already getting rave reviews:

Author Autobahn Review:

The Only Answer to Cancer by Dr. Leonard Coldwell is filled with revealing and often shocking information about cancer, how to prevent it, how to cure it, and how the medical industry makes BIG money off this illness. If you or a loved one has cancer, or you would like to learn how to prevent the dreaded "C" word, you must read this book. Within these pages Dr. Coldwell explores hundreds of natural cancer cures, and also exposes the fact that the longer you stay ill, the longer doctors get to keep you as their customer. He gets us to open our eyes by seeing cancer from a different perspective--it isn't a death sentence!--and he urges us to open our mouths by telling the medical community that we have the right to choose our health and healing methods.

Why rush into Chemo and radiation when doctors can't guarantee they'll cure you? Take some time to become educated and explore natural possibilities before going under the knife or resorting to poisoning. Find out what the true root cause of your own personal illness is. Dr. Coldwell firmly believes that once you uncover the reasons why you became sick in the first place--it's always mental and emotional stress that does it--then you can become healthy again and stay that way. Compared to the cost of hospital stays, prescriptions, and doctor's visits, the price of his book is a steal.

Kelly Wallace
Founder of Author Autobahn


Dr. Leonard Coldwell is a remarkable asset: brilliant, brave, innovative and creative. Motivated by the devastation of cancer in his family, Dr. Coldwell set out to find the cure for cancer - and found it, curing his mother and 35,000 people found him - and came away cured of their disease.
Not surprisingly, German authorities persecuted him until he was forced to close his cancer hospitals there and came to the US where he continued his groundbreaking work.

I regard Dr. Coldwell as a true treasure and I treasure both my friendship and professional relationship with him. I urge you to read this book carefully and then share it with everyone you know facing cancer themselves or in their loved ones.

Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

The Only Answer to Cancer is one of those rare books which can save your life or someone else’s life. Natural Cancer treatment is very dear to my heart since I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 1994 but, through totally natural means, lost the cancer and gained optimal health through its treatment. You can, too, following the deep wisdom in this book.

The cancer establishment doesn’t want you to know that you have safe, effective and inexpensive natural options since cancer is the single most profitable disease ever encountered by mankind. Brave leaders like Dr. Coldwell are dangerous to the industry that depends on your illness and your ignorance: nowhere is that more true than the multi-trillion dollar cancer industry.

Dr. Coldwell is a gifted doctor whose special gifts are curing people and telling the truth about disease—and the industry that wants to keep you as sick as possible as long as possible. His pioneering work has brought him the success and reputation to back up what he says. I believe in his new book, The Only Answer to Cancer, because I know that Dr. Coldwell’s work has helped huge numbers of patients with cancer and other terminal diseases. I am proud to have Dr. Coldwell as my fellow health freedom fighter.

Yours in health and freedom,
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III
(US Army, Ret.)
Natural Solutions Foundation

“It was an honor to be able to work with Dr. Coldwell for all these years and to witness the daily miracles that seem for Dr. Coldwell just simple “normal.” I have seen patients that have been on their deathbed recovering from cancer or patients with no hope. I have known Dr. Coldwell’s main miracle, his own mother that Dr. Coldwell cured from liver cancer in a terminal state over 3 decades ago, for many years and I have researched all of her files and data and the more I read about how sick she was with her Hepatitis C, liver cirrhoses and terminal liver cancer, and the more I read the more impressive her total healing became to me. I have seen many patients that Dr. Coldwell cured from cancer and other diseases like Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus and Parkinson’s and even muscular dystrophy and many, many more and I am still in constant awe of Dr. Coldwell’s talent and results.

I am so glad I could study with him personally and to learn his IBMS™ directly from him. When he left Europe, he left a huge hole, a massive empty space, in the world of cancer treatment behind. I am honored and excited about the possibilities that Dr. Coldwell opened up for me as his Master student and that he has the trust in me and my talents, that he picked me as his successor when he retired from his work with patients. —Dr. Thomas Hohn MD NMD Licensed IBMS Therapist™

Research in the USA and Australia reveals the 5 year survival benefit to chemotherapy patients is 2%, that’s a single week, for living in hell for 5 years! Orthodox medicine butchers, burns and poisons patient-victims and frequently shortens their lives, meanwhile their life savings are transferred to the medical establishment. Dr. Coldwell is a heroic pioneer who has delivered thousands from this fatal ordeal. This humanitarian’s vital book may save you or a loved one from a world of pain. Step “out of the box” and study it carefully for your own sake. —Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International

Biography of Dr. Leonard Coldwell

Dr. Leonard Coldwell is, in the opinion of many experts, the leading Patient Advocate and expert on cancer and stress related illnesses.
Former general physician and board Certified NMD DNM PHD LCHC CNHP DIP.PHC (Not practicing in the US)
Leading health, motivation and success researcher
Expert for cancer and stress related illness
Author of 11 best selling books
Dr. Coldwell has thousands of publications and over 7 million readers
Consultant and trainer for many companies, organizations, medical institutions, politicians, top athletes and business executives
Founder of the "Modern Therapy Centers" and the "Foundation for Crime and Drug Free Schools and Health for Children".
Dr. Coldwell is also President of the World Wellness Organization
Dr. Coldwell is Kevin Trudeau’s (Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About) personal physician.
Dr. Coldwell’s main goal is to achieve an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America: “ For Patient Rights and Health Freedom”.
Dr. Coldwell is the world’s most endorsed holistic doctor and his IBMS™ is the most endorsed and most sold stress reduction and self help system in the word. Two independent studies in Europe came to the conclusion that Dr. Coldwell has the highest Cancer Cure Rate in the world. 92.3%.
Dr. Coldwell is known as the doctor of doctors and has seen over 35,000 patients and over 2.2 million seminar attendees in his lifetime.
Dr. Coldwell is a regular guest on TV and Radio stations around the world.

You can listen to archived radio shows such as: The Only Answer to Cancer, Instinct Based Medicine and Stress the Silent Killer from your computer at:

Read his daily blog at:

You can ask Dr. Coldwell any questions you may have by simply writing to: http://mc/compose?

Listen to the live radio interview Kevin Trudeau and Dr. Leonard Coldwell at:
Watch Dr. Coldwell’s videos on YouTube:
The Only Answer to Cancer:
Instinct Based Medicine – How to Survive Your Illness and Your Doctor
Listen live to: The Dr. Coldwell Report every Monday at 10am PT/1pm ET
For Information about Dr. Coldwell's newest books go to: and

Teen girl suffers permanent brain damage after cervical cancer vaccine

As the cervical cancer vaccine continues to maim or kill even more teenage girls across the UK, 18-year-old Stacey Jones is the latest victim to suffer severe harm. Previously in a state of apparent health, Stacey began to suffer severe seizures and brain inflammation within days after receiving the Cervarix vaccine injection. The swelling of her brain was so severe that it caused permanent brain damage, and today Stacey Jones is an "empty shell" of a girl.

Her mother isn't fooled by Big Pharma. "I really feel she has been used as a guinea pig," she said in a DailyMail news article (source below). "I don't think there is enough evidence that the vaccination programme is safe - this all happened days after Stacey was given the vaccine, and we don't have any other explanation for what triggered her brain injury."

Just last week, 14-year-old Natalie Morton died within hours after receiving the same vaccine injection. Medical authorities insisted Natalie suddenly died of a previously undiagnosed tumor in her chest, but NaturalNews was the first to suggest fraud in the pathology report, pointing out that Natalie's real cause of death had to be covered up to protect the lucrative vaccine industry.

Vaccines = the new holocaust

As the deaths mount, vaccines are becoming the new chemical holocaust of our time. Children and teens are lined up to be injected with chemicals made by some of the very same companies that once conducted medical experiments on Jewish concentration camp prisoners during the Nazi era ( you know, for example, that one of the chemotherapy drugs still used in cancer centers today was originally developed under the chemical weapons program of Nazi Germany? ( don't kill as many people as the Nazi gas chambers, but the number of people being targeted by the vaccination holocaust is many times larger than the number imprisoned in Nazi Germany.The corporations behind all this, of course, are much the same. So are the people. A 10-year Chairman of Bayer, for example, was a convicted Nazi war criminal.

As explained on another Natural News article:"Dr. Fritz ter Meer, a director of IG Farben who was directly involved in developing the nerve gas, Zyklon-B, which killed millions of Jews, was sentenced to seven years in prison but was released after four years through the intervention of Rockefeller and J.J. McCloy, then U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. An unrepentant Fritz ter Meer, guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, returned to work in Bayer where he served as Chairman for more than 10 years, until 1961.(

Whether we're talking about Nazi war crimes or mass vaccination campaigns, the intent is the same: power and control over people. If you're a new reader on NaturalNews and not yet familiar with the historical involvement of thepharmaceutical industry in Nazi Germany, read the above article link to get up to speed. Being injected with a vaccine is a lot like being branded with an identification number tattoo in a prison camp. They are both administered via threats and intimidation (a mandatory vaccine push is now under way in the U.S.), they both involve government power over the freedoms of the people, and they both seek to control and corral the people into narrowly-defined realms of "acceptable" state-approved behavior.

When you allow yourself to be injected with a vaccine, you are in effect labeling yourself a medical slave of the Big Pharma-dominated system of western medicine. You are making a statement that you don't believe in your own body's immune system and you don't believe in health freedom. You are, in effect, acting like "a good little Nazi" with a hail to the Big Pharma fuhrer.

Human guinea pigs

I stand firm on the belief that anyone who truly knew the details of the history of Big Pharma would never allow their bodies to be invaded with vaccines. The only people who are allowing themselves to be injected are those who are utterly ignorant of the last hundred years of human medical experimentation that has been undertaken by the pharmaceutical industry.Did you know, for example, that Pfizer used Nigerian children for medical experiments? ( you know that Pfizer also pleaded guilty to a felony crime in the fraudulent marketing of one of its top drugs?(

Were you aware that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), one of the key manufacturers of the swine flu vaccine, ordered the continuation of a vaccine trial even after 12 babies died?( you also know that GSK was sued for price-fixing fraud by 40 states?( more shocking (but true) reports about GSK here:

There's an undeniable pattern of behavior in the pharmaceutical industry that simply must be acknowledged: It is a greed-driven corporate monstrosity that routinely commits fraud, kills children, engages in monopolistic marketing behavior, intimidates scientists and conducts pharmaceutical medical experiments on human patients (among other crimes).In fact, takers of the swine flu vaccine are unwittingly taking part in the largest global medical experiment ever conducted. The results of that experiment won't be known for many years, but they will almost certainly include neurological impairment, seizures, and many deaths.

Watch for reports on the side effects of the swine flu vaccine

In future history books, today's mass vaccination campaigns will be seen in much the same way as the Nazi holocaust: A terrible, avoidable atrocity that suckered in almost everyone (including lots of intelligent people). One day, I truly believe the CEOs of drug companies will be arrested and tried for their crimes against humanity, perhaps in a venue similar to the Nuremberg Trials (

Sources for this story include:

Dr. Leonard Coldwell's Upcoming Appearances

Monday October 26th 8-9pm Pacific Time radio interview with Jeff Rense over 17 million av. listeners!

Thursday October 29th Time: 12 noon to 1pm Pacific

In Cancun Mexico for the Global Information Network with Kevin Trudeau from Nov 30th to Nov 1st

And be sure to check out Dr. Coldwell's videos on Youtube:

FTC Launches Operation False Cures to Suppress Natural Cancer Remedies (opinion)

Published by Natural News:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today launched "Operation False Cures," a coordinated scheme to censor natural cancer remedies and financially destroy companies offering them for sale. In doing so, the FTC joins the criminals at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who currently operate an extortion racket that works by threatening health supplement companies with legal action unless they settle with the FDA by paying them million of dollars.

Both the FTC and FDA work to protect the interests of the pharmaceutical companies by discrediting or outlawing competing natural cures that work better, more safely and more affordably than FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.In order to understand what's really going on with the FTC, the key question to ask yourself is simply this: Are there such things as anti-cancer nutrients?In other words, do anti-cancer nutrients actually exist in the real world?Of course they do. Broccoli is loaded with them. So is green tea. Zinc is anti-cancer, selenium is anti-cancer, and rainforest herbs are absolutely loaded with anti-cancer nutrients. Vitamin D is such a strong anti-cancer nutrient that, all by itself, it prevents an astonishing 77% of allcancer, and this is all published in peer-reviewed science journals.Turmeric is anti-cancer, especially when combined with black pepper. So is resveratrol, seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, brown seaweed extract, raw foods, sprouted foods, cabbage, onions, garlic and a thousand other foods.

Now get this:

The FTC doesn't believe anti-cancer nutrients exist!That's where this whole story enters bizarro land. The FTC, you see, doesn't believe anybody should be able to state on any website that there is such a thing as an anti-cancer nutrient. Period! According to the FTC, anyone even mentioning a "cure for cancer" is automatically a quack, regardless of the science backing their position.

Why won't the FTC question the fraud of Big Pharma?

That's because the real intent of the FTC is, of course, to shut down the health supplements industry, thereby protecting its corporate buddies in Big Pharma. Notice how the FTC never goes after the fraudulent advertising and outrageously false health claims of drug companies?I mean, if you're going to protect consumers from dangerous substances being sold, then there's no better place to start than with Big Pharma. Its drugs kill 100,000 Americans a year. What does the FTC have to say about that? Nothing.

How about the fraudulent science, the censored negative studies, the criminal price fixing practices and the monopoly racket run by Big Pharma and the FDA... does the FTC spend any effort looking into that? Of course not.What about the fact that FDA and Big Pharma are running a monopolistic price fixing scheme that allows some drugs to be sold at more than 500,000% markups over their manufacturing prices? Americans pay the highest prices in the world -- by far -- for their prescription drugs, and the drug control authorities trap Americans into monopoly pricing by banning imports from Canada and other countries.

It's blatant monopolistic pricing, and if it were happening to T-shirts, cars or software, the FTC would leap right in and start suing the companies involved. But when it concerns pharmaceuticals, the FTC remains silent, covering its eyes to the interstate commerce crimes being committed right now by the pharmaceutical industry.

Why the FTC is a threat to America

The FTC isn't looking out for you folks, it's just part of the criminal gang that's taking away your Free Speech, suppressing your access to truthful information about natural cancer cures, and harming tens of millions of Americans in the process. It's just another corrupt, government-run group of con artists who delude themselves into thinking they're protecting people by suppressing information about cancer cures.

You see, the official position of the U.S. government, the drug industry and the entire medical system is that cancer cures don't exist! That's astonishing, given that I've personally spoken to hundreds (maybe thousands) of people who CURED cancer using raw foods, nutritional supplements, anti-cancer herbs and alternative therapies.I've personally spoken with people who have cured pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, bone cancer, throat cancer, thyroid cancer and all sorts of other cancers.

I suppose, according to the FTC, I must have been imagining all these conversations. Maybe I'm hallucinating from eating too much vitamin C, and now I'm dreaming up imaginary conversations with people who claim to have cured cancer. That's apparently what the FTC believes.You see, the FTC has fallen in line with all the other health system criminals operating in the United States today by declaring there is no cure for cancer. It's like claiming "The Earth is flat!" It's such outmoded, ignorant thinking that I can only laugh in total disgust at the so-called "intelligent" people making that argument.

Of course, it's in the interests of the cancer industry to keep everybody completely misinformed about cancer cures.They can't afford to let you learn the truth about how easy it is to cure cancer. Cancer cures are so commonplace now that you'd have to actually make a conscious effort not to see them.You can cure cancer with infrared sauna therapies (detox through sweat) combined with the Max Gerson diet (, a raw foods diet, superfood supplements, and even things like insulin potentiation therapy, ultraviolet irradiation of your blood, oxygen therapy, Chinese medicine herbs and a whole host of other natural therapies that really work.

You can't find most of these therapies offered in the United States because all the natural cancerdoctors have either been arrested or fled the country due to the outright oppression of any medical technology outside the toxic chemotherapy and radiation protocols.Curing cancer, as one Chinese medicine doctor once told me, is easier than curing the common cold. But you'll probably have to leave the USA to actually participate in a cure, since curing or treating the cause of cancer (or just about any disease) has been outlawed in the U.S.Eliminating cancer tumors and boosting natural immune function is so incredibly easy that it takes the cancer industry billions of dollars a year in propaganda just to try to hide the truth from people. The FTC and FDA, for their part, use taxpayer money to continue the charade, so they essentially have unlimited funds to pursue their cancer propaganda and disinformation campaigns.

Only the internet allows people to learn the truth about cancer, and of course they're trying to shut that down, too. Only a few organizations like NaturalNews -- which sells no supplements whatsoever -- remains insulated from the orchestrated attacks on free speech now being waged by the FTC and FDA. Together, these two government monstrosities have become a force of death and destruction, laying waste to the health education of the American People, enforcing ignorance and health illiteracy that keeps the People enslaved in a fraudulent cancer racket offering nothing but bankruptcy and death.

Operation False Information

If anything, the FTC's announcement today should be called Operation False Information, because that's what it's all about: Spreading lies and disinformation about cancer cures, hoping to dissuade people from learning the truth about the very real cancer cures that exist right now.In taking this position, the FTC has joined the ranks of the criminally-operated FDA, EPA, DEA and USDA, all of which now operate as taxpayer-funded branches of Big Pharma that seek to destroy anything that competes with drug profits and the "culture of death" permeating American society. From a Biblical perspective, these organizations would be considered satanic, as if they were possessed by the devil himself. If this were Lord of the Rings, they would be like the Dark Lord Sauron, raising armies of orcs to spread darkness and death across the land in the quest for power and control.

Make no mistake: The FTC is waging war against the People, much like the FDA, and it will stop at nothing to discredit, destroy and bankrupt the natural products industry in its desperate, evil-minded efforts to enslave Americans in the Big Pharma system of medical control.Because, let's face it: Any organization that claims there is no cure for cancer is delusional.

They also claim there's no cure for diabetes, or heart disease, or osteoporosis. In fact, these delusional government people believe there is no cure for ANY disease! That's right: They don't believe there is any such thing as a cure for anything.That's a serious sign of complete detachment from reality. These people are more delusional than a bunch of DEAagents smoking up the crack they confiscated from the local crack house. They are high on their power and steeped in ignorance.

They know nothing of the real world and operate from a fictional set of delusions they're now trying to imprint upon the American people.To say there's no such thing as a natural cure for cancer is to instantly label yourself a moron. There are hundreds of natural cures for cancer, and people are curing themselves every day, using no pharmaceuticals, no chemotherapy, no irradiation and no doctors. And it's that reality that scares the bejeezus out of the cancer industry. No doctors? Well how on earth are they supposed to make their money if people can cure cancer themselves? That's the whole point, actually: While I want to set you free with the knowledge and power to heal yourself (and I have nothing to gain from you curing cancer, by the way), the cancer industry has everything to lose if you are empowered with knowledge and informed about natural cancer cures that really work. If you're cancer free, they'll lose your business, and the cancer industry is far more concerned about its own revenues than your health, believe me.

Is there such a thing as false advertising of natural cures?

Of course there is. Not all cancer cures on the internet are honest. But the FTC doesn't limit its targeted to just false promises. The FTC, by its own admission, believes that ANY mention of a cancer "cure" is, by itself, fraudulent. Thus, it throws the baby out with the bathwater by targeting all products that claim to cure cancer.Now, if you want to talk about false cures, let's talk about the chemotherapy industry, and the mammography industry, and the whole fraudulent system of oncology. A rigorous review of the scientific literature on chemotherapy reveals thatchemotherapy simply doesn't work on 98% of people. It's a fraud all by itself. And even when it "works" to shrink tumors, it doesn't give people quality of life or restored health. It doesn't cure cancer, in other words. It merely poisons the patient.Mammography is also a fraud. Rigorous scientific studies reveal that mammography harms ten women for every one woman it helps. The devices actually cause cancer by irradiating the breasts!(See )

Modern oncology is a fraud. It's marketed through a system of controlled, fabricated fear. An oncologist makes a false diagnosis, then scares the patient into agreeing to high-profit treatments by telling them, "You only have six months to live." This is not merely unethical, it's a criminal deception that's used every day in America to sign up consumers for conventional cancer treatments that will only harm them.So where is the FTC on investigating the chemotherapy fraud? The mammography fraud?

The fear marketing tactics of modern oncology? The FTC, as you well know, is a no-show on these issues. Apparently, poisons that kill people, and procedures that maim women are perfectly fine with the FTC, even when they are promoted using deceptive marketing tactics!The FTC, you see, thinks nothing of women being disfigured and having their breasts sliced off by cancer surgeons, even when they don't yet have breast cancer! That's perfectly fine with the FTC. But if you approach that same woman and offer to sell her some broccoli sprouts that can help reverse breast cancer, then suddenly you're the criminal!So the insane doctors wielding scalpels, poisons and lies are fully protected by the FTC, while the naturopaths selling healing nutrients and safe, effective cancer therapies are considered criminals. Welcome to the USA, friends... the land of medical insanity and government-enforced oppression of natural cures.

The People's Protection Agency

I think we need a new agency called the People's Protection Agency (PPA). The PPA is tasked with making arrests of the top criminals at the FTC, FDA, DEA, USDA and other government racket groups that threaten the health and safety of the American People.The PPA would have a list of certain people to arrest and prosecute for their crimes against humanity. It should be a completely non-violent organization, of course, but it should bring these unindicted criminals to justice and let all the evidence come out in a public forum where the truth is a matter of public record.

This list should include the top criminals at the FTC and FDA who are orchestrating these campaigns of health destruction and enforced ignorance against the American people.I would hope that these criminals be brought to justice through proper arrest and prosecution, and I might even recommend that we grant them immunity in exchange for their full accounts of what happened (like many Nazi war criminals, or even the Apartheid criminals in South Africa) so that future generations can learn from the mistakes of our own.

It's time to end government-sponsored medical tyranny

We are past the time of tolerating the ongoing medical abuse of our families and our children. It is time for the American People to stand up against tyranny, ignorance and oppression. It's time to take back our rights to openly and honestly describe the anti-cancer properties of plants, nutrients and therapies. And it's time that we recognized any person, institution or government that interferes with those God-given rights is itself an enemy of the People, and a disservice to all of humanity.Stay subscribed to NaturalNews to join the (peaceful) revolution that's coming.

Together, we can help transform this world from a place of death, destruction and ignorance to one of life, abundance and free knowledge. There are institutions that wish to prevent us from setting our fellow human beings free, but those institutions are already beginning to crumble, and soon, the opportunity will be right to step forward and be part of the creation of The Next Society, where knowledge reigns over ignorance, peace triumphs over war, and the People are set free from the mentalprisons in which they've been trapped for generations.Today's actions by the FTC are the last, desperate attempts to hold together the fragile bars of those prisons and prevent the human race from being set free by the truth about healing cancer.We can live in a world without cancer.

The technology exists right now. It's probably growing in your back yard. And yet the cancer industry is doing everything in its power to isolate people from the truth and prevent cancer cures from becoming so widely known that the entire cancer industry implodes like Bear Stearns Co.Be part of the revolution. Forward this article to everyone you know. Post it everywhere. Spread the truth, free the People, and stand up against the ignorance, tyranny and oppression of the cancer industry and its police state enforcers: The FTC and FDA.

Obama Declares Emergency - What's Next?

Obama's H1N1 national emergency declaration could invoke FEMA response to pandemic – So what is next martial law? – Gun confiscations? – FEMA Concentration Camps?

President Obama's declaration of a national pandemic emergency is "no cause for alarm," reported the mainstream media throughout the weekend. The declaration is nothing more than a "precaution," they say. "It's really more a continuation of our preparedness steps," said Anne Schuchat, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, in a USA Today story.In other words, there's not really any emergency at all. So why declare a national emergency in the first place? The media reports this was done to allow hospitals to bypass federal regulations concerning the setting up of large-scale triage sites -- emergency medical camps quickly constructed to deal with large numbers of sick people.But at the same time, H1N1 isn't causing large-scale sickness. As USA Today reported, an expert on infectious disease, P.J. Brennan (the chief medical officer for the Penn

Health System at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia) said, "The public ought to take some solace, some relief in this. It's not a suggestion that things have deteriorated in any way. In no way is the virus more severe or more difficult to manage."So let me get this straight. The H1N1 virus remains mild. The CDC reports that swine flu infections already peaked out in mid-October. There have been no new developments in swine flu that would be cause for alarm and no reason to suspect huge numbers of sick people flooding into the hospitals. And yet, for some reason, the Obama administration has declared a national pandemic emergency specifically for the purpose of speeding the ability of hospitals to process large masses of sick people through emergency medical triage tents?What are these people not telling us?Something doesn't add up here. Why would the U.S. government need to declare a national emergency to enable hospitals to handle a flood of sick people when there is no flood of sick people (and the pandemic seems to be fizzling out)?This is more like the kind of preparation you might expect in advance of a biological terrorism attack, not for a flu that appears no more dangerous than the seasonal sniffles.

The National Emergencies Act and FEMA

Meanwhile, the media ignores the rest of the story about what dangerous powers a declaration of a national emergency puts into play. As reported here on NaturalNews, this declaration effectively ends many civil liberties in America and, at least on paper, puts the U.S. government in the position of having the legal authority to force vaccinations on the entire population at gunpoint (if they wanted to).The National Emergencies Act passed in 1976 has some peculiar realities attached to it. In particular, as Wikipedia reports:A federal emergency declaration allows the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to exercise its power to deal with emergency situations ... Typically, a state of emergency empowers the executive to name coordinating officials to deal with the emergency and to override normal administrative processes regarding the passage of administrative rules.Got that yet? By declaring a national emergency, Obama invokes a set of laws that not only override important sections of the U.S.

Constitution, but that also activate FEMA to take charge of "responding" to the emergency.Now we know why they need all those emergency medical tent camps near the hospitals. FEMA's in charge! And if FEMA handles the swine flu pandemic in the same way the agency handled the Hurricane Katrina disaster, we may indeed need all those emergency triage tents after all.Those of you who have been following the ongoing march to destroy the freedoms of the American

People already know about FEMA camps. These aren't Boy Scout field trip camps; they're detention centers designed to hold large numbers of people for "emergency" purposes. Many theories abound on what these FEMA camps might be used for ( ( They could conceivably be used to quarantine people who are infected with a dangerous pandemic virus. On the other hand, they might also be used to isolated and detain people who refuse to be vaccinated against any declared pandemic. Under the National Emergencies Act and related U.S. law, FEMA would have two years of near-total control over the civilian population, during which people could be subjected to forced vaccinations, mandatory searches of their homes, gunpoint detainment and "involuntary transportation" to a FEMA detainment facility, and so on.And that's not freedom. Real freedom means you have the guaranteed right to be safe from being detained, or arrested without cause, or injected with a government-mandated chemical. Under a declaration of a national emergency, your "freedom" is at the whim of those who maintain police state powers over you. You're only "free" if they decide to refrain from exercising the power they have over you. It's the same kind of freedom you might get as a peasant in some Medieval kingdom where the king says, "You're free to go."Now, some of these freedom-restricting actions might conceivably be justifiable if a truly dangerous pandemic virus were sweeping through the population killing millions, causing huge disruptions in the national infrastructure and threatening the nation with a partial or total shutdown of essential services. But that is not happening here. H1N1 is a mild virus that rates astonishingly low on the severity scale. If H1N1 were a hurricane, it would be little more than a "tropical depression." It is not a category five hurricane, nor a phase six pandemic. Virtually everyone who is exposed to H1N1 generates their own antibodies and cures themselves naturally. According to hospital reports, those who have died from the H1N1 virus are almost exclusively people who were already suffering from preexisting conditions that compromised their health such as asthma or extreme obesity.By any measure, H1N1 as currently configured appears to present no extraordinary threat to the health of the population. So once again, we must ask: Why declare a national emergency and initiate a FEMA response to something that's not really an emergency?

Why I'm concerned

For the first time in this whole pandemic situation, I'm concerned. Not due to the virus itself, because that's a mild virus that presents no real threat to the population at large. I'm concerned about what we don't know might be going on behind the scenes here.These preparations for large-scale medical triage tents and the emergency activation of FEMA have me worried that the American people aren't being told the whole story. Perhaps a terrorist organization is planning on releasing a wildly dangerous mutation of H1N1 in some major U.S. city. Or perhaps some vaccine maker is, in fact, that terrorist organization. (The best way to sell more vaccines would be to release a mutated form of H1N1 into the population and scare up some more sales...)

Or maybe, as some creative thinkers have suggested, the vaccine itself IS a bioweapon, and the U.S. government is preparation for large-scale fatalities it expects to see soon.Or maybe these are just fleeting, dark visions from crazy people, and the U.S. government is a benevolent organization with all our best interests in mind, and they're jumping through these bureaucratic hoops to make sure there are plenty of hospital beds to go 'round just in case more people get really sick.But even that explanation doesn't hold water. A "national emergency declaration" isn't necessary to waive hospital tent rules. Obama could have easily accomplished the same thing with an Executive Order, without having to invoke the National Emergencies Act or put FEMA in charge at all.He chose the emergency declaration for a specific reason. I guess we'll all have to wait and see what that real reason turns out to be.

Sources for this story include:

USA Today:
